Tor Browser Bundle


Tor Browser Bundle for Windows (version 0.0.8, 13 MB)


Double click on the file downloaded above. Click on the button labelled ... and select where you want to extract the bundle (either the hard disk or a USB pen drive), then click OK. At least 50 MB free space must be available in the location you select.

Click Extract to begin extraction. This may take a few minutes to complete.

Screenshot of extraction process


Once extraction is complete, open the folder Tor Browser from the location you extracted the bundle.

Double click on the Start Tor Browser application (it may be called Start Tor Browser.bat on some systems.)

The Vidalia window will shortly appear.

Screenshot of bundle startup

Once Tor is ready, Firefox will automatically be opened.

Screenshot of Firefox

Once you are finished browsing, close any open Firefox windows. Vidalia and Tor will automatically close. For privacy reasons, the list of webpages you visited and any cookies will be deleted.

Comments and suggestions

The Tor Browser Bundle is under development and not yet complete. To discuss improvements and submit comments, please use the or-talk mailing list.

More information

What is Tor and why do I need it? To learn more about Tor, visit the Tor Project website.

What is in the Tor Browser Bundle? It contains Tor, Vidalia, Polipo, Firefox, and Torbutton (learn more).

How can I make my own bundle? To download the source code and learn how to build the bundle yourself, read the build instructions.

"Tor" and the "Onion Logo" are trademarks of The Tor Project, Inc.