moria2 is dead. long live moria2!
Roger Dingledine

Roger Dingledine commited on 2007-06-04 00:14:38
Zeige 1 geänderte Dateien mit 2 Einfügungen und 2 Löschungen.

... ...
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ testing the IP and port you think it should be testing, etc.
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 <p>When it decides that it's reachable, it will upload a "server
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 descriptor" to the directories. This will let clients know
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 what address, ports, keys, etc your server is using. You can <a
-href="">load the network
-status manually</a> and
+href="">load one of
+the network statuses manually</a> and
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 look through it to find the nickname you configured, to make sure it's
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 there. You may need to wait a few seconds to give enough time for it to
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 make a fresh directory.</p>
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