Six things everyone can do now:

  1. We need users like you to try Tor out, and let the Tor developers know about bugs you find or features you don't find.
  2. Please consider running a server to help the Tor network grow.
  3. We especially need people with Windows programming skills to run an exit server on Windows, to help us debug.
  4. Run a Tor hidden service and put interesting content on it.
  5. Tell your friends! Get them to run servers. Get them to run hidden services. Get them to tell their friends.
  6. Consider joining the Electronic Frontier Foundation. More EFF donations means more freedom in the world, including more Tor development.

Coding Challenges

**easy** **medium** **hard**

Documentation Challenges

**easy** **medium** **hard**

Testing Challenges

**easy** **medium** **hard**

Research Challenges

**easy** **medium** **hard**
Webmaster - $Id$