Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...
Bernd Wurst authored 11 years ago
1) <?php
3) # this script converts the IBAN_registry.txt file's entries to registry.txt format (php-iban's required internal format).
5) # init
6) require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/php-iban.php');
7) date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); # mutes a warning
9) # read registry
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Bernd Wurst authored 8 years ago
10) $data = `iconv -f utf8 -t ascii --byte-subst="<0x%x>" --unicode-subst="<U+%04X>" 'IBAN_Registry.txt'`;
Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...
Bernd Wurst authored 11 years ago
11) if($data == '') { die("Couldn't read IBAN_Registry.txt - try downloading from the location described in the REGISTRY-URL file."); }
13) # print header line
14) print "country_code|country_name|domestic_example|bban_example|bban_format_swift|bban_format_regex|bban_length|iban_example|iban_format_swift|iban_format_regex|iban_length|bban_bankid_start_offset|bban_bankid_stop_offset|bban_branchid_start_offset|bban_branchid_stop_offset|registry_edition|country_sepa\n";
16) # break in to lines
17) $lines = preg_split('/[\r\n]+/',$data);
19) # display
20) foreach($lines as $line) {
21) # if it's not a blank line, and it's not the header row
22) if($line != '' && !preg_match('/SEPA Country/',$line)) {
23) # extract individual tab-separated fields
24) $bits = explode("\t",$line);
25) # remove quotes and superfluous whitespace on fields that have them.
26) for($i=0;$i<count($bits);$i++) {
27) $bits[$i] = preg_replace('/^"(.*)"$/','$1',$bits[$i]);
28) $bits[$i] = preg_replace('/^ */','',$bits[$i]);
29) $bits[$i] = preg_replace('/ *$/','',$bits[$i]);
30) }
31) # assigned fields to named variables
externals aktualisiert
Bernd Wurst authored 8 years ago
32) # print "-------\n";
33) # print $line;
34) # print "-------\n";
Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...
Bernd Wurst authored 11 years ago
35) list($country_name,$country_code,$domestic_example,$bban,$bban_structure,$bban_length,$bban_bi_position,$bban_bi_length,$bban_bi_example,$bban_example,$iban,$iban_structure,$iban_length,$iban_electronic_example,$iban_print_example,$country_sepa,$contact_details) = $bits;
36) # sanitise
37) $country_code = strtoupper(substr($country_code,0,2)); # sanitise comments away
38) $bban_structure = preg_replace('/[:;]/','',$bban_structure); # errors seen in Germany, Hungary entries
39) $iban_structure = preg_replace('/, .*$/','',$iban_structure); # duplicates for FO, GL seen in DK
40) $iban_electronic_example = preg_replace('/, .*$/','',$iban_electronic_example); # duplicates for FO, GL seen in DK
41) if($country_code=='MU') {
42) $iban_electronic_example = str_replace(' ','',$iban_electronic_example); # MU example has a spurious space
43) }
44) if($country_code=='CZ') {
45) $iban_electronic_example = preg_replace('/ \w{10,}+$/','',$iban_electronic_example); # extra example for CZ
46) $iban_print_example = preg_replace('/^(CZ.. .... .... .... .... ....).*$/','$1',$iban_print_example); # extra example
47) }
48) if($country_code=='FI') {
49) # remove additional example
50) $iban_electronic_example = preg_replace('/ or .*$/','',$iban_electronic_example);
51) # fix bban example to remove verbosity and match domestic example
52) $bban = '12345600000785';
53) }
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Bernd Wurst authored 8 years ago
54) if($country_code=='KZ') {
55) # fix presence of multiline free-text in KZ IBAN structure field
56) $iban_structure = '2!a2!n3!n13!c';
57) }
58) if($country_code=='QA') {
59) # fix the lack BBAN structure provision in the TXT format registry
60) $bban_structure = '4!a4!n17!c';
61) # fix broken IBAN structure provision
62) $iban_structure = 'QA2!n4!a4!n17!c';
63) }
64) if($country_code=='JO') {
65) $bban_bi_length=4; # not '4!a' as suggested
66) }
Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...
Bernd Wurst authored 11 years ago
67) $iban_print_example = preg_replace('/, .*$/','',$iban_print_example); # DK includes FO and GL examples in one record
externals aktualisiert
Bernd Wurst authored 8 years ago
69) # drop leading 2!a in iban structure.
70) # .. should actually be the country code in question
71) if(substr($iban_structure,0,3) == '2!a') {
72) $iban_structure = $country_code . substr($iban_structure,3);
73) }
75) # calculate $bban_regex from $bban_structure
76) $bban_regex = swift_to_regex($bban_structure);
77) # calculate $iban_regex from $iban_structure
78) $iban_regex = swift_to_regex($iban_structure);
79) print "[DEBUG] got $iban_regex from $iban_structure\n";
Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...
Bernd Wurst authored 11 years ago
81) # debugging
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Bernd Wurst authored 8 years ago
82) if(true) {
Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...
