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Datums-Check und Daten in umgangssprachlicher Form ausgeben
at 2012-03-02 09:59:53
<?php require_once('inc/base.php'); require_once('inc/debug.php'); require_once('hasdomain.php'); require_once('common.php'); function empty_account() { $account = array( 'id' => NULL, 'local' => '', 'domain' => NULL, 'password' => NULL, 'spamfilter' => 'folder', 'spamexpire' => 7, 'quota' => config('vmail_basequota'), 'quota_threshold' => 20, 'forwards' => array(), 'autoresponder' => NULL ); return $account; } function empty_autoresponder_config() { $ar = array( 'valid_from' => date( 'Y-m-d' ), 'valid_until' => NULL, 'fromname' => NULL, 'fromaddr' => NULL, 'subject' => NULL, 'message' => 'Danke für Ihre E-Mail. Ich bin aktuell nicht im Büro und werde Ihre Nachricht erst nach meiner Rückkehr beantworten. Ihre E-Mail wird nicht weitergeleitet.', 'quote' => NULL ); return $ar; } function get_vmail_id_by_emailaddr($emailaddr) { $emailaddr = mysql_real_escape_string( $emailaddr ); $result = db_query("SELECT id FROM mail.v_vmail_accounts WHERE CONCAT(local, '@', domainname) = '{$emailaddr}'"); $entry = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); return (int) $entry['id']; } function get_account_details($id, $checkuid = true) { $id = (int) $id; $uid_check = ''; DEBUG("checkuid: ".$checkuid); if ($checkuid) { $uid = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['uid']; $uid_check = "useraccount='{$uid}' AND "; } $result = db_query("SELECT id, local, domain, password, spamfilter, forwards, autoresponder, server, quota, COALESCE(quota_used, 0) AS quota_used, quota_threshold from mail.v_vmail_accounts WHERE {$uid_check}id={$id} LIMIT 1"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) system_failure('Ungültige ID oder kein eigener Account'); $acc = empty_account(); $res = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); foreach ($res AS $key => $value) { if ($key == 'forwards') continue; $acc[$key] = $value; } if ($acc['forwards'] > 0) { $result = db_query("SELECT id, spamfilter, destination FROM mail.vmail_forward WHERE account={$acc['id']};"); while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ array_push($acc['forwards'], array("id" => $item['id'], 'spamfilter' => $item['spamfilter'], 'destination' => $item['destination'])); } } if ($acc['autoresponder'] > 0) { $result = db_query("SELECT id, IF(valid_from IS NULL OR valid_from > NOW() OR valid_until < NOW(), 0, 1) AS active, DATE(valid_from) AS valid_from, DATE(valid_until) AS valid_until, fromname, fromaddr, subject, message, quote FROM mail.vmail_autoresponder WHERE account={$acc['id']}"); $item = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); DEBUG($item); $acc['autoresponder'] = $item; } else { $acc['autoresponder'] = NULL; } if ($acc['quota_threshold'] === NULL) { $acc['quota_threshold'] = -1; } return $acc; } function get_vmail_accounts() { $uid = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['uid']; $result = db_query("SELECT * from mail.v_vmail_accounts WHERE useraccount='{$uid}' ORDER BY domainname,local ASC"); $ret = array(); while ($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($ret, $line); } DEBUG($ret); return $ret; } function get_vmail_domains() { $uid = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['uid']; $result = db_query("SELECT id, domainname, server FROM mail.v_vmail_domains WHERE useraccount='{$uid}'"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) system_failure('Sie haben keine Domains für virtuelle Mail-Verarbeitung'); $ret = array(); while ($tmp = mysql_fetch_object($result)) array_push($ret, $tmp); return $ret; } function