traumschule commited on 2018-09-10 00:44:48
Zeige 11 geänderte Dateien mit 219 Einfügungen und 468 Löschungen.
... | ... |
@@ -816,14 +816,14 @@ table tr img { |
816 | 816 |
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817 | 817 |
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818 | 818 |
819 |
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826 |
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3 | 3 |
\ No newline at end of file |
... | ... |
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ or whatever it is) in place of <DISTRIBUTION>. |
178 | 178 |
179 | 179 |
<p> |
180 | 180 |
If you want to use the |
181 |
-<a href="<page download/download-unix>#packagediff">development branch</a> |
182 |
-of Tor instead (more features and more bugs), you need add a different set of |
181 |
+<a href="<page download/download>#packagediff">development branch</a> |
182 |
+of Tor instead (more features and more bugs), you need to add a different set of |
183 | 183 |
lines to your <i>/etc/apt/sources.list</i> file:<br /> |
184 | 184 |
<blockquote><pre> |
185 | 185 |
deb <DISTRIBUTION> main |
... | ... |
@@ -1408,7 +1408,7 @@ |
1408 | 1408 |
1409 | 1409 |
<p> |
1410 | 1410 |
First (best option), if you're on Linux, you can install the |
1411 |
- <a href="<page download/download-unix>">system Tor package</a> |
1411 |
+ <a href="<page download/download>#tor-package">system Tor package</a> |
1412 | 1412 |
(e.g. apt-get install tor) and then set it up to be a relay |
1413 | 1413 |
(<a href="">instructions</a>). |
1414 | 1414 |
You can then use TBB independent of that. |
... | ... |
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ |
31 | 31 |
32 | 32 |
<div id="dow-don-left"> |
33 | 33 |
<div id="tor" style="padding: 15px"> |
34 |
- Are you looking for the <a href="<page download/tor>">Tor source tarball</a>? |
34 |
+ Are you looking for the <a href="<page download/download>">Tor source tarball</a>? |
35 | 35 |
</div> |
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<!-- START WINDOWS --> |
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<!-- START WINDOWS 64-Bit --> |
... | ... |
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ |
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-## translation metadata |
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-# Revision: $Revision$ |
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-# Translation-Priority: 3-low |
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-#include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor: Download for Linux/Unix" CHARSET="UTF-8" |
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- |
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- <div id="content" class="clearfix"> |
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- <div id="breadcrumbs"><a href="<page index>">Home » </a><a href="<page download/download-unix>">Download</a></div> |
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- <div id="maincol-left"> |
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- <h1>Download Tor for Unix, Linux, BSD</h1> |
11 |
- |
12 |
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- <div class="warning"> |
14 |
- <h2>Want Tor to really work?</h2> |
15 |
- <p>...then please don't just install it and go on. |
16 |
- You need to change some of your habits, and reconfigure |
17 |
- your software! Tor by itself is <em>NOT</em> all you need |
18 |
- to maintain your anonymity. Read the <a href="<page download/download>#warning">full |
19 |
- list of warnings</a>.</p> |
20 |
- </div> |
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- |
23 |
-<p>Looking for a <a href="<page download/tor>">source tarball</a>?</p> |
24 |
- |
25 |
- <table class="topforty"> |
26 |
-<thead> |
27 |
-<tr bgcolor="#009933" style="color: white; "> |
28 |
- <th colspan="2">Platform</th> |
29 |
- <th>Download Stable</th> |
30 |
- <th>Download Unstable</th> |
31 |
- <th>Installation and Configuration</th> |
32 |
-</tr> |
33 |
-</thead> |
34 |
- |
35 |
-<tr> |
36 |
-<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/debian.png" alt="Debian"> <img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/ubuntu.png" alt="Ubuntu"> <img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/knoppix.png" alt="Knoppix"></td> |
37 |
-<td>Debian, Ubuntu, Knoppix</td> |
38 |
