set -e # stop if we encounter an error
svn update
# Update a timestamp so we can check whether each mirror is
# up to date.
[ -d project/trace ] || mkdir -p project/trace
date -u > project/trace/www.torproject.org
# don't copy over stuff with permissions that make it useless
chmod a+r * -R
## I'm not comfortable having arbitrary people use --delete yet,
## since if they screw up it'll blow away arbitrary things.
#rsync -Prvz --delete . tor.eff.org:directory/
rsync --exclude .svn --exclude .deps --exclude svn --exclude dist --exclude releases --exclude torbutton-current.xpi -Prvz --delete . byblos:/var/www/www.torproject.org/htdocs/
ssh byblos chmod g+w -R /var/www/www.torproject.org/htdocs
echo "Forcing mirror update"
ssh byblos '/var/lib/mirror-tor/trigger-sync'