Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

1) {
2)     "_readme": [
3)         "This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state",
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

4)         "Read more about it at https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#installing-dependencies",
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

5)         "This file is @generated automatically"
6)     ],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

7)     "content-hash": "0e373e5456d6d408e3d54d34d360c96c",
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

8)     "packages": [
9)         {
10)             "name": "bjeavons/zxcvbn-php",
Hanno Böck update zxcvbn-php, upstream...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

11)             "version": "0.3.0",
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

12)             "source": {
13)                 "type": "git",
14)                 "url": "https://github.com/bjeavons/zxcvbn-php.git",
Hanno Böck update zxcvbn-php, upstream...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

15)                 "reference": "331a88932d1a399c989967d3399a4a40eb182fd5"
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

16)             },
17)             "dist": {
18)                 "type": "zip",
Hanno Böck update zxcvbn-php, upstream...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

19)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/bjeavons/zxcvbn-php/zipball/331a88932d1a399c989967d3399a4a40eb182fd5",
20)                 "reference": "331a88932d1a399c989967d3399a4a40eb182fd5",
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

21)                 "shasum": ""
22)             },
23)             "require": {
24)                 "php": "^5.3 || ^7.0"
25)             },
26)             "require-dev": {
27)                 "phpunit/phpunit": "*",
28)                 "satooshi/php-coveralls": "*"
29)             },
30)             "type": "library",
31)             "autoload": {
32)                 "psr-4": {
33)                     "ZxcvbnPhp\\": "src/"
34)                 }
35)             },
36)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
37)             "license": [
38)                 "MIT"
39)             ],
40)             "authors": [
41)                 {
42)                     "name": "See contributors",
43)                     "homepage": "https://github.com/bjeavons/zxcvbn-php"
44)                 }
45)             ],
46)             "description": "Realistic password strength estimation PHP library based on Zxcvbn JS",
47)             "homepage": "https://github.com/bjeavons/zxcvbn-php",
48)             "keywords": [
49)                 "password",
50)                 "zxcvbn"
51)             ],
Hanno Böck update zxcvbn-php, upstream...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

52)             "time": "2017-01-06T15:43:33+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

53)         },
54)         {
55)             "name": "giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

56)             "version": "8.12.14",
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

57)             "source": {
58)                 "type": "git",
59)                 "url": "https://github.com/giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php.git",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

60)                 "reference": "c42a963110b08b8a4a419c35566bf9d3456ba479"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

61)             },
62)             "dist": {
63)                 "type": "zip",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

64)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php/zipball/c42a963110b08b8a4a419c35566bf9d3456ba479",
65)                 "reference": "c42a963110b08b8a4a419c35566bf9d3456ba479",
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

66)                 "shasum": ""
67)             },
68)             "require": {
Bernd Wurst updated dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

69)                 "giggsey/locale": "^1.7",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

70)                 "php": ">=5.3.2",
71)                 "symfony/polyfill-mbstring": "^1.17"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

72)             },
73)             "require-dev": {
74)                 "pear/pear-core-minimal": "^1.9",
75)                 "pear/pear_exception": "^1.0",
76)                 "pear/versioncontrol_git": "^0.5",
77)                 "phing/phing": "^2.7",
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

78)                 "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^1.0|^2.0",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

79)                 "symfony/console": "^2.8|^3.0",
80)                 "symfony/phpunit-bridge": "^4.2 || ^5"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