-<td colspan="2"><a href="<page docs/debian>">repository packages</a> </td> |
39 |
-<td> <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a> </td> |
40 |
-</tr> |
41 |
- |
42 |
-<tr class="beige"> |
43 |
-<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/centos.png" alt="CentOS"> <img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/fedora.png" alt="Fedora"></td> |
44 |
-<td>CentOS and Fedora</td> |
45 |
-<td colspan="2">yum install tor / dnf install tor</td> |
46 |
-<td> <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a> </td> |
47 |
-</tr> |
48 |
- |
49 |
-<tr> |
50 |
-<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/gentoo.png" alt="Gentoo Linux"></td> |
51 |
-<td>Gentoo Linux</td> |
52 |
-<td colspan="2"><kbd>emerge tor</kbd></td> |
53 |
-<td> |
54 |
-<a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a><br> |
55 |
-</td> |
56 |
-</tr> |
57 |
- |
58 |
-<tr class="beige"> |
59 |
-<td align="center"><img height="40" src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/slackware.png" alt="Slackware"></td> |
60 |
-<td>Slackware</td> |
61 |
-<td colspan="2"><a href=""></a></td> |
62 |
-<td> |
63 |
-<a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a><br> |
64 |
-</td> |
65 |
-</tr> |
66 |
- |
67 |
-<tr> |
68 |
-<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/freebsd.png" alt="FreeBSD"></td> |
69 |
-<td>FreeBSD</td> |
70 |
-<td colspan="2"><kbd>pkg install tor</kbd></td> |
71 |
-<td><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a></td> |
72 |
-</tr> |
73 |
- |
74 |
-<tr class="beige"> |
75 |
-<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/openbsd.png" alt="OpenBSD"></td> |
76 |
-<td>OpenBSD</td> |
77 |
-<td colspan="2"><kbd>pkg_add tor</kbd></td> |
78 |
-<td> |
79 |
-<a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a><br> |
80 |
-<a href="<wiki>doc/OpenbsdChrootedTor">Guide to chrooting Tor in OpenBSD</a> |
81 |
-</td> |
82 |
-</tr> |
83 |
- |
84 |
-<tr> |
85 |
-<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/netbsd.png" alt="NetBSD"></td> |
86 |
-<td>NetBSD</td> |
87 |
-<td colspan="2"><kbd>cd /usr/pkgsrc/net/tor && make install</kbd></td> |
88 |
-<td><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a></td> |
89 |
-</tr> |
90 |
- |
91 |
-<tr class="beige"> |
92 |
-<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/terminal.png" alt="Source code"></td> |
93 |
-<td>Source tarballs</td> |
94 |
-<td> |
95 |
-<a href="<package-source-stable>"><version-stable></a> |
96 |
- (<a href="<package-source-stable>.asc">sig</a>) |
97 |
-</td> |
98 |
-<td> |
99 |
-<a href="<package-source-alpha>"><version-alpha></a> |
100 |
- (<a href="<package-source-alpha>.asc">sig</a>) |
101 |
-</td> |
102 |
-<td><kbd>./configure && make && src/or/tor</kbd> (or src/app/tor starting in 0.3.5.x)</td> |
103 |
-</tr> |
104 |
- |
105 |
-</table> |
106 |
- |
107 |
-<div class="nb"> |
108 |
-<a id="packagediff"></a> |
109 |
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#packagediff">What's the difference between Stable & Unstable?</a></h2> |
110 |
- |
111 |
-<p> |
112 |
-Stable packages are released when we believe the features and code will |
113 |
-not change for many months. |
114 |
-</p> |
115 |
-<p> |
116 |
-Unstable packages are released so you can help us test new features and bugfixes. Even though they have a higher version number |
117 |
-than the stable versions listed above, there is a much higher chance of |
118 |
-serious reliability and security bugs in these downloads. Please be prepared to <a href="">report bugs</a>. |
119 |
-</p> |
120 |
-</div> |
121 |
- |
122 |
-<div class="underline"></div> |
123 |
-<div class="nb"> |
124 |
-<p> |
125 |
-Tor is distributed as <a href="">Free Software</a> |
126 |
-under the <a href="<gitblob>LICENSE">3-clause BSD license</a>. |
127 |
-</p> |
128 |
-<p> |
129 |
-There is no fee for installing Tor, or using the Tor network, but |
130 |
-if you want Tor to become faster and more usable please consider |
131 |
-<a href="<page donate/donate-download>">making a tax-deductible donation to The Tor Project</a>. |
132 |
-</p> |
133 |
-</div> |
134 |
- |
135 |
-<div class="underline"></div> |
136 |
-<div class="nb"> |
137 |
-<p> |
138 |
-To keep informed of security advisories and new stable releases, subscribe |
139 |
-to the <a href="">tor-announce |
140 |
-mailing list</a> (you will be asked to confirm via email). You can also |