Bernd Wurst authored 11 years ago
83) print "[$country_name ($country_code)]\n";
84) print "Domestic account number example: $domestic_example\n";
85) print "BBAN structure: $bban_structure\n";
86) print "BBAN length: $bban_length\n";
87) print "BBAN bank identifier position: $bban_bi_position\n";
88) print "BBAN bank identifier length: $bban_bi_length\n";
89) print "BBAN bank identifier example: $bban_bi_example\n";
90) print "BBAN example: $bban_example\n";
externals aktualisiert
Bernd Wurst authored 8 years ago
91) print "BBAN regex (calculated): $bban_regex\n";
Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...
Bernd Wurst authored 11 years ago
92) print "IBAN structure: $iban_structure\n";
93) print "IBAN length: $iban_length\n";
94) print "IBAN electronic format example: $iban_electronic_example\n";
95) print "IBAN print format example: $iban_print_example\n";
externals aktualisiert
Bernd Wurst authored 8 years ago
96) print "IBAN Regex (calculated): $iban_regex\n";
Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...
Bernd Wurst authored 11 years ago
97) print "SEPA country: $country_sepa\n";
98) print "Contact details: $contact_details\n\n";
99) }
101) # calculate numeric $bban_length
102) $bban_length = preg_replace('/[^\d]/','',$bban_length);
103) # calculate numeric $iban_length
104) $iban_length = preg_replace('/[^\d]/','',$iban_length);
105) # calculate bban_bankid_<start|stop>_offset
106) # .... First we have to parse the freetext $bban_bi_position, eg:
107) # Bank Identifier 1-3, Branch Identifier
108) # Position 1-2
109) # Positions 1-2
110) # Positions 1-3
111) # Positions 1-3 ;Branch is not available
112) # Positions 1-3, Branch identifier
113) # Positions 1-3, Branch identifier positions
114) # Positions 1-4
115) # Positions 1-4, Branch identifier
116) # Positions 1-4, Branch identifier positions
117) # Positions 1-5
118) # Positions 1-5 (positions 1-2 bank identifier; positions 3-5 branch identifier). In case of payment institutions Positions 1-5, Branch identifier positions
119) # Positions 1-6, Branch identifier positions
120) # Positions 1-6. First two digits of bank identifier indicate the bank or banking group (For example, 1 or 2 for Nordea, 31 for Handelsbanken, 5 for cooperative banks etc)
121) # Positions 1-7
122) # Positions 1-8
123) # Positions 2-6, Branch identifier positions
124) # positions 1-3, Branch identifier positions
125) #
126) # ... our algorithm is as follows:
127) # - find all <digit>-<digit> tokens
128) preg_match_all('/(\d)-(\d\d?)/',$bban_bi_position,$matches);
129) # - discard overlaps ({1-5,1-2,3-5} becomes {1-2,3-5})
130) $tmptokens = array();
131) for($j=0;$j<count($matches[0]);$j++) {
132) #print "tmptokens was... " . print_r($tmptokens,1) . "\n";
133) $from = $matches[1][$j];
134) $to = $matches[2][$j];
135) # (if we don't yet have a match starting here, or it goes further,
136) # overwrite the match-from-this-position record)
137) if(!isset($tmptokens[$from]) || $to < $tmptokens[$from]) {
138) $tmptokens[$from] = $to;
139) }
140) }
141) unset($matches); # done
142) # - assume the token starting from position 1 is the bank identifier
143) # (or, if it does not exist, the token starting from position 2)
144) $bban_bankid_start_offset = 0; # decrement 1 on assignment
145) if(isset($tmptokens[1])) {
146) $bban_bankid_stop_offset = $tmptokens[1]-1; # decrement 1 on assignment
147) unset($tmptokens[1]);
148) }
149) else {
150) $bban_bankid_stop_offset = $tmptokens[2]-1; # decrement 1 on assignment
151) unset($tmptokens[2]);
152) }
153) # - assume any subsequent token, if present, is the branch identifier.
154) $tmpkeys = array_keys($tmptokens);
155) $start = array_shift($tmpkeys);
156) unset($tmpkeys); # done
157) $bban_branchid_start_offset='';
158) $bban_branchid_stop_offset='';
159) if($start!= '') {
160) # we have a branch identifier!
161) $bban_branchid_start_offset=$start-1;
162) $bban_branchid_stop_offset=$tmptokens[$start]-1;
163) }
164) else {
165) # (note: this codepath occurs for around two thirds of all records)
166) # we have not yet found a branch identifier. HOWEVER, we can analyse the
167) # structure of the BBAN to determine whether there is more than one
168) # remaining non-tiny field (tiny fields on the end of a BBAN typically
169) # being checksums) and, if so, assume that the first/shorter one is the
170) # branch identifier.
171) $reduced_bban_structure = preg_replace('/^\d+![nac]/','',$bban_structure);
externals aktualisiert
Bernd Wurst authored 8 years ago
172) # print "[DEBUG] reduced BBAN structure = $reduced_bban_structure\n";
Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...
Bernd Wurst authored 11 years ago
173) $tokens = swift_tokenize($reduced_bban_structure,1);
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Bernd Wurst authored 8 years ago
174) # print "[DEBUG] tokens = " + json_encode($tokens,1);
Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...
