Recent commits to tor-webwml.git (cbf400d1764960fb97b3382497f00f770a31774d) Recent commits feed provided by GitList. revert part of r24939, resizing the image is easy I used the larger image because it looked fine and didn't alter the layout of the page. If the size is really a concern then that's trivial to fix - this makes it the same size as the low resolution version. As for the other concerns mentioned in ticket 3682... - The file size difference is tiny. If you really care about sizes that much then we should run an optimizer on the site to remove unnecessary whitespace in the html. Btw, the file size of this small version is 4.5 KB (vs 4.9 with the big version and 4.0 with the low resolution). - It's simple to lighten the image if that looks better to you. In Gimp just go to "Colors > Brightness-Contrast..." to make it match the old version. (Damian Johnson) Thu, 04 Aug 2011 17:18:19 +0200 cbf400d1764960fb97b3382497f00f770a31774d make orbot use its own logo, based on feedback from randoms. (Andrew Lewman) Thu, 04 Aug 2011 05:18:37 +0200 d7a16402b35697681b2320ab903d179602a61426 revert part of r24933, the new size logo doesn't look right compared to the rest of the images. jeremy will look into keeping the image tiny and sized correctly. (Andrew Lewman) Thu, 04 Aug 2011 05:13:52 +0200 e381131953193efe07022e75b91d9885003455c4 r24866 exposed our wml comments while reformatting. remove them. (Roger Dingledine) Wed, 03 Aug 2011 02:27:48 +0200 534aa8f0c77defb4f76ae3d605d22506016929e5 add jacob's latest interview about tor. (Andrew Lewman) Tue, 02 Aug 2011 18:21:04 +0200 ba06d5aa78575c0855b6eac2f64664907d59e206 roughly zero people have the CA in their browser and will all freak out and bludgeon us with 'omg the cert is invalid!' emails, like they did on the blog when i linked to https:/// (Andrew Lewman) Tue, 02 Aug 2011 05:55:31 +0200 c5b236320a03ceee1e4805352213fa1c39cfcb5e Using the Google droid rather than Orbot logo on the front page The official Android logo will be better recognizable to android users, which will hopefully translate into new Orbot users. I'm linking to the official andoid site to fulfill the attribution clause of using the logo. (Damian Johnson) Tue, 02 Aug 2011 05:48:26 +0200 e7e03700777cd0c68c1343ddb03e7e8d552dc85d Adding Tails, Orbot, TorStatus, and arm to the site front page This adds these four projects to the "Our Projects" section of the Tor front page. Unlike the previous projects that we had there (Torbutton, Tor Check, Vidalia, and TBB) these aren't part of the TBB ecosystem and hance not easily discovered. Having all eight projects feels cluttered to me and I'd suggest dropping Check and TBB since the user will be downloading and using these reguardless of a presence on the front page, but this is Andrew's call. (Damian Johnson) Tue, 02 Aug 2011 05:21:40 +0200 1ab4e2d2aaf87188443e7495ce57c88a3f7f008d Replacing low resolution tor logo with higher resolution version The tor logo in the upper left is a low quality version (solid color onion stem, no anti-aliasing, etc). This looks really bad and I suggested this replacement months back but didn't get any feedback so gonna try 'moving the cheese' to see if anyone screams. (Damian Johnson) Tue, 02 Aug 2011 04:04:16 +0200 2ea742397185c7a99b3851f682c01d1af99b2026 update the step two link. (Andrew Lewman) Tue, 02 Aug 2011 01:59:39 +0200 2736971ffc8a7f1ceb514ec769338185c1d2483b