141 |
-<a href="">watch |
142 |
-the list's RSS feed</a>. |
143 |
-</p> |
144 |
-</div> |
145 |
- |
146 |
-<p> |
147 |
-If you would like to research any past release of Tor source, packages, |
148 |
-or other binaries, see <a href="">the |
149 |
-archive</a>. |
150 |
-</p> |
151 |
- |
152 |
-<div class="nb"> |
153 |
-<p> |
154 |
-If you have trouble downloading Tor from this site, here is a <a |
155 |
-href="<page getinvolved/mirrors>">list of sites mirroring the Tor site</a>. |
156 |
-</p> |
157 |
- |
158 |
-<a id="ChangeLog"></a> |
159 |
-<a id="Stable"></a> |
160 |
-<a id="Testing"></a> |
161 |
-<p> |
162 |
-For a list of what has changed in each stable Tor release, see the |
163 |
-<a href="<gitblob>ReleaseNotes<cgitstable>">ReleaseNotes</a>. For a list of |
164 |
-changes in both stable and development versions, see the |
165 |
-<a href="<gitblob>ChangeLog">ChangeLog</a>. |
166 |
-</p> |
167 |
-</div> |
168 |
- </div> |
169 |
- <!-- END MAINCOL --> |
170 |
- <div id="sidecol-right"> |
171 |
- <div class="img-shadow"> |
172 |
- <div class="infoblock"> |
173 |
- <h2>Verify Signatures</h2> |
174 |
- <p>Verify your downloads with our GPG signatures:</p> |
175 |
- <a href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">Read how to |
176 |
-verify the signatures</a>. |
177 |
- </div> |
178 |
- </div> |
179 |
- <!-- END INFOBLOCK --> |
180 |
- <div class="img-shadow"> |
181 |
- <div class="sidenav-sub"> |
182 |
- <h2>Having Trouble?</h2> |
183 |
- <ul> |
184 |
- <li class="dropdown"><a href="#packagediff">What are the differences between stable and unstable downloads?</a></li> |
185 |
- </ul> |
186 |
- </div> |
187 |
- </div> |
188 |
- <!-- END SIDENAV --> |
189 |
- </div> |
190 |
- <!-- END SIDECOL --> |
191 |
- </div> |
192 |
- <!-- END CONTENT --> |
193 |
- |
194 |
- |
195 |
-#include <foot.wmi> |
... | ... |
@@ -149,17 +149,6 @@ you are used to. Please read the <a href="#warning">full list of warnings</a> fo |
149 | 149 |
<p>Everything you need to safely browse the Internet. This |
150 | 150 |
package requires no installation. Just extract it and run. <a |
151 | 151 |
href="<page projects/torbrowser>">Learn more »</a></p> |
152 |
-<!-- repo packages --> |
153 |
- <div class="package" style="border-bottom: 0px;"> |
154 |
- <div class="downloads"> |
155 |
- <a class="additional" style="font-weight: bold;" |
156 |
-href="<page download/download-unix>">Tor repositories.</a> |
157 |
- </div> |
158 |
- |
159 |
- <h2>Tor (standalone)</h2> |
160 |
- <p>Install the Tor components yourself, run a relay, create |
161 |
-custom configurations. All an apt-get or yum install away.</p> |
162 |
- </div> |
163 | 152 |
</div> |
164 | 153 |
</article> |
165 | 154 |
</div> |
... | ... |
@@ -231,9 +220,10 @@ custom configurations. All an apt-get or yum install away.</p> |
231 | 220 |
</label> |
232 | 221 |
<article class="ac-small"> |
233 | 222 |
<div class="package" style="padding-top: 13px; border-top: 0px; border-bottom: 1px solid #888888;"> |
234 |
- <p>Want to build <a href="<page download/tor>">Tor</a> or |
235 |
- <a href="<page projects/torbrowser>">Tor Browser</a> from source? |
236 |
- Read the <a href=""> |
223 |
+ <p> |
224 |
+ To build <a href="<page projects/torbrowser>">Tor Browser</a> |
225 |
+ from source see the |
226 |
+ <a href=""> |
237 | 227 |
Tor Browser Hacking Guide</a></p> |
238 | 228 |
</div> |
239 | 229 |
</article> |
... | ... |
@@ -245,8 +235,209 @@ custom configurations. All an apt-get or yum install away.</p> |
245 | 235 |
</section> |
246 | 236 |
<!-- END TOR BROWSER --> |
247 | 237 |
238 |
+<!-- START TOR --> |
239 |
+ <h1>Download Tor</h1> |
240 |
+ <section id="tor" class="accordion download"> |
241 |
242 |
+ <div id="tor-packages"> |
243 |
+ <input id="ac-tor-packages" name="accordion-tor-packages" type="checkbox" /> |
244 |
+ <label for="ac-tor-packages" class="source24"> |
245 |
+ <h1><a name="tor-packages">Packages</a></h1> |
246 |
+ </label> |
247 |
+ <article class="ac-small"> |
248 |
+ |
249 |
+<table class="topforty"> |
250 |
+<thead> |
251 |
+<tr bgcolor="#009933" style="color: white; "> |
252 |
+ <th colspan="2">Platform</th> |
253 |
+ <th>Download Stable</th> |
254 |
+ <th>Download Unstable</th> |
255 |
+ <th>Installation and Configuration</th> |
256 |
+</tr> |
257 |
+</thead> |
258 |
+ |
259 |
+<tr> |
260 |
