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at 2017-01-11 15:59:31
## translation metadata # Revision: $Revision$ # Translation-Priority: 3-low #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: Core People" CHARSET="UTF-8" <div id="content" class="clearfix"> <div id="breadcrumbs"> <a href="<page index>">Home » </a> <a href="<page about/overview>">About » </a> <a href="<page about/corepeople>">Tor People</a> </div> <div id="maincol"> <p>The organization consists of many volunteers and a few employees. Please don't contact us individually about Tor topics — if you have a problem or question, please look through the <a href="<page about/contact>">contact page</a> for appropriate addresses.</p> <h1>Core Tor People</h1> <dl> <dt>Sue Abt, Accounting Manager</dt> <dd>Sue runs Tor's finances and audit compliance.</dd> <dt>Micah Anderson</dt> <dd>Helps with tracking bad relays. Runs one of the directory authorities.</dd> <dt>Isabela Bagueros, Project Manager</dt> <dd>Coordinates Tor's development teams and helps them define their road maps, keeps track of priorities, and ensures that Tor is always thinking “user first” while building things.</dd> <dt>Moritz Bartl, Advocate</dt> <dd>Manages <a href="">Zwiebelfreunde</a> (a German non-profit to run exit relays), and coordinates the many similar non-profits that are springing up in other countries. Speaks and organizes in support of Tor and freedoms in Europe and world-wide.</dd> <dt>Griffin Boyce, Developer</dt> <dd>Works on <a href="">Cupcake</a>, a set of browser extensions to let people volunteer to become a <a href="">Flash Proxy</a> for censored users. Also develops <a href="">Satori</a>, an app to help people safely download Tor Browser and related tools.</dd> <dt>Kathleen Brade, Developer</dt> <dd>Part of the Tor Browser team — develops and maintains Tor Launcher and Torbutton.</dd> <dt>Arlo Breault, Developer</dt> <dd>Rewrote <a href="">Tor Check</a> so now it can handle all our users, and helps with Flash Proxy and other pluggable transport work. Also working on <a href="">Tor Messenger</a>, and on Snowflake.</dd> <dt>Cass Brewer, Writer</dt><dd></dd> <dt>Colin Childs, Support and Translation Coordinator</dt> <dd>Helps wrangle <a href="">Transifex</a> for us, and also helps answer all the users who contact the support desk.</dd> <dt>Erinn Clark</dt> <dd>Erinn used to be our build and automation engineer. Now she has a day job at First Look Media, and remains active in the general privacy space.</dd> <dt>Roger Dingledine, Research Director and President</dt> <dd>Original developer of Tor along with Nick Mathewson and Paul Syverson. Leading researcher in the anonymous communications field. Frequent speaker at conferences to advocate Tor and explain what Tor is and can do. Helps coordinate academic researchers. Runs one of the directory authorities.</dd> <dt>Arthur Edelstein, Developer</dt> <dd>Works on Tor Browser and Torbutton.</dd> <dt>Nima Fatemi, Advocate</dt> <dd>Usability team, Farsi advocate, <a href="">Library Freedom Project</a> developer.</dd> <dt>David Fifield, Developer, Researcher</dt> <dd>Developer and co-inventor of <a href="">Flash Proxy</a> and <a href="">meek</a>. Helps lead the pluggable transports team. Grad student at Berkeley.</dd> <dt>Arturo Filastò, OONI Leader</dt> <dd>Project leader for <a href="">OONI</a>, has helped with <a href="">tor2web</a>, wrote <a href="">Atlas</a>, and generally helps to evaluate and improve security.</dd> <dt>Matt Finkel, Developer</dt> <dd>Has helped maintain and develop <a href="">BridgeDB</a>, OONI, and many other projects.</dd> <dt>Nathan Freitas, Mobile phone hacker</dt> <dd>The driving force behind <a href="">The Guardian Project</a> and Tor on the Android platform in the form of <a href="<page docs/android>">Orbot</a>. He also works on <a href="">OrLib</a>: an Android library for Tor, and <a href="">Orweb: A privacy-enhanced mobile browser</a>.</dd> <dt>Aaron Gibson, Developer</dt> <dd>Used to develop OONI, and now works on Torflow.</dd> <dt>Dr. Ian Goldberg, Researcher</dt> <dd>Cryptographer, privacy expert, and professor; one of the designers of <a href="">Off-the-Record Messaging</a>.