link to the torbl-design draft
Roger Dingledine

Roger Dingledine commited on 2007-03-16 00:01:45
Zeige 1 geänderte Dateien mit 2 Einfügungen und 1 Löschungen.

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@@ -133,7 +133,8 @@ boolean: so the question is actually "Is this IP address a Tor exit
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 server that can exit to my IP address:port?" The DNSBL interface
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 will probably receive hundreds of queries a minute, so some smart
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 algorithms are in order. Bonus points if it does active testing through
-each exit node to find out what IP address it's really exiting from.</li>
+each exit node to find out what IP address it's really exiting from.
+<a href="<svnsandbox>doc/contrib/torbl-design.txt">Read more here</a>.</li>
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 <li>It would be great to have a LiveCD that includes the latest
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 versions of Tor, Polipo or Privoxy, Firefox, Gaim+OTR, etc. There are
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 two challenges here: first is documenting the system and choices well
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