bernd input-filtering

bernd authored 16 years ago

1) <?php
Bernd Wurst Added license tags for CC0,...

Bernd Wurst authored 12 years ago

2) /*
3) This file belongs to the Webinterface of schokokeks.org Hosting
Bernd Wurst Copyright year update

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

5) Written 2008-2018 by schokokeks.org Hosting, namely
Bernd Wurst Added license tags for CC0,...

Bernd Wurst authored 12 years ago

6)   Bernd Wurst <bernd@schokokeks.org>
7)   Hanno Böck <hanno@schokokeks.org>
9) To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

11) You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see
Bernd Wurst Added license tags for CC0,...

Bernd Wurst authored 12 years ago

12) http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
14) Nevertheless, in case you use a significant part of this code, we ask (but not require, see the license) that you keep the authors' names in place and return your changes to the public. We would be especially happy if you tell us what you're going to do with this code.
15) */
bernd input-filtering

bernd authored 16 years ago

bernd Umfangreiche Code-Aufräumar...

bernd authored 16 years ago

17) require_once('inc/error.php');
Hanno Böck replace cracklib with zxcvbn

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

18) require_once('vendor/autoload.php');
bernd Umfangreiche Code-Aufräumar...

bernd authored 16 years ago

bernd input-filtering

bernd authored 16 years ago

Hanno Böck replace cracklib with zxcvbn

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

21) function strong_password($password, $user = array())
bernd * Passwörter mit cracklib p...

bernd authored 16 years ago

22) {
Bernd Wurst support online check for pa...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

23)     $pwcheck = config('pwcheck');
24)     $result = null;
25)     if ($pwcheck) {
26)         DEBUG($pwcheck);
27)         $req = curl_init($pwcheck.$password);
28)         curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
29)         curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
30)         curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS, 1);
31)         curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
32)         curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
33)         curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);
34)         $result = chop(curl_exec($req));
35)         DEBUG($result);
36)     }
37)     if ($result === 'good') {
38)         return true;
39)     } elseif ($result === 'bad') {
40)         return "Das ist kein gutes Passwort!";
41)     }
42)     if ($result === null || $result === false) {
43)         // Kein Online-Check eingerichtet oder der request war nicht erfolgreich
44)         $passwordchecker = new ZxcvbnPhp\Zxcvbn();
45)         $strength = $passwordchecker->passwordStrength($password, $user);
47)         if ($strength['score'] < 2) {
48)             return "Das Passwort ist zu einfach!";
49)         }
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

50)     }
bernd * Passwörter mit cracklib p...

bernd authored 16 years ago

Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

52)     return true;
bernd * Passwörter mit cracklib p...

bernd authored 16 years ago

53) }
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

56) function filter_input_general($input)
bernd input-filtering

bernd authored 16 years ago

57) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

58)     if ($input === null) {
59)         return null;
60)     }
61)     return htmlspecialchars(iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', $input), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
bernd Umfangreiche Code-Aufräumar...

bernd authored 16 years ago

62) }
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

65) function verify_input_general($input)
bernd Umfangreiche Code-Aufräumar...

bernd authored 16 years ago

66) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

67)     if (filter_input_general($input) !== $input) {
68)         system_failure("Ihre Daten enthielten ungültige Zeichen!");
69)         logger(LOG_WARNING, 'inc/security', 'verify_input_general', 'Ungültige Daten: '.$input);
70)     } else {
71)         return $input;
72)     }
bernd input-filtering

bernd authored 16 years ago

73) }
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

76) function filter_input_username($input)
bernd input-filtering

bernd authored 16 years ago

77) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

78)     $username=preg_replace("/[^[:alnum:]\_\.\+\-]/", "", $input);
79)     if ($username === "") {
80)         system_failure("Leerer Benutzername!");
81)     }
82)     return $username;
hanno Hatte die Kompatibilität ge...

hanno authored 16 years ago

83) }
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

85) function verify_input_username($input)
hanno Hatte die Kompatibilität ge...

hanno authored 16 years ago

86) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

87)     if (filter_input_username($input) != $input) {
88)         logger(LOG_WARNING, 'inc/security', 'verify_input_username', 'Ungültige Daten: '.$input);
89)         system_failure("Ihre Daten enthielten ungültige Zeichen!");
90)     }
bernd input-filtering

bernd authored 16 years ago

91) }
bernd Umfangreiche Code-Aufräumar...

bernd authored 16 years ago

Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

95) function filter_input_hostname($input, $wildcard=false)
bernd check auf hostname

bernd authored 16 years ago

96) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

97)     // FIXME: Eine "filter"-Funktion sollte keinen system_failure verursachen sondern einfach einen bereinigten String liefern.
Hanno remove whitespace in empty...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

99)     DEBUG('filter_input_hostname("'.$input.'", $wildcard='.$wildcard.')');
Hanno Spezialbehandlung für äöü n...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

