#!/bin/sh set -e # stop if we encounter an error # pull the latest changes if [ -e .svn ] ; then svn update elif [ -e .git ] ; then git svn rebase else echo 2>&1 "Cannot figure out which version control thing you're using. Skipping update" fi # clean up the working directory make clean # actually build the site make -j3 # don't copy over stuff with permissions that make it useless chmod -R a+r * rsync \ --exclude .DS_Store \ --exclude .svn \ --exclude .git \ --exclude '.*.sw[po]' \ --exclude .deps \ --exclude svn \ --exclude dist \ --exclude releases \ --exclude torbutton-current.xpi \ --exclude project \ -Prvz --delete . vescum:/srv/www-master.torproject.org/htdocs echo "Forcing mirror update" ssh vescum ' ( find /srv/www-master.torproject.org/htdocs ! -perm -444 -print0 | xargs -0 --no-run-if-empty chmod -v a+r || ( echo >&2 "There are unreadable files in /srv/www-master.torproject.org/htdocs, not triggering mirror run."; exit 1) ) && echo "Triggering mirror run" && /home/mirroradm/bin/trigger-mirrors'