+<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/debian.png" alt="Debian"> <img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/ubuntu.png" alt="Ubuntu"> <img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/knoppix.png" alt="Knoppix"></td> |
261 |
+<td>Debian, Ubuntu, Knoppix</td> |
262 |
+<td colspan="2"><a href="<page docs/debian>">repository packages</a> </td> |
263 |
+<td> <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a> </td> |
264 |
+</tr> |
265 |
+ |
266 |
+<tr class="beige"> |
267 |
+<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/centos.png" alt="CentOS"> <img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/fedora.png" alt="Fedora"></td> |
268 |
+<td>CentOS and Fedora</td> |
269 |
+<td colspan="2">yum install tor / dnf install tor</td> |
270 |
+<td> <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a> </td> |
271 |
+</tr> |
272 |
+ |
273 |
+<tr> |
274 |
+<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/gentoo.png" alt="Gentoo Linux"></td> |
275 |
+<td>Gentoo Linux</td> |
276 |
+<td colspan="2"><kbd>emerge tor</kbd></td> |
277 |
+<td> |
278 |
+<a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a><br> |
279 |
+</td> |
280 |
+</tr> |
281 |
+ |
282 |
+<tr class="beige"> |
283 |
+<td align="center"><img height="40" src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/slackware.png" alt="Slackware"></td> |
284 |
+<td>Slackware</td> |
285 |
+<td colspan="2"><a href=""></a></td> |
286 |
+<td> |
287 |
+<a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a><br> |
288 |
+</td> |
289 |
+</tr> |
290 |
+ |
291 |
+<tr> |
292 |
+<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/freebsd.png" alt="FreeBSD"></td> |
293 |
+<td>FreeBSD</td> |
294 |
+<td colspan="2"><kbd>pkg install tor</kbd></td> |
295 |
+<td><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a></td> |
296 |
+</tr> |
297 |
+ |
298 |
+<tr class="beige"> |
299 |
+<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/openbsd.png" alt="OpenBSD"></td> |
300 |
+<td>OpenBSD</td> |
301 |
+<td colspan="2"><kbd>pkg_add tor</kbd></td> |
302 |
+<td> |
303 |
+<a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a><br> |
304 |
+<a href="<wiki>doc/OpenbsdChrootedTor">Guide to chrooting Tor in OpenBSD</a> |
305 |
+</td> |
306 |
+</tr> |
307 |
+ |
308 |
+<tr> |
309 |
+<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/netbsd.png" alt="NetBSD"></td> |
310 |
+<td>NetBSD</td> |
311 |
+<td colspan="2"><kbd>cd /usr/pkgsrc/net/tor && make install</kbd></td> |
312 |
+<td><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Linux/BSD/Unix</a></td> |
313 |
+</tr> |
314 |
+ |
315 |
+<tr class="beige"> |
316 |
+<td align="center"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/distros/terminal.png" alt="Source code"></td> |
317 |
+<td>Source tarballs</td> |
318 |
+<td> |
319 |
+<a href="<package-source-stable>"><version-stable></a> |
320 |
+ (<a href="<package-source-stable>.asc">sig</a>) |
321 |
+</td> |
322 |
+<td> |
323 |
+<a href="<package-source-alpha>"><version-alpha></a> |
324 |
+ (<a href="<package-source-alpha>.asc">sig</a>) |
325 |
+</td> |
326 |
+<td><kbd>./configure && make && src/or/tor</kbd> (or src/app/tor starting in 0.3.5.x)</td> |
327 |
+</tr> |
328 |
+ |
329 |
+</table> |
330 |
+ </article> |
331 |
+ </div> |
332 |
+<!-- END TOR PACKAGE --> |
333 |
+<!-- START TOR SOURCE --> |
334 |
+ <div id="tor-source"> |
335 |
+ <input id="ac-tor-source" name="accordion-tor-source" type="checkbox" /> |
336 |
+ <label for="ac-tor-source" class="source24"> |
337 |
+ <h1><a name="tor-source">Source Tarballs</a></h1> |
338 |
+ </label> |
339 |
+ <article class="ac"> |
340 |
+ <p style="text-align:center">Build and run with: <code style="color: #666666;">./configure && make && src/or/tor</code> (or src/app/tor starting in 0.3.5.x)<br/> |
341 |
+ See the <a href="<gitblob>ChangeLog">Changelog</a> for what's new.</p> |
342 |
+ <div id="stable" style="margin-left:75px; float: left;"> |
343 |
+ <h2 style="text-align: center">Stable</h2> |
344 |
+ <a class="button" href="../dist/tor-<version-stable>.tar.gz"><span class="strong">Stable</span><span class="normal">Version <version-stable></span></a> |
345 |
+ <div class="sig"> |
346 |
+ <p> |
347 |
+ <a href="<gitblob>ReleaseNotes<cgitstable>">Release notes</a> ‒ <a href="../dist/tor-<version-stable>.tar.gz.asc">signature</a> ‒ <a class="siginfo" href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">What's This?</a> |
