Andrew Lewman
add a horizontal rule now that we've reduced the space between body and footer. clean up the CC attribution, center the text, and put the last modified to the bottom.
Andrew Lewman commited c9a0cac08 at 2009-03-03 05:28:50
## translation metadata
# Revision: $Revision$
# Translation-Priority: 1-high
#use "functions.wmi"
<hr />
<div class="bottom" id="bottom">
<p>"Tor" and the "Onion Logo" are <a href="<page trademark-faq>">registered trademarks</a> of The Tor Project, Inc.
<br />
Content on this site is licensed under a <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License</a>, unless otherwise noted.
# Uncomment this in your translation: (and translate it)
# <: unless (translation_current()) { :>
# <p>
# Warning: This translation might be obsolete. The English original
# is at Revision
# <:= translation_get_masterrevision() :> while this translation
# is based on
# <:= translation_get_basedonrevision() :>.
# </p>
# <: } :>
<: if (has_translations()) { :>
This page is also available in the following languages:
<: print list_translations() :>.<br />
How to set <a href="">the default document language</a>.
<: }; :>
# Uncomment this in your translation: (and translate it)
# <p>The Tor developers have not reviewed this translation for
# accuracy and correctness. It may be out of date or wrong. The
# official Tor website is the English version, available at <a
# href=""></a>.
# </p>
<i><a href="<page contact>" class="smalllink">Webmaster</a></i> -
# please also translate "last modified" and "last compiled"
Last modified: <:{ my @stat = stat('$(LANG)/'.$WML_SRC_FILENAME); print scalar localtime($stat[9]); }:>
Last compiled: <: print scalar localtime(); :>