find_account_id($accname) { $accname = mysql_real_escape_string($accname); DEBUG($accname); $tmp = explode('@', $accname, 2); DEBUG($tmp); if (count($tmp) != 2) system_failure("Der Account hat nicht die korrekte Syntax"); list( $local, $domainname) = $tmp; $result = db_query("SELECT id FROM mail.v_vmail_accounts WHERE local='{$local}' AND domainname='{$domainname}' LIMIT 1"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) system_failure("Der Account konnte nicht gefunden werden"); $tmp = mysql_fetch_array($result); return $tmp[0]; } function change_vmail_password($accname, $newpass) { $accid = find_account_id($accname); $encpw = mysql_real_escape_string(encrypt_mail_password($newpass)); db_query("UPDATE mail.vmail_accounts SET password='{$encpw}' WHERE id={$accid} LIMIT 1;"); } function domainselect($selected = NULL, $selectattribute = '') { $domainlist = get_vmail_domains(); $selected = (int) $selected; $ret = '<select id="domain" name="domain" size="1" '.$selectattribute.' >'; foreach ($domainlist as $dom) { $s = ($selected == $dom->id) ? ' selected="selected" ': ''; $ret .= "<option value=\"{$dom->id}\"{$s}>{$dom->domainname}</option>\n"; } $ret .= '</select>'; return $ret; } function get_max_mailboxquota($server, $oldquota) { $uid = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['uid']; $server = (int) $server; $result = db_query("SELECT systemquota - (systemquota_used + mailquota) AS free FROM system.v_quota WHERE uid='{$uid}' AND server='{$server}'"); $item = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); DEBUG("Free space: ".$item['free']." / Really: ".($item['free'] + ($oldquota - config('vmail_basequota')))); return $item['free'] + ($oldquota - config('vmail_basequota')); } function save_vmail_account($account) { $accountlogin = ($_SESSION['role'] == ROLE_VMAIL_ACCOUNT); $id = $account['id']; if ($id != NULL) { $id = (int) $id; $oldaccount = get_account_details($id, !$accountlogin); // Erzeugt einen system_error() wenn ID ungültig } // Ab hier ist $id sicher, entweder NULL oder eine gültige ID des aktuellen users $newaccount = false; if ($id === NULL) { $newaccount = true; } if ($accountlogin) { if ($account['domain'] != $oldaccount['domain']) system_failure('Sie können die E-Mail-Adresse nicht ändern!'); if ($account['local'] != $oldaccount['local']) system_failure('Sie können die E-Mail-Adresse nicht ändern!'); if ($account['quota'] != $oldaccount['quota']) system_failure('Sie können Ihren eigenen Speicherplatz nicht verändern.'); } else { $account['local'] = filter_input_username($account['local']); if ($account['local'] == '') { system_failure('Die E-Mail-Adresse braucht eine Angabe vor dem »@«!'); return false; } $account['domain'] = (int) $account['domain']; $domainlist = get_vmail_domains(); $valid_domain = false; $domainname = NULL; $server = NULL; foreach ($domainlist as $dom) { if ($dom->id == $account['domain']) { $domainname = $dom->domainname; $server = $dom->server; $valid_domain = true; break; } } if (($account['domain'] == 0) || (! $valid_domain)) { system_failure('Bitte wählen Sie eine Ihrer Domains aus!'); return false; } } $forwards = array(); if (count($account['forwards']) > 0) { for ($i=0;$i < count($account['forwards']); $i++) { if ($account['forwards'][$i]['spamfilter'] != 'tag' && $account['forwards'][$i]['spamfilter'] != 'delete') $account['forwards'][$i]['spamfilter'] = ''; $account['forwards'][$i]['destination'] = filter_input_general($account['forwards'][$i]['destination']); if (! check_emailaddr($account['forwards'][$i]['destination'])) system_failure('Das Weiterleitungs-Ziel »'.$account['forwards'][$i]['destination'].'