348 |
+ </p> |
349 |
+ </div> |
350 |
+ <a class="button" href="../dist/tor-<version-oldstable>.tar.gz"><span class="strong">Oldstable</span><span class="normal">Version <version-oldstable></span></a> |
351 |
+ <div class="sig"> |
352 |
+ <p> |
353 |
+ <a href="<gitblob>ReleaseNotes<cgitoldstable>">Release notes</a> ‒ <a href="../dist/tor-<version-oldstable>.tar.gz.asc">signature</a> ‒ <a class="siginfo" href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">What's This?</a> |
354 |
+ </p> |
355 |
+ </div> |
356 |
+ </div> |
357 |
+ <div id="unstable" class="tor-source"> |
358 |
+ <h2 style="text-align: center">Unstable</h2> |
359 |
+ <a class="button" href="../dist/tor-<version-testing>.tar.gz"><span class="strong">Unstable</span><span class="normal">Version <version-testing></span></a> |
360 |
+ <div class="sig"> |
361 |
+ <a href="../dist/tor-<version-testing>.tar.gz.asc">signature</a> ‒ <a class="siginfo" href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">What's This?</a> |
362 |
+ </div> |
363 |
+ <a class="button" href="../dist/tor-<version-beta>.tar.gz"><span class="strong">Unstable</span><span class="normal">Version <version-beta></span></a> |
364 |
+ <div class="sig"> |
365 |
+ <a href="../dist/tor-<version-beta>.tar.gz.asc">signature</a> ‒ <a class="siginfo" href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">What's This?</a> |
366 |
+ </div> |
367 |
+ <a class="button" href="../dist/tor-<version-alpha>.tar.gz"><span class="strong">Unstable</span><span class="normal">Version <version-alpha></span></a> |
368 |
+ <div class="sig"> |
369 |
+ <a href="../dist/tor-<version-alpha>.tar.gz.asc">signature</a> ‒ <a class="siginfo" href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">What's This?</a> |
370 |
+ </div> |
371 |
+ </article> |
372 |
+ <div class="note"> |
373 |
+ <p> |
374 |
+ <a id="ChangeLog"></a><a id="Stable"></a><a id="Testing"></a> |
375 |
+ For a list of what has changed in each stable Tor release, see the |
376 |
+ <a href="<gitblob>ReleaseNotes<cgitstable>">ReleaseNotes</a>. For a list of |
377 |
+ changes in both stable and development versions, see the |
378 |
+ <a href="<gitblob>ChangeLog">ChangeLog</a>. |
379 |
+ </p> |
380 |
+ </div> |
381 |
+<!-- END TOR SOURCE --> |
382 |
+</div> |
383 |
+<!-- END TOR --> |
384 |
+ |
248 | 385 |
<!-- END DOWNLOADS --> |
249 | 386 |
<hr/> |
387 |
+<!-- START NOTES--> |
388 |
+<div class="note"> |
389 |
+<h2>License</h2> |
390 |
+<p> |
391 |
+Tor is distributed as <a href="">Free Software</a> |
392 |
+under the <a href="<gitblob>LICENSE">3-clause BSD license</a>. |
393 |
+</p> |
394 |
+<p> |
395 |
+There is no fee for installing Tor, or using the Tor network, but |
396 |
+if you want Tor to become faster and more usable please consider |
397 |
+<a href="<page donate/donate-download>">making a tax-deductible donation to The Tor Project</a>. |
398 |
+</p> |
399 |
+</div> |
400 |
+ |
401 |
+<div class="note"> |
402 |
+<a id="packagediff"></a> |
403 |
+<h2><a class="anchor" href="#packagediff">What's the difference between Stable & Unstable?</a></h2> |
404 |
+ |
405 |
+<p> |
406 |
+Stable packages are released when we believe the features and code will |
407 |
+not change for many months. |
408 |
+</p> |
409 |
+<p> |
410 |
+Unstable packages are released so you can help us test new features and bugfixes. Even though they have a higher version number |
411 |
+than the stable versions listed above, there is a much higher chance of |
412 |
+serious reliability and security bugs in these downloads. Please be prepared to <a href="">report bugs</a>. |
413 |
+</p> |
414 |
+</div> |
415 |
+ |
416 |
+<hr/> |
417 |
+ |
418 |
+<div class="note"> |
419 |
+<h2>Security updates and alternative download options</h2> |
420 |
+<p> |
421 |
+To keep informed of security advisories and new stable releases, subscribe |
422 |
+to the <a href="">tor-announce |
423 |
+mailing list</a> (you will be asked to confirm via email). You can also |
424 |
+<a href="">watch |
425 |
+the list's RSS feed</a>. |
426 |
+</p> |
427 |
+ |
428 |
+<p> |
429 |
+If you would like to research any past release of Tor source, packages, |
430 |
+or other binaries, see <a href="">the |
431 |
+archive</a>. |
432 |
+</p> |
433 |
+ |
434 |
+<p> |
435 |
+If you have trouble downloading Tor from this site, here is a <a |
436 |