</dd> <dt>David Goulet, Developer</dt> <dd>Onion services developer, core member of Tor development team, and lead developer of Torsocks 2.0.</dd> <dt>Allen Gunn, Tor Community Meetings</dt> <dd>Gunner co-organizes and helps lead the <a href="">Tor Dev Meetings</a>, and advises on Tor community matters.</dd> <dt>Sebastian Hahn, Developer</dt> <dd>Helps people around the world use and understand Tor better. Generally helps everything run smoothly. Runs one of the directory authorities.</dd> <dt>Serene Han, Developer</dt> <dd>Develops Snowflake, a WebRTC-enabled Flash Proxy design. Part of the pluggable transport team.</dd> <dt>intrigeri, Developer</dt> <dd>Our main interface with the <a href="">Tails</a> project.</dd> <dt>Isis, Developer</dt> <dd>Lead maintainer and developer on <a href="">BridgeDB</a>. Used to work on OONI.</dd> <dt>Dr. Rob Jansen, Researcher</dt> <dd>Lead developer for <a href="">Shadow</a>, a full Tor network simulator that he's using to help us understand and improve Tor network performance.</dd> <dt>Dr. Aaron Johnson, Researcher</dt> <dd>Works on understanding diversity and trust in Tor network locations. See for example the <a href="">CCS 2013</a> paper.</dd> <dt>Damian Johnson, Developer</dt> <dd>Author of <a href="">arm</a>, a command-line application that provides real-time status information for Tor relays, and <a href="">Stem</a>, a controller library for interacting with Tor.</dd> <dt>asn, Developer</dt> <dd>Onion services developer, core member of Tor development team, Obfsproxy developer, and researcher on bridge scanning resistance.</dd> <dt>Georg Koppen, Developer</dt> <dd>Works on Tor Browser, Torbutton, and our build automation.</dd> <dt>Kate Krauss, Director of Communications and Public Policy</dt> <dd>Plans Tor's communications strategy and evaluates Tor's possible role in pubic discussions about Tor-related issues.</dd> <dt>Jens Kubieziel, Sysadmin</dt> <dd>Helps keep our core infrastructure going.</dd> <dt>Pepijn Le Heux, Advocate</dt> <dd>Tireless advocate and Tor enthusiast in the Netherlands.</dd> <dt>Andreas Lehner, Advocate</dt> <dd>Operates a directory authority in Germany with the CCC, and does talks and discussions in support of privacy around Europe.</dd> <dt>Israel Leiva, Developer</dt> <dd>Develops <a href="">GetTor</a>, a service that provides alternative methods to download Tor Browser.</dd> <dt>Dr. Karsten Loesing, Lead Metrics Researcher and Developer</dt> <dd>Primary researcher and developer into <a href="">anonymous metrics</a> which started as a National Science Foundation grant.</dd> <dt>Lunar</dt> <dd>Originally helped lead the support team, Debian packaging, and Tor Weekly News issues. Now working on <a href="">Reproducible Builds</a>.</dd> <dt>Ximin Luo</dt> <dd>Helps with Debian packaging.</dd> <dt>Alison Macrina, Advocate</dt> <dd>Leads the <a href="">Library Freedom Project</a>: helps the world understand the value of Tor, and also helps strengthen the network with exit relays at libraries.</dd> <dt>Nick Mathewson, Chief Architect and Vice President</dt> <dd>One of the three original designers of Tor—does a lot of the ongoing design work, and coordinates and leads ongoing development.</dd> <dt>meejah, Developer</dt> <dd>Author of <a href="">txtorcon</a>, a Tor controller library in Twisted.</dd> <dt>Ondrej Mikle</dt> <dd>Maintains our RPM packages.</dd> <dt>Julius Mittenzwei</dt> <dd>Germany-based lawyer and Internet activist.</dd> <dt>Dr. Steven Murdoch, Researcher and Developer</dt> <dd>Researcher at University College London who works on security, performance, and usability of Tor. Original creator of the <a href="<page projects/torbrowser>">Tor Browser Bundle</a> (now just called Tor Browser). You can find out more about his work on his <a href="">professional website</a>.</dd> <dt>Linus Nordberg, Advocate, Developer</dt> <dd>Swedish advocate for Tor, anonymous communications research. Works on implementing IPv6 in Tor, and helps with build automation. Runs one of the directory authorities.