Andrew Lewman Andrew Lewman roughly zero people have the CA in their browser and will all freak out and bludgeon us with 'omg the cert is invalid!' emails, like they did on the blog when i linked to https:/// c5b236320 @ 2011-08-02 05:55:31
design Update design doc to reflect the planned shift from the Toggle Model to Tor Browser. 2011-04-11 06:55:29
index.wml link to our version, not amo. 2011-05-31 22:56:11
sidenav.wmi fix comments in sidenav.wmi 2011-03-17 11:28:32
torbutton-faq.wml More changes requested by intrigeri (replacing with and stripping the parenthesis from "Amnesic") 2011-03-12 23:04:22
torbutton-options.wml fix page titles en masse, add a TBB blurb to the torbutton-faq 2010-10-28 19:55:23