+href="<page getinvolved/mirrors>">list of sites mirroring the Tor site</a>. |
437 |
+</p> |
438 |
+</div> |
439 |
+<!-- END NOTES --> |
440 |
+<hr/> |
250 | 441 |
<!-- BEGIN WARNING --> |
251 | 442 |
#include <warning.wmi> |
252 | 443 |
<!-- END WARNING --> |
... | ... |
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@ |
1 |
-## translation metadata |
2 |
-# Revision: $Revision$ |
3 |
-# Translation-Priority: 3-low |
4 |
- |
5 |
6 |
-#<!-- You MUST copy '/include/lang.wmi' along with this file! --> |
7 |
- |
8 |
-#<!-- TBB DEFAULT LANGUAGE: Change 'en-US' below to your language code (if package exists)--> |
9 |
-#<!-- IMPORTANT: You MUST also change the default selection in 'lang.wmi' --> |
10 |
-<define-tag lang>en-US</define-tag> |
11 |
- |
12 |
-#<!-- Download button text for language enabled packages --> |
13 |
-<define-tag button-win-tbb32>Tor Browser</define-tag> |
14 |
-<define-tag button-win-tbb64>Currently Unused</define-tag> |
15 |
-<define-tag button-osx-tbb64>Tor Browser</define-tag> |
16 |
-#<!-- Comment out until it's available again. -EC <define-tag button-osx-tbb64>64-bit</define-tag> --> |
17 |
-<define-tag button-lin-tbb32>Tor Browser (32-Bit)</define-tag> |
18 |
-<define-tag button-lin-tbb64>Tor Browser (64-Bit)</define-tag> |
19 |
- |
20 |
-#include "dlhead.wmi" TITLE="Download Tor" CHARSET="UTF-8" |
21 |
- |
22 |
-<div id="content" class="clearfix" style="border-bottom: 1px solid #888888;"> |
23 |
- <div id="breadcrumbs"><a href="<page index>">Home » </a><a href="<page download/download>">Download</a> » <a href="<page download/tor>">Tor</a></div> |
24 |
- <div id="maincol-left"> |
25 |
26 |
- <div class="warning-top"> |
27 |
- <h2>Want Tor to really work?</h2> |
28 |
- <p>You need to change some of your habits, as some things won't work exactly as |
29 |
-you are used to. Please read the <a href="#warning">full list of warnings</a> for details. |
30 |
- </p> |
31 |
- </div> |
32 |
33 |
34 |
- <div -class="package" style="padding-top: 35px;"> |
35 |
- <div -class="downloads"> |
36 |
- <h1 style="text-align: center">Tor Source Tarballs</h1> |
37 |
- <p style="text-align:center">Build and run with: <code style="color: #666666;">./configure && make && src/or/tor</code><br/> |
38 |
- See the <a href="<gitblob>ChangeLog">Changelog</a> for what's new.</p> |
39 |
- <div id="stable" style="margin-left:75px; float: left;"> |
40 |
- <h2 style="text-align: center">Stable</h2> |
41 |
- <a class="button" href="../dist/tor-<version-stable>.tar.gz"><span class="strong">Stable</span><span class="normal">Version <version-stable></span></a> |
42 |
- <div class="sig"> |
43 |
- <p> |
44 |
- <a href="<gitblob>ReleaseNotes<cgitstable>">Release notes</a> ‒ <a href="../dist/tor-<version-stable>.tar.gz.asc">signature</a> ‒ <a class="siginfo" href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">What's This?</a> |
45 |
- </p> |
46 |
- </div> |
47 |
- <a class="button" href="../dist/tor-<version-oldstable>.tar.gz"><span class="strong">Oldstable</span><span class="normal">Version <version-oldstable></span></a> |
48 |
- <div class="sig"> |
49 |
- <p> |
50 |
- <a href="<gitblob>ReleaseNotes<cgitoldstable>">Release notes</a> ‒ <a href="../dist/tor-<version-oldstable>.tar.gz.asc">signature</a> ‒ <a class="siginfo" href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">What's This?</a> |
51 |
- </p> |
52 |
- </div> |
53 |
- </div> |
54 |
- <div id="unstable" style="margin-left:75px; float: left;"> |
55 |
- <h2 style="text-align: center">Unstable</h2> |
56 |
- <a class="button" href="../dist/tor-<version-testing>.tar.gz"><span class="strong">Unstable</span><span class="normal">Version <version-testing></span></a> |
57 |
- <div class="sig"> |
58 |
- <a href="../dist/tor-<version-testing>.tar.gz.asc">signature</a> ‒ <a class="siginfo" href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">What's This?</a> |
59 |
- </div> |
60 |
- <a class="button" href="../dist/tor-<version-beta>.tar.gz"><span class="strong">Unstable</span><span class="normal">Version <version-beta></span></a> |
61 |
- <div class="sig"> |
62 |
- <a href="../dist/tor-<version-beta>.tar.gz.asc">signature</a> ‒ <a class="siginfo" href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">What's This?</a> |
63 |
- </div> |
64 |
- <a class="button" href="../dist/tor-<version-alpha>.tar.gz"><span class="strong">Unstable</span><span class="normal">Version <version-alpha></span></a> |