« ist keine E-Mail-Adresse!'); } } if ($accountlogin) { $password = NULL; $set_password = false; } else { $password='NULL'; if ($account['password'] != '') { $account['password'] = stripslashes($account['password']); $crack = strong_password($account['password']); if ($crack !== true) { system_failure('Ihr Passwort ist zu einfach. bitte wählen Sie ein sicheres Passwort!'."\nDie Fehlermeldung lautet: »{$crack}«"); return false; } $password = "'".encrypt_mail_password($account['password'])."'"; } $set_password = ($id == NULL || $password != 'NULL'); if ($account['password'] === NULL) $set_password=true; } $spam = 'NULL'; switch ($account['spamfilter']) { case 'folder': $spam = "'folder'"; break; case 'tag': $spam = "'tag'"; break; case 'delete': $spam = "'delete'"; break; } if (!$accountlogin) { $free = config('vmail_basequota'); if ($newaccount) { // Neues Postfach $free = get_max_mailboxquota($server, config('vmail_basequota')); } else { $free = get_max_mailboxquota($oldaccount['server'], $oldaccount['quota']); } $newquota = max((int) config('vmail_basequota'), (int) $account['quota']); if ($newquota > config('vmail_basequota') && $newquota > ($free+config('vmail_basequota'))) { $newquota = $free + config('vmail_basequota'); warning("Ihr Speicherplatz reicht für diese Postfach-Größe nicht mehr aus. Ihr Postfach wurde auf {$newquota} MB reduziert. Bitte beachten Sie, dass damit Ihr Benutzerkonto keinen freien Speicherplatz mehr aufweist!"); } $account['quota'] = $newquota; } if ($account['quota_threshold'] == -1) { $account['quota_threshold'] = 'NULL'; } else { $account['quota_threshold'] = min( (int) $account['quota_threshold'], (int) $account['quota'] ); } $account['local'] = mysql_real_escape_string($account['local']); $account['password'] = mysql_real_escape_string($account['password']); $account['spamexpire'] = (int) $account['spamexpire']; $query = ''; if ($newaccount) { $query = "INSERT INTO mail.vmail_accounts (local, domain, spamfilter, spamexpire, password, quota, quota_threshold) VALUES "; $query .= "('{$account['local']}', {$account['domain']}, {$spam}, {$account['spamexpire']}, {$password}, {$account['quota']}, {$account['quota_threshold']});"; db_query($query); $id = mysql_insert_id(); } else { if ($set_password) $password=", password={$password}"; else $password=''; $query = "UPDATE mail.vmail_accounts SET local='{$account['local']}', domain={$account['domain']}{$password}, "; $query .= "spamfilter={$spam}, spamexpire={$account['spamexpire']}, quota={$account['quota']}, quota_threshold={$account['quota_threshold']} "; $query .= "WHERE id={$id} LIMIT 1;"; db_query($query); } if (is_array($account['autoresponder'])) { $ar = $account['autoresponder']; $valid_from = maybe_null($ar['valid_from']); $valid_until = maybe_null($ar['valid_until']); $fromname = maybe_null( mysql_real_escape_string($ar['fromname']) ); $fromaddr = NULL; if ($ar['fromaddr']) { $fromaddr = mysql_real_escape_string(check_emailaddr($ar['fromaddr'])); } $fromaddr = maybe_null( $fromaddr ); $subject = maybe_null( mysql_real_escape_string($ar['subject'])); $message = mysql_real_escape_string($ar['message']); $quote = "'inline'"; if ($ar['quote'] == 'attach') $quote = "'attach'"; elseif ($ar['quote'] == NULL) $quote = 'NULL'; db_query("REPLACE INTO mail.vmail_autoresponder (account, valid_from, valid_until, fromname, fromaddr, subject, message, quote) ". "VALUES ({$id}, {$valid_from}, {$valid_until}, {$fromname}, {$fromaddr}, {$subject}, '{$message}', {$quote})"); } if (! $newaccount) db_query("DELETE FROM mail.vmail_forward WHERE account={$id}"); if (count($account['forwards']) > 0) { $forward_query = "INSERT INTO mail.vmail_forward (account,spamfilter,destination) VALUES "; $first = true; for ($i=0;$i < count($account['forwards']); $i++) { if ($first) $first = false; else $forward_query .