81)             },
82)             "type": "library",
83)             "extra": {
84)                 "branch-alias": {
85)                     "dev-master": "8.x-dev"
86)                 }
87)             },
88)             "autoload": {
89)                 "psr-4": {
90)                     "libphonenumber\\": "src/"
91)                 },
92)                 "exclude-from-classmap": [
93)                     "/src/data/",
94)                     "/src/carrier/data/",
95)                     "/src/geocoding/data/",
96)                     "/src/timezone/data/"
97)                 ]
98)             },
99)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
100)             "license": [
101)                 "Apache-2.0"
102)             ],
103)             "authors": [
104)                 {
105)                     "name": "Joshua Gigg",
106)                     "email": "giggsey@gmail.com",
107)                     "homepage": "https://giggsey.com/"
108)                 }
109)             ],
110)             "description": "PHP Port of Google's libphonenumber",
111)             "homepage": "https://github.com/giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php",
112)             "keywords": [
113)                 "geocoding",
114)                 "geolocation",
115)                 "libphonenumber",
116)                 "mobile",
117)                 "phonenumber",
118)                 "validation"
119)             ],
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

120)             "time": "2020-12-02T10:54:10+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

121)         },
122)         {
123)             "name": "giggsey/locale",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

124)             "version": "1.9",
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

125)             "source": {
126)                 "type": "git",
127)                 "url": "https://github.com/giggsey/Locale.git",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

128)                 "reference": "b07f1eace8072ccc61445ad8fbd493ff9d783043"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

129)             },
130)             "dist": {
131)                 "type": "zip",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

132)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/giggsey/Locale/zipball/b07f1eace8072ccc61445ad8fbd493ff9d783043",
133)                 "reference": "b07f1eace8072ccc61445ad8fbd493ff9d783043",
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

134)                 "shasum": ""
135)             },
136)             "require": {
137)                 "php": ">=5.3.2"
138)             },
139)             "require-dev": {
140)                 "pear/pear-core-minimal": "^1.9",
141)                 "pear/pear_exception": "^1.0",
142)                 "pear/versioncontrol_git": "^0.5",
143)                 "phing/phing": "~2.7",
Bernd Wurst update dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

144)                 "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^1.0|^2.0",
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

145)                 "phpunit/phpunit": "^4.8|^5.0",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

146)                 "symfony/console": "^2.8|^3.0|^4.0",
147)                 "symfony/filesystem": "^2.8|^3.0|^4.0",
148)                 "symfony/finder": "^2.8|^3.0|^4.0",
149)                 "symfony/process": "^2.8|^3.0|^4.0"
Bernd Wurst Neue Abhängigkeit für phone...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

150)             },
151)             "type": "library",
152)             "autoload": {
153)                 "psr-4": {
154)                     "Giggsey\\Locale\\": "src/"
155)                 }
156)             },
157)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
158)             "license": [
159)                 "MIT"
160)             ],
161)             "authors": [
162)                 {
163)                     "name": "Joshua Gigg",
164)                     "email": "giggsey@gmail.com",
165)                     "homepage": "http://giggsey.com/"
166)                 }
167)             ],
168)             "description": "Locale functions required by libphonenumber-for-php",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

169)             "time": "2020-07-07T11:16:24+00:00"
Bernd Wurst php-iban über composer einb...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

170)         },
171)         {
172)             "name": "globalcitizen/php-iban",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

173)             "version": "v2.7.5",
Bernd Wurst php-iban über composer einb...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

174)             "source": {
175)                 "type": "git",
176)                 "url": "https://github.com/globalcitizen/php-iban.git",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

177)                 "reference": "4c0fc54877948ac667c0ab29c2d1afbe47705599"
Bernd Wurst php-iban über composer einb...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

178)             },
179)             "dist": {
180)                 "type": "zip",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

181)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/globalcitizen/php-iban/zipball/4c0fc54877948ac667c0ab29c2d1afbe47705599",
182)                 "reference": "4c0fc54877948ac667c0ab29c2d1afbe47705599",
Bernd Wurst php-iban über composer einb...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

183)                 "shasum": ""
184)             },
185)             "type": "library",
186)             "autoload": {
187)                 "files": [
188)                     "oophp-iban.php",
189)                     "php-iban.php"
190)                 ]
191)             },
192)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
193)             "license": [
Bernd Wurst update dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