65 |
- <div class="sig"> |
66 |
- <a href="../dist/tor-<version-alpha>.tar.gz.asc">signature</a> ‒ <a class="siginfo" href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">What's This?</a> |
67 |
- </div> |
68 |
- </div> |
69 |
- |
70 |
- <h2>Source Tarball</h2> |
71 |
- <p>Configure with:<br/> |
72 |
- <code style="color: #666666;">./configure && make && src/or/tor</code> (or src/app/tor starting in 0.3.5.x) |
73 |
- </p> |
74 |
- <p>The current stable version of Tor is <version-stable>. Its <a href="<gitblob>ReleaseNotes<cgitstable>">release notes</a> are available.</p> |
75 |
- <p>The current unstable/alpha version of Tor is <version-alpha>. Its <a href="<gitblob>ChangeLog">Changelog</a> is available.</p> |
76 |
- |
77 |
- </div> |
78 |
- </div> |
79 |
-</div> |
80 |
-<!-- END DOWNLOADS --> |
81 |
82 |
-<a href="<page donate/donate-download>"><img src="../images/btn_donateCC_LG.gif"></a> |
83 |
84 |
-<!-- START SIDECOL --> |
85 |
-<div id="sidecol-right"> |
86 |
-<div class="img-shadow"> |
87 |
-<div class="sidenav-sub"> |
88 |
-<h2>What is Tor?</h2> |
89 |
-<ul> |
90 |
-<li class="dropdown"><a href="<page about/overview>">Take the tour</a></li> |
91 |
-</ul> |
92 |
-</div> |
93 |
-</div> |
94 |
-<div class="img-shadow"> |
95 |
-<div class="sidenav-sub"> |
96 |
-<h2><a href="<page download/download>">Other Downloads</a></h2> |
97 |
-<ul> |
98 |
-<li class="dropdown"><a href="<page download/download-unix>">Tor packages</a></li> |
99 |
-<li class="dropdown"><a href="<page download/download-easy>">Tor Browser</a></li> |
100 |
-<li class="dropdown"><a href="<page projects/projects>">All projects</a></li> |
101 |
-</ul> |
102 |
-</div> |
103 |
-</div> |
104 |
-<!-- START INFO --> |
105 |
-<div class="img-shadow"> |
106 |
-<div class="sidenav-sub"> |
107 |
-<h2>Having Trouble?</h2> |
108 |
-<ul> |
109 |
-<li class="dropdown"><a href="<page docs/documentation>">Read the fine manuals</a></li> |
110 |
-</ul> |
111 |
-</div> |
112 |
-</div> |
113 |
-<!-- END INFO --> |
114 |
-</div> |
115 |
-<!-- END SIDECOL --> |
116 |
-<div id="maincol-left"> |
117 |
-<!-- BEGIN WARNING --> |
118 |
-<div class="warning"> |
119 |
-<a name="Warning"></a> |
120 |
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#warning">Want Tor to really work?</a></h2> |
121 |
- <p>You need to change some of your habits, as some things won't work exactly as |
122 |
-you are used to.</p> |
123 |
- |
124 |
-<ol> |
125 |
-<li><b>Use Tor Browser</b> |
126 |
- |
127 |
-<p> |
128 |
- |
129 |
-Tor does not protect all of your computer's Internet traffic when you |
130 |
-run it. Tor only protects your applications that are properly configured to |
131 |
-send their Internet traffic through Tor. To avoid problems with Tor |
132 |
-configuration, we strongly recommend you use the |
133 |
-<a href="<page projects/torbrowser>">Tor Browser</a>. It is pre-configured to protect |
134 |
-your privacy and anonymity on the web as long as you're browsing with Tor |
135 |
-Browser itself. Almost any other web browser configuration is likely to be |
136 |
-unsafe to use with Tor. |
137 |
- |
138 |
-</p> |
139 |
- |
140 |
-</li> |
141 |
- |
142 |
-<li><b>Don't torrent over Tor</b> |
143 |
-<p> |
144 |
-Torrent file-sharing applications have been observed to ignore proxy |
145 |
-settings and make direct connections even when they are told to use Tor. |
146 |
-Even if your torrent application connects only through Tor, you will |
147 |
-often send out your real IP address in the tracker GET request, |
148 |
-because that's how torrents work. Not only do you <a |
149 |
-href=""> |
150 |
-deanonymize your torrent traffic and your other simultaneous Tor web |
151 |
-traffic</a> this way, you also slow down the entire Tor network for everyone else. |
152 |
-</p> |
153 |
-</li> |
154 |
- |
155 |
-<li><b>Don't enable or install browser plugins</b> |
156 |
- |
157 |
-<p> |
158 |
- |
159 |
-Tor Browser will block browser plugins such as Flash, RealPlayer, |
160 |
-Quicktime, and others: they can be manipulated into revealing your IP address. |
161 |
-Similarly, we do not recommend installing additional addons or plugins into |
162 |
-Tor Browser, as these may bypass Tor or otherwise harm your anonymity and |
163 |
-privacy. |
164 |
- |
165 |
-</p> |
166 |
- |
167 |
-</li> |
168 |
- |
169 |
-<li><b>Use HTTPS versions of websites</b> |
