Verify-Funktion für Kunden-...
Bernd Wurst authored 7 years ago
modules/index/verify.php 1) <?php
modules/index/verify.php 2) /*
modules/index/verify.php 3) This file belongs to the Webinterface of Hosting
modules/index/verify.php 4)
Copyright year update
Bernd Wurst authored 7 years ago
modules/handles/verify.php 5) Written 2008-2018 by Hosting, namely
Verify-Funktion für Kunden-...
Bernd Wurst authored 7 years ago
modules/index/verify.php 6) Bernd Wurst <>
modules/index/verify.php 7) Hanno Böck <>
modules/index/verify.php 8)
modules/index/verify.php 9) To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
modules/index/verify.php 10)
Fix coding style with php-c...
Hanno authored 6 years ago
modules/contacts/verify.php 11) You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see
Verify-Funktion für Kunden-...
Bernd Wurst authored 7 years ago
modules/index/verify.php 12)
modules/index/verify.php 13)
modules/index/verify.php 14) Nevertheless, in case you use a significant part of this code, we ask (but not require, see the license) that you keep the authors' names in place and return your changes to the public. We would be especially happy if you tell us what you're going to do with this code.
modules/index/verify.php 15) */
modules/index/verify.php 16)
E-Mail-Adresse verifizieren...
Bernd Wurst authored 7 years ago
modules/handles/verify.php 17) require_once('verify.php');
Verify-Funktion für Kunden-...
Bernd Wurst authored 7 years ago
modules/index/verify.php 18) require_once('inc/security.php');
modules/index/verify.php 19)
modules/index/verify.php 20) title("E-Mail-Adresse bestätigen");
Umbenennung Datenbank handl...
Bernd Wurst authored 7 years ago
modules/contacts/verify.php 21) $section = 'contacts_list';
Verify-Funktion für Kunden-...
Bernd Wurst authored 7 years ago
modules/index/verify.php 22)
Fix coding style with php-c...
Hanno authored 6 years ago
modules/contacts/verify.php 23) if (isset($_REQUEST['token'])) {
modules/contacts/verify.php 24) $token = $_REQUEST['token'];
modules/contacts/verify.php 25) $daten = verify_mail_token($token);
modules/contacts/verify.php 26) if ($daten == null) {
modules/contacts/verify.php 27) system_failure('Die E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht verifiziert werden. Vielleicht ist der Link bereits abgelaufen.');
modules/contacts/verify.php 28) } else {
modules/contacts/verify.php 29) update_mailaddress($daten);
modules/contacts/verify.php 30) upload_changed_contact($daten['contact']);
modules/contacts/verify.php 31) success_msg('Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde erfolgreich geändert');
modules/contacts/verify.php 32) header('Location: /');
modules/contacts/verify.php 33) }