Sebastian Hahn
Remove rovv from the website. Maybe that'll help.
Sebastian Hahn commited e104457e4 at 2012-03-27 16:10:52
## translation metadata
# Revision: $Revision$
# Translation-Priority: 3-low
#include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: Volunteers" CHARSET="UTF-8"
<div id="content" class="clearfix">
<div id="breadcrumbs">
<a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
<a href="<page about/overview>">About &raquo; </a>
<a href="<page about/volunteers>">Volunteers</a>
<div id="maincol">
<dt>Google Summer of Code, 2011</dt><dd>
Brandon Wiley - <a href="">Blocking-resistant Transport Evaluation Framework</a><br />
George Kadianakis - <a href="">Pluggable transports</a><br />
Julien Voisin - <a href="">Metadata Anonymisation Toolkit</a><br />
Kamran Khan - <a href="">GTK+ Frontend and Client Mode Improvements for arm</a><br />
Max - <a href="">Custom GDM3 startup menu, aka. tails-greeter</a><br />
Sathyanarayanan Gunasekaran - <a href="">GSoC : Orbot + ORLib</a></dd>
<dt>Anonym, bertagaz, and intrigeri</dt><dd>Maintainers of <a
href="">The Amnesic Incognito Live System</a>.</dd>
<dt>Marco Bonetti</dt><dd>Focusing on MobileTor for the iPhone.</dd>
<dt>Kasimir Gabert</dt><dd>Maintains TorStatus.</dd>
<dt>Marcia Hofmann and Kevin Bankston</dt><dd>EFF lawyers who helped
write the <a href="<page eff/tor-legal-faq>">Tor Legal FAQ</a> and
tirelessly answers the phone when somebody in the world has a legal
question about Tor.</dd>
<dt>Andreas Jonsson</dt><dd>Works on OS X Tor Browser Bundle sandbox
<dt>Fabian Keil</dt><dd>One of the core Privoxy developers, and also a
Tor fan. He's the reason Tor and Privoxy still work well together.</dd>
<dt>Julius Mittenzwei</dt><dd>A lawyer with the CCC in
Germany. Coordinates the German Tor community with respect to legal
questions and concerns.</dd>
<dt>Shava Nerad</dt><dd>Our former Development Director. She still works
on PR and community relations.</dd>
<dt>Lasse &Oslash;verlier</dt><dd>Writes research papers on Tor: attacks,
defenses, and resource management, especially for hidden services.</dd>
<dt>Nart Villeneuve</dt><dd>Security researcher who works with
Jacob on Internet Censorship research.</dd>
<dt>Ethan Zuckerman</dt><dd>A blogger who has written some
<a href="">interesting</a>
<a href="">tutorials</a>
for how, when, and whether to use Tor. He also teaches activists around
the world about Tor and related tools.</dd>
<dt>All our relay operators, people who write <a
href="">research papers</a> about Tor,
people who teach others about Tor, etc.</dt>