Some corrections to mid-July report. Thanks phobos!
Karsten Loesing

Karsten Loesing commited on 2008-07-15 14:40:01
Zeige 1 geänderte Dateien mit 3 Einfügungen und 3 Löschungen.

... ...
@@ -198,17 +198,17 @@ implementation and testing work on January 15, 2009.
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     <small><em>All bugs that have been found in the analysis have been
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     fixed. This includes the 2 bugs that have already been fixed during the
-    analysis and 4 more that could be fixed within the last month. While
+    analysis and 4 more bugs that were fixed within the past 30 days. While
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     the bugfixes remove unintended performance bottlenecks due to
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     programming errors, some of the design changes that have been spotted
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     in the previous analysis have side-effects on anonymity or overall
-    network load which need to be weighed up against individual performance
+    network load which need to be evaluated against individual performance
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     gains. A <a href="">report</a>
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     has been published to the
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     <a href="">developer
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     mailing list</a> including 7 possible design changes that need to be
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     discussed. Some evaluations (namely Low-Bandwidth Measurements and the
-    Grand Scaling Plan) had to be scheduled for a later time in the
+    Grand Scaling Plan) will be scheduled for a later time in the
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     project. Although the current plan is to perform these evaluations
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     within the timeframe until January 15, it is unlikely that their
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     results can be applied in the schedule of this project.</em></small>
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