100)     $input = strtolower($input);
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

101)     $input = rtrim($input, "\t\n\r\x00 .");
102)     $input = ltrim($input, "\t\n\r\x00 .");
103)     if (preg_replace("/[^.]_/", "", $input) != $input) {
104)         system_failure("Der Unterstrich ist nur als erstes Zeichen eines Hostnames erlaubt.");
105)     }
Hanno Spezialbehandlung für äöü n...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

106)     if (preg_replace("/[^[:alnum:]_*\.\-]/u", "", $input) != $input) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

107)         system_failure("Ihre Daten enthielten ungültige Zeichen!");
108)     }
109)     if (preg_match("/^.+\*/", $input)) {
110)         system_failure("Ihre Daten enthielten ungültige Zeichen (Wildcard-Stern muss ganz vorne stehen)!");
111)     }
112)     if (! $wildcard && preg_replace("/^\*/", "", $input) != $input) {
113)         system_failure("Ihre Daten enthielten ungültige Zeichen (Keine Wildcards erlaubt)!");
114)     }
115)     if (strstr($input, '..')) {
116)         system_failure("Ungültiger Hostname");
117)     }
118)     return $input;
bernd check auf hostname

bernd authored 16 years ago

119) }
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

121) function verify_input_hostname($input, $wildcard=false)
bernd Add IP-address patterns

bernd authored 15 years ago

122) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

123)     if (filter_input_hostname($input, $wildcard) != $input) {
124)         logger(LOG_WARNING, 'inc/security', 'verify_input_hostname', 'Ungültige Daten: '.$input);
125)         system_failure("Ihre Daten enthielten ungültige Zeichen!");
126)     }
bernd Add IP-address patterns

bernd authored 15 years ago

127) }
Hanno Böck vhost-hostnamen vernünftig...

Hanno Böck authored 5 years ago

130) function verify_input_hostname_utf8($input)
131) {
132)     $puny = idn_to_ascii($input, IDNA_DEFAULT, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46);
133)     if ($puny === false) {
134)         system_failure("Ungültiger Hostname! idn ".$input);
135)     }
136)     $filter = filter_var($puny, FILTER_VALIDATE_DOMAIN, FILTER_FLAG_HOSTNAME);
137)     if ($filter === false) {
138)         system_failure("Ungültiger Hostname! filter ".$input);
139)     }
140) }
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

143) function verify_input_ipv4($input)
bernd Add IP-address patterns

bernd authored 15 years ago

144) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

145)     if (! preg_match("/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/", $input)) {
146)         system_failure('Keine IP-Adresse');
147)     }
bernd Add IP-address patterns

bernd authored 15 years ago

148) }
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

151) function verify_input_ipv6($input)
bernd Add IP-address patterns

bernd authored 15 years ago

152) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

153)     // ripped from Perl module Net-IPv6Addr v0.2
154)     if (! preg_match("/^(([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}|[0-9a-f]{0,4}::|:(?::[a-f0-9]{1,4}){1,6}|(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}:){1,6}:|(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}:)(?::[a-f0-9]{1,4}){1,6}|(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}:){2}(?::[a-f0-9]{1,4}){1,5}|(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}:){3}(?::[a-f0-9]{1,4}){1,4}|(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}:){4}(?::[a-f0-9]{1,4}){1,3}|(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}:){5}(?::[a-f0-9]{1,4}){1,2}|(?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}:){6}(?::[a-f0-9]{1,4}))$/i", $input)) {
155)         system_failure("Ungültige IPv6-Adresse");
156)     }
bernd Add IP-address patterns

bernd authored 15 years ago

157) }
bernd Umfangreiche Code-Aufräumar...

bernd authored 16 years ago

Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

159) function verify_input_recorddata($input)
Hanno Böck Prüfe DNS-Records auf probl...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

160) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

161)     if (strstr($input, "\\") || strstr($input, '"')) {
162)         system_failure("Ungültige Zeichen");
163)     }
Hanno Böck Prüfe DNS-Records auf probl...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

164) }
bernd Umfangreiche Code-Aufräumar...

bernd authored 16 years ago

Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

166) function filter_quotes($input)
bernd Im Passwort dürfen auch kei...

bernd authored 16 years ago

167) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

168)     return preg_replace('/["\'`]/', '', $input);
bernd Im Passwort dürfen auch kei...

bernd authored 16 years ago

169) }
bernd Umfangreiche Code-Aufräumar...

bernd authored 16 years ago

Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

173) function filter_shell($input)
bernd Diverse shell-kritische zei...

bernd authored 16 years ago

174) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

175)     return preg_replace('/[^-[:alnum:]\_\.\+ßäöüÄÖÜ/%§=]/', '', $input);
bernd Umfangreiche Code-Aufräumar...

bernd authored 16 years ago

176) }
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

178) function verify_shell($input)
bernd Umfangreiche Code-Aufräumar...