</dd> <dt>Donncha O'Cearbhaill, Developer</dt> <dd>Onion services developer, OnionBalance developer, hunter of bad relays.</dd> <dt>Peter Palfrader, Sysadmin and Developer</dt> <dd>Manages the Debian packages, runs one of the directory authorities, and generally helps out a lot.</dd> <dt>Brad Parker, Chief Financial and Grants Officer</dt> <dd></dd> <dt>Mike Perry, Tor Browser and Tor Performance Developer</dt> <dd>Lead developer on Tor Browser, developer of <a href="<page docs/torbutton/index>">Torbutton</a>, author of <a href="">TorFlow</a>.</dd> <dt>Fabio Pietrosanti, Advocate and Developer</dt> <dd>Originally involved with Tor2Web, and is now our connection to the Globaleaks project.</dd> <dt>Amogh Pradeep, Developer</dt> <dd>Leads the development of <a href="">Orfox</a>, which is shaping up to be the Tor Browser equivalent for Android.</dd> <dt>Silvia Puglisi, Services Hacker</dt> <dd>Services admin, metrics team contributor, and generally helping picking up tasks around.</dd> <dt>Sina Rabbani, Advocate</dt> <dd>Does trainings and outreach. Runs one of the directory authorities.</dd> <dt>Tom Ritter, Developer</dt> <dd>Maintains <a href="">Consensus Health</a> and runs one of the bandwidth authorities.</dd> <dt>Leif Ryge, Developer</dt> <dd>Works on security analysis, designer of "bananaphone" transport, and part of the pluggable transports team.</dd> <dt>Jon Selon, Administrative Manager</dt> <dd>General administrative tasks, event coordination, donor management, swag management.</dd> <dt>Wendy Seltzer</dt> <dd>Lawyer, cyberlaw professor, and founder of <a href=""></a>.</dd> <dt>Sukhbir Singh, Developer</dt> <dd>Develops and maintains TorBirdy (Torbutton for Thunderbird). Rewrote and maintains Gettor. Working on <a href="">Tor Messenger</a>.</dd> <dt>Mark Smith, Developer</dt> <dd>Part of the Tor Browser team — develops and maintains Tor Launcher and Torbutton.</dd> <dt>David Stainton, Developer</dt> <dd>David contributes code to txtorcon (onion service endpoint), authored roflcopter (tor control port filter daemon) and HoneyBadger (TCP injection attack detector). He also analyzes the Tor network for attacks.</dd> <dt>Shari Steele, Executive Director</dt> <dd>Shari comes to the Tor Project with more than 22 years of experience fighting for Internet freedom at the <a href="">Electronic Frontier Foundation</a> (EFF), a nonprofit civil liberties organization working for digital rights. Shari started out as a staff attorney at EFF and worked her way up to the executive director job. She currently serves on EFF's board.</dd> <dt>Dr. Paul Syverson, Researcher</dt> <dd>Inventor of <a href="">Onion Routing</a>, original designer of Tor along with Roger and Nick, and project leader for original design, development, and deployment of Tor. Currently helps out with research and design.</dd> <dt>Noel David Torres Taño</dt> <dd>Spanish translator; helps answer all the users who contact the support desk.</dd> <dt>Rabbi Rob Thomas</dt> <dd>Shares his experience with smoothly running non-profits, and also serves as our Internet governance bureaucracy guru.</dd> <dt>Juris Vetra</dt> <dd>Helps run, and also volunteers distributing Tor shirts and other swag.</dd> <dt>Nicolas Vigier, Developer</dt> <dd>Working on build automation, particularly around the Tor Browser.</dd> <dt>Tim Wilson-Brown, Developer, Researcher</dt> <dd>Onion services developer, and core member of Tor development team. Researches Tor network measurement and onion service scalability.</dd> <dt>Philipp Winter, Researcher</dt> <dd>Understands how to manipulate and circumvent Tor network censorship attempts. Main developer of <a href="">ScrambleSuit</a>, and part of the pluggable transports team. Post-doc at Princeton.</dd> <dt>Erin Wyatt, HR Manager</dt> <dd>Employee benefits, policy questions, and baked goods.</dd> <dt>Yawning Angel, Developer</dt> <dd>Lead developer on obfs4proxy and other pluggable transports. Part of the pluggable transports team.</dd> </dl> </div> <!-- END MAINCOL --> <div id = "sidecol"> #include "side.wmi" #include "info.wmi" </div> <!-- END SIDECOL --> </div> <!-- END CONTENT --> #include <foot.wmi>