194)                 "LGPL-3.0-only"
Bernd Wurst php-iban über composer einb...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

195)             ],
196)             "description": "php-iban is a library for parsing and validating IBAN (and IIBAN) bank account information.",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

197)             "time": "2020-05-03T19:46:35+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

198)         },
199)         {
200)             "name": "mpdf/mpdf",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

201)             "version": "v8.0.8",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

202)             "source": {
203)                 "type": "git",
204)                 "url": "https://github.com/mpdf/mpdf.git",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

205)                 "reference": "4ce221329d0918146514605db1644b2771c5e308"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

206)             },
207)             "dist": {
208)                 "type": "zip",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

209)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/mpdf/mpdf/zipball/4ce221329d0918146514605db1644b2771c5e308",
210)                 "reference": "4ce221329d0918146514605db1644b2771c5e308",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

211)                 "shasum": ""
212)             },
213)             "require": {
214)                 "ext-gd": "*",
215)                 "ext-mbstring": "*",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

216)                 "myclabs/deep-copy": "^1.7",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

217)                 "paragonie/random_compat": "^1.4|^2.0|^9.99.99",
218)                 "php": "^5.6 || ^7.0",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

219)                 "psr/log": "^1.0",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

220)                 "setasign/fpdi": "^2.1"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

221)             },
222)             "require-dev": {
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

223)                 "mockery/mockery": "^1.3.0",
224)                 "mpdf/qrcode": "^1.1.0",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

225)                 "phpunit/phpunit": "^5.0",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

226)                 "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.5.0",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

227)                 "tracy/tracy": "^2.4"
228)             },
229)             "suggest": {
230)                 "ext-bcmath": "Needed for generation of some types of barcodes",
231)                 "ext-xml": "Needed mainly for SVG manipulation",
232)                 "ext-zlib": "Needed for compression of embedded resources, such as fonts"
233)             },
234)             "type": "library",
235)             "extra": {
236)                 "branch-alias": {
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

237)                     "dev-development": "7.x-dev"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

238)                 }
239)             },
240)             "autoload": {
241)                 "psr-4": {
242)                     "Mpdf\\": "src/"
243)                 }
244)             },
245)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
246)             "license": [
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

247)                 "GPL-2.0-only"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

248)             ],
249)             "authors": [
250)                 {
251)                     "name": "Matěj Humpál",
252)                     "role": "Developer, maintainer"
253)                 },
254)                 {
255)                     "name": "Ian Back",
256)                     "role": "Developer (retired)"
257)                 }
258)             ],
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

259)             "description": "PHP library generating PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

260)             "homepage": "https://mpdf.github.io",
261)             "keywords": [
262)                 "pdf",
263)                 "php",
264)                 "utf-8"
265)             ],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

266)             "funding": [
267)                 {
268)                     "url": "https://www.paypal.me/mpdf",
269)                     "type": "custom"
270)                 }
271)             ],
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

272)             "time": "2020-12-05T00:44:31+00:00"
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

273)         },
274)         {
275)             "name": "myclabs/deep-copy",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

276)             "version": "1.10.2",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

277)             "source": {
278)                 "type": "git",
279)                 "url": "https://github.com/myclabs/DeepCopy.git",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

280)                 "reference": "776f831124e9c62e1a2c601ecc52e776d8bb7220"
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

281)             },
282)             "dist": {
283)                 "type": "zip",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

284)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/myclabs/DeepCopy/zipball/776f831124e9c62e1a2c601ecc52e776d8bb7220",
285)                 "reference": "776f831124e9c62e1a2c601ecc52e776d8bb7220",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

286)                 "shasum": ""
287)             },
288)             "require": {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

289)                 "php": "^7.1 || ^8.0"
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