bernd authored 16 years ago

179) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

180)     if (filter_shell($input) != $input) {
181)         system_failure("Ihre Daten enthielten ungültige Zeichen!");
182)     }
bernd Diverse shell-kritische zei...

bernd authored 16 years ago

183) }
bernd input-filtering

bernd authored 16 years ago

bernd Umfangreiche Code-Aufräumar...

bernd authored 16 years ago

Hanno Böck validiere SSH-Keys korrekt

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

186) function filter_ssh_key($key)
187) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

188)     $keyparts = explode(" ", trim($key));
Hanno Böck validiere SSH-Keys korrekt

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

190)     if ((count($keyparts) > 3) || (count($keyparts) < 2)) {
191)         system_failure("Ungültiger SSH-Key!");
192)     }
Hanno Böck validiere SSH-Keys korrekt

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

194)     if (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9-]+$/", $keyparts[0]) === 0) {
195)         system_failure("Ungültiger SSH-Key!");
196)     }
Hanno Böck validiere SSH-Keys korrekt

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

198)     if (base64_decode($keyparts[1], 1) == false) {
199)         system_failure("Ungültiger SSH-Key!");
200)     }
Hanno Böck validiere SSH-Keys korrekt

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

202)     if ((count($keyparts) === 3) && (preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9@.-_]+$/", $keyparts[2]) === 0)) {
203)         system_failure("Ungültige Zeichen im Kommentar des SSH-Keys!");
204)     }
Hanno Böck validiere SSH-Keys korrekt

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

206)     if (count($keyparts) === 2) {
207)         return $keyparts[0]." ".$keyparts[1];
208)     } else {
209)         return $keyparts[0]." ".$keyparts[1]." ".$keyparts[2];
210)     }
Hanno Böck validiere SSH-Keys korrekt

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

211) }
bernd Umfangreiche Code-Aufräumar...

bernd authored 16 years ago

Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

214) function check_path($input)
bernd XSS/CSRF-Bugs behoben

bernd authored 16 years ago

215) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

216)     DEBUG("checking {$input} for valid path name");
217)     if ($input != filter_input_general($input)) {
218)         logger(LOG_WARNING, 'inc/security', 'check_path', 'HTML-Krams im Pfad: '.$input);
219)         DEBUG("HTML-Krams im Pfad");
220)         return false;
221)     }
222)     $components = explode("/", $input);
223)     foreach ($components as $item) {
224)         if ($item == '..') {
225)             logger(LOG_WARNING, 'inc/security', 'check_path', '»..« im Pfad: '.$input);
226)             DEBUG("»..« im Pfad");
227)             return false;
228)         }
Hanno prevent breaking kvhostcrea...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

229)         if (strlen($item) > 255) {
230)             return false;
231)         }
232)     }
233)     if (strlen($input) > 2048) {
234)         return false;
bernd XSS/CSRF-Bugs behoben

bernd authored 16 years ago

235)     }
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

236)     return (preg_match('/^[ A-Za-z0-9.@\/_-]*$/', $input) == 1);
bernd XSS/CSRF-Bugs behoben

bernd authored 16 years ago

237) }
bernd * alle internen Links sinnv...

bernd authored 15 years ago

240) function in_homedir($path)
241) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

242)     DEBUG("Prüfe »{$path}«");
243)     if (! check_path($path)) {
244)         DEBUG('Kein Pfad');
245)         return false;
246)     }
247)     if (! isset($_SESSION['userinfo']['homedir'])) {
248)         DEBUG("Kann homedir nicht ermitteln");
249)         return false;
250)     }
Bernd Wurst Syntaxfehler

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

251)     return strncmp($_SESSION['userinfo']['homedir'], $path, strlen($_SESSION['userinfo']['homedir'])) == 0;
bernd * alle internen Links sinnv...

bernd authored 15 years ago

252) }
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

254) function check_date($input)
Bernd Wurst Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...

Bernd Wurst authored 10 years ago

255) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

256)     return (bool) preg_match("/[0-9]{4}-(0?[1-9]|10|11|12)-([012]?[0-9]|30|31)/", $input);
Bernd Wurst Erste Version des SEPA-Mand...

Bernd Wurst authored 10 years ago

257) }
bernd * alle internen Links sinnv...

bernd authored 15 years ago

Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

260) function check_emailaddr($input)
bernd Neues Modul für "Kunde werden"

bernd authored 16 years ago

261) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

262)     return (bool) filter_var($input, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) == $input;
bernd don't be too complicated. /...

bernd authored 16 years ago

263) }
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

265) function check_domain($input)
bernd don't be too complicated. /...

bernd authored 16 years ago

266) {
Hanno Fix coding style with php-c...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

267)     return (bool) preg_match("/^[a-z0-9\.\-]+\.[a-z\-]{2,63}$/i", $input);