170 |
- |
171 |
-<p> |
172 |
- |
173 |
-Tor will encrypt your traffic |
174 |
-<a href="<page about/overview>#thesolution">to and |
175 |
-within the Tor network</a>, but the encryption of your traffic to the final |
176 |
-destination website depends upon on that website. To help ensure private |
177 |
-encryption to websites, Tor Browser includes <a |
178 |
-href="">HTTPS Everywhere</a> to force the |
179 |
-use of HTTPS encryption with major websites that support it. However, you |
180 |
-should still watch the browser URL bar to ensure that websites you provide |
181 |
-sensitive information to display a |
182 |
-<a href="">blue or |
183 |
-green URL bar button</a>, include <b>https://</b> in the URL, and display the |
184 |
-proper expected name for the website. Also see EFF's interactive page |
185 |
-explaining <a href="">how Tor |
186 |
-and HTTPS relate</a>. |
187 |
- |
188 |
-</p> |
189 |
- |
190 |
-</li> |
191 |
- |
192 |
-<li><b>Don't open documents downloaded through Tor while online</b> |
193 |
- |
194 |
-<p> |
195 |
- |
196 |
-Tor Browser will warn you before automatically opening documents that are |
197 |
-handled by external applications. <b>DO NOT IGNORE THIS WARNING</b>. You |
198 |
-should be very careful when downloading documents via Tor (especially DOC and |
199 |
-PDF files, unless you use the PDF viewer that's built into Tor Browser) as |
200 |
-these documents can contain Internet resources that will be downloaded outside |
201 |
-of Tor by the application that opens them. This will reveal your non-Tor IP |
202 |
-address. If you must work with DOC and/or PDF files, we strongly recommend |
203 |
-either using a disconnected computer, |
204 |
-downloading the free <a href="">VirtualBox</a> and |
205 |
-using it with a <a href="">virtual machine image</a> |
206 |
-with networking disabled, or using <a href="">Tails</a>. |
207 |
-Under no circumstances is it safe to use |
208 |
-<a href="">BitTorrent |
209 |
-and Tor</a> together, however. |
210 |
- |
211 |
-</p> |
212 |
- |
213 |
-</li> |
214 |
- |
215 |
-<li><b>Use bridges and/or find company</b> |
216 |
- |
217 |
-<p> |
218 |
- |
219 |
-Tor tries to prevent attackers from learning what destination websites you |
220 |
-connect to. However, by default, it does not prevent somebody watching your Internet |
221 |
-traffic from learning that you're using Tor. If this matters to you, you can |
222 |
-reduce this risk by configuring Tor to use a <a href="<page docs/bridges>">Tor |
223 |
-bridge relay</a> rather than connecting directly to the public Tor network. |
224 |
-Ultimately the best protection is a social approach: the more Tor |
225 |
-users there are near you and the more |
226 |
-<a href="<page about/torusers>">diverse</a> their interests, the less |
227 |
-dangerous it will be that you are one of them. Convince other people to use |
228 |
-Tor, too! |
229 |
- |
230 |
-</p> |
231 |
- |
232 |
-</li> |
233 |
- |
234 |
-</ol> |
235 |
-<br> |
236 |
-<p> |
237 |
-Be smart and learn more. Understand what Tor does and does not offer. |
238 |
-This list of pitfalls isn't complete, and we need your |
239 |
-help <a href="<page getinvolved/volunteer>#Documentation">identifying and documenting |
240 |
-all the issues</a>. |
241 |
-</p> |
242 |
-</div> |
243 |
-<!-- END WARNING --> |
244 |
-</div> |
245 |
-<!-- END MAINCOL --> |
246 |
-</div> |
247 |
-<!-- END CONTENT --> |
248 |
- |
249 |
-#include <foot.wmi> |
... | ... |
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ |
18 | 18 |
<p class="desc">Protect your privacy. Defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis.</p> |
19 | 19 |
20 | 20 |
<div id="download"> |
21 |
- <a href="<page download/tor>"> |
21 |
+ <a href="<page download/download>"> |
22 | 22 |
<span class="download-tor">Download Tor</span></a> |
23 | 23 |
</div> |
24 | 24 |
</div> |
... | ... |
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
<define-tag gitblob whitespace=delete></define-tag> |
4 | 4 |
<define-tag cgitstable whitespace=delete>?id=tor-<version-stable></define-tag> |
5 |
+<define-tag cgitoldstable whitespace=delete>?id=tor-<version-oldstable></define-tag> |
5 | 6 |
<define-tag gittree whitespace=delete>;hb=HEAD;f=</define-tag> |
6 | 7 |
<define-tag gitrepo whitespace=delete>;hb=HEAD</define-tag> |
7 | 8 |
<define-tag svnwebsite whitespace=delete></define-tag> |