290)             },
291)             "replace": {
292)                 "myclabs/deep-copy": "self.version"
293)             },
294)             "require-dev": {
295)                 "doctrine/collections": "^1.0",
296)                 "doctrine/common": "^2.6",
297)                 "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.1"
298)             },
299)             "type": "library",
300)             "autoload": {
301)                 "psr-4": {
302)                     "DeepCopy\\": "src/DeepCopy/"
303)                 },
304)                 "files": [
305)                     "src/DeepCopy/deep_copy.php"
306)                 ]
307)             },
308)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
309)             "license": [
310)                 "MIT"
311)             ],
312)             "description": "Create deep copies (clones) of your objects",
313)             "keywords": [
314)                 "clone",
315)                 "copy",
316)                 "duplicate",
317)                 "object",
318)                 "object graph"
319)             ],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

320)             "funding": [
321)                 {
322)                     "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/myclabs/deep-copy",
323)                     "type": "tidelift"
324)                 }
325)             ],
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

326)             "time": "2020-11-13T09:40:50+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

327)         },
328)         {
329)             "name": "paragonie/random_compat",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

330)             "version": "v9.99.100",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

331)             "source": {
332)                 "type": "git",
333)                 "url": "https://github.com/paragonie/random_compat.git",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

334)                 "reference": "996434e5492cb4c3edcb9168db6fbb1359ef965a"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

335)             },
336)             "dist": {
337)                 "type": "zip",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

338)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/paragonie/random_compat/zipball/996434e5492cb4c3edcb9168db6fbb1359ef965a",
339)                 "reference": "996434e5492cb4c3edcb9168db6fbb1359ef965a",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

340)                 "shasum": ""
341)             },
342)             "require": {
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

343)                 "php": ">= 7"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

344)             },
345)             "require-dev": {
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

346)                 "phpunit/phpunit": "4.*|5.*",
347)                 "vimeo/psalm": "^1"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

348)             },
349)             "suggest": {
350)                 "ext-libsodium": "Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes."
351)             },
352)             "type": "library",
353)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
354)             "license": [
355)                 "MIT"
356)             ],
357)             "authors": [
358)                 {
359)                     "name": "Paragon Initiative Enterprises",
360)                     "email": "security@paragonie.com",
361)                     "homepage": "https://paragonie.com"
362)                 }
363)             ],
364)             "description": "PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7",
365)             "keywords": [
366)                 "csprng",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

367)                 "polyfill",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

368)                 "pseudorandom",
369)                 "random"
370)             ],
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

371)             "time": "2020-10-15T08:29:30+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

372)         },
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

373)         {
374)             "name": "phpgangsta/googleauthenticator",
375)             "version": "dev-master",
376)             "source": {
377)                 "type": "git",
378)                 "url": "https://github.com/PHPGangsta/GoogleAuthenticator.git",
Bernd Wurst updated dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

379)                 "reference": "505c2af8337b559b33557f37cda38e5f843f3768"
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

380)             },
381)             "dist": {
382)                 "type": "zip",
Bernd Wurst updated dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

383)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/PHPGangsta/GoogleAuthenticator/zipball/505c2af8337b559b33557f37cda38e5f843f3768",
384)                 "reference": "505c2af8337b559b33557f37cda38e5f843f3768",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

385)                 "shasum": ""
386)             },
387)             "require": {
388)                 "php": ">=5.3"
389)             },
390)             "type": "library",
391)             "autoload": {
392)                 "classmap": [
393)                     "PHPGangsta/GoogleAuthenticator.php"
394)                 ]
395)             },
396)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
397)             "license": [
398)                 "BSD-4-Clause"
399)             ],
400)             "authors": [
401)                 {
402)                     "name": "Michael Kliewe",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

403)                     "role": "Developer",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

404)                     "email": "info@phpgangsta.de",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

405)                     "homepage": "http://www.phpgangsta.de/"
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

406)                 }
407)             ],
408)             "description": "Google Authenticator 2-factor authentication",
409)             "keywords": [
410)                 "googleauthenticator",
411)                 "rfc6238",
412)                 "totp"
413)             ],
Bernd Wurst updated dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

