wtf, most of the links from the website to the wiki faq are dead anchors. fix a few here, but there are like dozens more.
Roger Dingledine

Roger Dingledine commited on 2011-02-07 09:13:19
Zeige 1 geänderte Dateien mit 8 Einfügungen und 7 Löschungen.

... ...
@@ -1142,11 +1142,11 @@ use the ReachableAddresses config options, e.g.:
1142 1142
1143 1143
1144 1144
     <li>Tor has built-in support for <a
-    href="<wikifaq>#LimitBandwidth">
+    href="<wikifaq>#WhatbandwidthshapingoptionsareavailabletoTorrelays">
1146 1146
     rate limiting</a>. Further, if you have a fast
1147 1147
     link but want to limit the number of bytes per
1148 1148
     day (or week or month) that you donate, check out the <a
-    href="<wikifaq>#Hibernation">hibernation
+    href="<wikifaq>#HowcanIlimitthetotalamountofbandwidthusedbymyTorrelay">hibernation
1150 1150
1151 1151
1152 1152
     <li>Each Tor relay has an <a href="#ExitPolicies">exit policy</a> that
... ...
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ use the ReachableAddresses config options, e.g.:
1165 1165
     <li>If your relay is behind a NAT and it doesn't know its public
1166 1166
     IP (e.g. it has an IP of 192.168.x.y), you'll need to set up port
1167 1167
     forwarding. Forwarding TCP connections is system dependent but
-    <a href="<wikifaq>#ServerForFirewalledClients">this FAQ entry</a>
+    <a href="<wikifaq>#ImbehindaNATFirewall">this FAQ entry</a>
1169 1169
     offers some examples on how to do this.
1170 1170
1171 1171
     <li>Your relay will passively estimate and advertise its recent
... ...
@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ use the ReachableAddresses config options, e.g.:
1201 1201
1202 1202
1203 1203
     The default exit policy allows access to many popular services
-    (e.g. web browsing), but <a href="<wikifaq>#DefaultPorts">restricts</a>
+    (e.g. web browsing), but <a href="<wikifaq>#Istherealistofdefaultexitports">restricts</a>
1205 1205
     some due to abuse potential (e.g. mail) and some since
1206 1206
     the Tor network can't handle the load (e.g. default
1207 1207
     file-sharing ports). You can change your exit policy
... ...
@@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@ the same geographic location.
1323 1323
     <li>If you're running on Solaris, OpenBSD, NetBSD, or
1324 1324
     old FreeBSD, Tor is probably forking separate processes
1325 1325
     rather than using threads. Consider switching to a <a
-    href="<wikifaq>#RelayOS">better
+    href="<wikifaq>#WhydoesntmyWindowsorotherOSTorrelayrunwell">better
1327 1327
     operating system</a>.</li>
1328 1328
1329 1329
     <li>If you still can't handle the memory load, consider reducing the
... ...
@@ -1492,7 +1492,8 @@ we move to a "directory guard" design as well.
1492 1492
1493 1493
1494 1494
     Requiring every Tor user to be a relay would help with scaling the
-    network to handle all our users, and <a href="<wikifaq>#RelayAnonymity">running a Tor
+    network to handle all our users, and <a
+    href="<wikifaq>#DoIgetbetteranonymityifIrunarelay">running a Tor
1496 1497
     relay may help your anonymity</a>. However, many Tor users cannot be good
1497 1498
     relays &mdash; for example, some Tor clients operate from behind restrictive
1498 1499
     firewalls, connect via modem, or otherwise aren't in a position where they
... ...
@@ -1529,7 +1530,7 @@ we move to a "directory guard" design as well.
1529 1530
     <a href="<page getinvolved/volunteer>#Research">research section of the
1530 1531
     volunteer page</a>: "Tor doesn't work very well when relays
1531 1532
     have asymmetric bandwidth (e.g. cable or DSL)". It might be that <a
-    href="<wikifaq>#TransportIPnotTCP">switching
+    href="<wikifaq>#YoushouldtransportallIPpacketsnotjustTCPpackets.">switching
1533 1534
     to UDP transport</a> is the simplest answer here &mdash; which alas is
1534 1535
     not a very simple answer at all.
1535 1536
1536 1537