Bernd Wurst authored 11 years ago
175) # discard any tokens of length 1 or 2
176) for($t=0;$t<count($tokens[0]);$t++) {
177) if($tokens[1][$t] < 3) {
178) $tokens['discarded'][$t] = 1;
179) }
180) }
181) # interesting fields are those that are not discarded...
182) if(!isset($tokens['discarded'])) {
183) $interesting_field_count = count($tokens[0]); }
184) else {
185) $interesting_field_count = (count($tokens[0])-count($tokens['discarded']));
186) }
externals aktualisiert
Bernd Wurst authored 8 years ago
187) # print "[DEBUG] interesting field count = $interesting_field_count\n";
Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...
Bernd Wurst authored 11 years ago
188) # ...if we have at least two of them, there's a branchid-type field
189) if($interesting_field_count >= 2) {
190) # now loop through until we assign the branchid start offset
191) # (this occurs just after the first non-discarded field)
192) $found=0;
193) for($f=0; (($found==0) && ($f<count($tokens[0]))); $f++) {
194) # if this is a non-discarded token, of >2 length...
195) if((!isset($tokens['discarded'][$f]) || $tokens['discarded'][$f] != 1) && $tokens[1][$f]>2) {
196) # ... then assign.
197) $pre_offset = $bban_bankid_stop_offset+1; # this is the offset before we reduced the structure to remove the bankid field
198) $bban_branchid_start_offset = $pre_offset + $tokens['offset'][$f];
199) $bban_branchid_stop_offset = $pre_offset + $tokens['offset'][$f] + $tokens[1][$f] - 1; # decrement by one on assignment
200) $found=1;
201) }
202) }
203) }
204) }
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Bernd Wurst authored 8 years ago
206) # fix for Jordan
207) if($country_code == 'JO') {
208) $bban_bankid_start_offset = 0;
209) $bban_bankid_stop_offset = 3;
210) $bban_branchid_start_offset = 4;
211) $bban_branchid_stop_offset = 7;
212) }
Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...
Bernd Wurst authored 11 years ago
214) # calculate 1=Yes, 0=No for $country_sepa
215) # NOTE: This is buggy due to the free inclusion of random text by the registry publishers.
216) # Notably it requires modification for places like Finland and Portugal where these
217) # comments are known to exist.
218) if(strtolower($country_sepa)=='yes') { $country_sepa=1; } else { $country_sepa = 0; }
219) # set registry edition
220) $registry_edition = date('Y-m-d');
222) # now prepare generate our registry lines...
223) $to_generate = array($country_code=>$country_name);
224) if($country_code == 'DK') {
225) $to_generate = array('DK'=>$country_name,'FO'=>'Faroe Islands','GL'=>'Greenland');
226) }
227) elseif($country_code == 'FR') {
228) $to_generate = array('FR'=>$country_name,'BL'=>'Saint Barthelemy','GF'=>'French Guyana','GP'=>'Guadelope','MF'=>'Saint Martin (French Part)','MQ'=>'Martinique','RE'=>'Reunion','PF'=>'French Polynesia','TF'=>'French Southern Territories','YT'=>'Mayotte','NC'=>'New Caledonia','PM'=>'Saint Pierre et Miquelon','WF'=>'Wallis and Futuna Islands');
229) }
231) # output loop
232) foreach($to_generate as $country_code=>$country_name) {
233) # fixes for fields duplicating country code
234) #print "CHECKSUM-BEFORE[$country_code] = $iban_electronic_example\n";
235) $iban_electronic_example = iban_set_checksum($country_code . substr($iban_electronic_example,2));
236) #print "CHECKSUM-AFTER[$country_code] = $iban_electronic_example\n";
237) $iban_structure = $country_code . substr($iban_structure,2);
externals aktualisiert
Bernd Wurst authored 8 years ago
238) # step 1
239) $iban_regex_fixed = '^' . $country_code;
240) $tmp_country_code = substr($iban_regex,1,2);
241) #print "[DEBUG] $tmp_country_code\n";
242) # route #1 ... here we are dealing with a country code in the string already
243) if(preg_match('/^[A-Z][A-Z]$/',$tmp_country_code)) {
244) #print "[DEBUG] route #1\n";
245) $iban_regex_fixed = $iban_regex_fixed . substr($iban_regex,3);
246) }
247) # route #2 ... here there is no country code yet present
248) else {
249) #print "[DEBUG] route #2\n";
250) $iban_regex_fixed = $iban_regex_fixed . substr($iban_regex,1);
251) }
252) #print "[DEBUG] substited '$iban_regex_fixed' for '$iban_regex'\n";
Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...
Bernd Wurst authored 11 years ago
253) # output
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Bernd Wurst authored 8 years ago
254) print "$country_code|$country_name|$domestic_example|$bban_example|$bban_structure|$bban_regex|$bban_length|$iban_electronic_example|$iban_structure|$iban_regex_fixed|$iban_length|$bban_bankid_start_offset|$bban_bankid_stop_offset|$bban_branchid_start_offset|$bban_branchid_stop_offset|$registry_edition|$country_sepa\n";