414)             "time": "2019-03-20T00:55:58+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

415)         },
416)         {
417)             "name": "psr/log",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

418)             "version": "1.1.3",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

419)             "source": {
420)                 "type": "git",
421)                 "url": "https://github.com/php-fig/log.git",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

422)                 "reference": "0f73288fd15629204f9d42b7055f72dacbe811fc"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

423)             },
424)             "dist": {
425)                 "type": "zip",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

426)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/php-fig/log/zipball/0f73288fd15629204f9d42b7055f72dacbe811fc",
427)                 "reference": "0f73288fd15629204f9d42b7055f72dacbe811fc",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

428)                 "shasum": ""
429)             },
430)             "require": {
431)                 "php": ">=5.3.0"
432)             },
433)             "type": "library",
434)             "extra": {
435)                 "branch-alias": {
Bernd Wurst update dependancies

Bernd Wurst authored 4 years ago

436)                     "dev-master": "1.1.x-dev"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

437)                 }
438)             },
439)             "autoload": {
440)                 "psr-4": {
441)                     "Psr\\Log\\": "Psr/Log/"
442)                 }
443)             },
444)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
445)             "license": [
446)                 "MIT"
447)             ],
448)             "authors": [
449)                 {
450)                     "name": "PHP-FIG",
451)                     "homepage": "http://www.php-fig.org/"
452)                 }
453)             ],
454)             "description": "Common interface for logging libraries",
455)             "homepage": "https://github.com/php-fig/log",
456)             "keywords": [
457)                 "log",
458)                 "psr",
459)                 "psr-3"
460)             ],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

461)             "time": "2020-03-23T09:12:05+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

462)         },
463)         {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

464)             "name": "setasign/fpdi",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

465)             "version": "v2.3.5",
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

466)             "source": {
467)                 "type": "git",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

468)                 "url": "https://github.com/Setasign/FPDI.git",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

469)                 "reference": "f2246c8669bd25834f5c264425eb0e250d7a9312"
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

470)             },
471)             "dist": {
472)                 "type": "zip",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

473)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/Setasign/FPDI/zipball/f2246c8669bd25834f5c264425eb0e250d7a9312",
474)                 "reference": "f2246c8669bd25834f5c264425eb0e250d7a9312",
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

475)                 "shasum": ""
476)             },
477)             "require": {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

478)                 "ext-zlib": "*",
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

479)                 "php": "^5.6 || ^7.0 || ^8.0"
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

480)             },
481)             "conflict": {
482)                 "setasign/tfpdf": "<1.31"
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

483)             },
484)             "require-dev": {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

485)                 "phpunit/phpunit": "~5.7",
486)                 "setasign/fpdf": "~1.8",
487)                 "setasign/tfpdf": "1.31",
488)                 "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.5",
489)                 "tecnickcom/tcpdf": "~6.2"
490)             },
491)             "suggest": {
492)                 "setasign/fpdf": "FPDI will extend this class but as it is also possible to use TCPDF or tFPDF as an alternative. There's no fixed dependency configured."
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

493)             },
494)             "type": "library",
495)             "autoload": {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

496)                 "psr-4": {
497)                     "setasign\\Fpdi\\": "src/"
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

498)                 }
499)             },
500)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
501)             "license": [
502)                 "MIT"
503)             ],
504)             "authors": [
505)                 {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

506)                     "name": "Jan Slabon",
507)                     "email": "jan.slabon@setasign.com",
508)                     "homepage": "https://www.setasign.com"
509)                 },
510)                 {
511)                     "name": "Maximilian Kresse",
512)                     "email": "maximilian.kresse@setasign.com",
513)                     "homepage": "https://www.setasign.com"
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

514)                 }
515)             ],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

