Tor: an anonymizing overlay network for TCP
Tor is a connection-based low-latency anonymous communication system that protects TCP streams: web browsing, instant messaging, irc, ssh, etc. See our Tor overview for more information.
2004-11-09: Tor 0.0.9pre5 is released. [download]
2004-10-14: Tor is released. [download]
The or-announce mailing list is a low volume list for announcements of new releases, etc. You can read the archives or subscribe.
Remember that this is development code -- don't rely on the current Tor network if you really need strong anonymity.
We've gotten a lot of press lately, and so far the Tor network has stood up just fine to the flood of new users. Great! To help make it scale even better, please consider installing it and then volunteering to run a server. Thanks!
Id$ Webmaster