516)             "description": "FPDI is a collection of PHP classes facilitating developers to read pages from existing PDF documents and use them as templates in FPDF. Because it is also possible to use FPDI with TCPDF, there are no fixed dependencies defined. Please see suggestions for packages which evaluates the dependencies automatically.",
517)             "homepage": "https://www.setasign.com/fpdi",
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

518)             "keywords": [
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

519)                 "fpdf",
520)                 "fpdi",
521)                 "pdf"
522)             ],
523)             "funding": [
524)                 {
525)                     "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/setasign/fpdi",
526)                     "type": "tidelift"
527)                 }
Bernd Wurst Erzeuge HTML als Eingabe fü...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

528)             ],
Bernd Wurst update deps

Bernd Wurst authored 3 years ago

529)             "time": "2020-12-03T13:40:03+00:00"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

530)         },
531)         {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

532)             "name": "symfony/polyfill-mbstring",
533)             "version": "v1.20.0",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

534)             "source": {
535)                 "type": "git",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

536)                 "url": "https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-mbstring.git",
537)                 "reference": "39d483bdf39be819deabf04ec872eb0b2410b531"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

538)             },
539)             "dist": {
540)                 "type": "zip",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

541)                 "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/zipball/39d483bdf39be819deabf04ec872eb0b2410b531",
542)                 "reference": "39d483bdf39be819deabf04ec872eb0b2410b531",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

543)                 "shasum": ""
544)             },
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

545)             "require": {
546)                 "php": ">=7.1"
547)             },
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

548)             "suggest": {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

549)                 "ext-mbstring": "For best performance"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

550)             },
551)             "type": "library",
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

552)             "extra": {
553)                 "branch-alias": {
554)                     "dev-main": "1.20-dev"
555)                 },
556)                 "thanks": {
557)                     "name": "symfony/polyfill",
558)                     "url": "https://github.com/symfony/polyfill"
559)                 }
560)             },
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

561)             "autoload": {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

562)                 "psr-4": {
563)                     "Symfony\\Polyfill\\Mbstring\\": ""
564)                 },
565)                 "files": [
566)                     "bootstrap.php"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

567)                 ]
568)             },
569)             "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/",
570)             "license": [
571)                 "MIT"
572)             ],
573)             "authors": [
574)                 {
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

575)                     "name": "Nicolas Grekas",
576)                     "email": "p@tchwork.com"
577)                 },
578)                 {
579)                     "name": "Symfony Community",
580)                     "homepage": "https://symfony.com/contributors"
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

581)                 }
582)             ],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

583)             "description": "Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension",
584)             "homepage": "https://symfony.com",
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

585)             "keywords": [
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

586)                 "compatibility",
587)                 "mbstring",
588)                 "polyfill",
589)                 "portable",
590)                 "shim"
591)             ],
592)             "funding": [
593)                 {
594)                     "url": "https://symfony.com/sponsor",
595)                     "type": "custom"
596)                 },
597)                 {
598)                     "url": "https://github.com/fabpot",
599)                     "type": "github"
600)                 },
601)                 {
602)                     "url": "https://tidelift.com/funding/github/packagist/symfony/symfony",
603)                     "type": "tidelift"
604)                 }
Bernd Wurst Neues Modul zum Abschließen...

Bernd Wurst authored 5 years ago

605)             ],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

606)             "time": "2020-10-23T14:02:19+00:00"
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

607)         }
608)     ],
609)     "packages-dev": [],
610)     "aliases": [],
611)     "minimum-stability": "stable",
Hanno Use GoogleAuthenticator fro...

Hanno authored 5 years ago

612)     "stability-flags": {
613)         "phpgangsta/googleauthenticator": 20
614)     },
Hanno Böck Add composer dependency for...

Hanno Böck authored 7 years ago

615)     "prefer-stable": false,
616)     "prefer-lowest": false,
617)     "platform": [],
Hanno Böck update mpdf, remove unused...

Hanno Böck authored 3 years ago

618)     "platform-dev": [],
619)     "plugin-api-version": "1.1.0"