= ', '; $forward_query .= "({$id}, ".maybe_null($account['forwards'][$i]['spamfilter']).", '{$account['forwards'][$i]['destination']}')"; } db_query($forward_query); } if ($newaccount && $password != 'NULL') { $emailaddr = $account['local'].'@'.$domainname; $webmailurl = config('webmail_url'); $servername = get_server_by_id($server); $message = 'Ihr neues E-Mail-Postfach '.$emailaddr.' ist einsatzbereit! Wenn Sie diese Nachricht sehen, haben Sie das Postfach erfolgreich abgerufen. Sie können diese Nachricht nach Kenntnisnahme löschen. Wussten Sie schon, dass Sie auf mehrere Arten Ihre E-Mails abrufen können? - Für unterwegs: Webmail Rufen Sie dazu einfach die Seite '.$webmailurl.' auf und geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse und das Passwort ein. - Mit Ihrem Computer oder Smartphone: IMAP oder POP3 Tragen Sie bitte folgende Zugangsdaten in Ihrem Programm ein: Server-Name: '.$servername.' Benutzername: '.$emailaddr.' (Achten Sie bitte darauf, dass die Verschlüsselung mit SSL oder TLS aktiviert ist.) '; # send welcome message mail($emailaddr, 'Ihr neues Postfach ist bereit', $message, "X-schokokeks-org-message: welcome\nFrom: ".config('company_name').' <'.config('adminmail').">\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"); # notify the vmail subsystem of this new account #mail('vmail@'.config('vmail_server'), 'command', "user={$account['local']}\nhost={$domainname}", "X-schokokeks-org-message: command"); } // Update Mail-Quota-Cache if ($_SESSION['role'] == ROLE_SYSTEMUSER) { $uid = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['uid']; $result = db_query("SELECT useraccount, server, SUM(quota-(SELECT value FROM misc.config WHERE `key`='vmail_basequota')) AS quota, SUM(GREATEST(quota_used-(SELECT value FROM misc.config WHERE `key`='vmail_basequota'), 0)) AS used FROM mail.v_vmail_accounts WHERE useraccount=".$uid." GROUP BY useraccount, server"); while ($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($line['quota'] !== NULL) { db_query("REPLACE INTO mail.vmailquota (uid, server, quota, used) VALUES ('{$line['useraccount']}', '{$line['server']}', '{$line['quota']}', '{$line['used']}')"); } } } return true; } function delete_account($id) { $account = get_account_details($id); db_query("DELETE FROM mail.vmail_accounts WHERE id={$account['id']};"); } function domainsettings($only_domain=NULL) { $uid = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['uid']; if ($only_domain) $only_domain = (int) $only_domain; $domains = array(); $subdomains = array(); // Domains $result = db_query("SELECT, CONCAT_WS('.',d.domainname,d.tld) AS name, d.mail, AS m_id, AS v_id FROM AS d LEFT JOIN mail.virtual_mail_domains AS v ON ( AND v.hostname IS NULL) LEFT JOIN mail.custom_mappings AS m ON ( AND m.subdomain IS NULL) WHERE d.useraccount={$uid} OR m.uid={$uid};"); while ($mydom = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (! array_key_exists($mydom['id'], $domains)) { if ($mydom['v_id']) $mydom['mail'] = 'virtual'; $domains[$mydom['id']] = array( "name" => $mydom['name'], "type" => $mydom['mail'] ); if ($only_domain && $only_domain == $mydom['id']) return $domains[$only_domain]; } } // Subdomains $result = db_query("SELECT, CONCAT_WS('.',d.domainname,d.tld) AS name, d.mail, AS m_id, AS v_id, IF(ISNULL(v.hostname),m.subdomain,v.hostname) AS hostname FROM AS d LEFT JOIN mail.virtual_mail_domains AS v ON ( AND v.hostname IS NOT NULL) LEFT JOIN mail.custom_mappings AS m ON ( AND m.subdomain IS NOT NULL) WHERE ( IS NOT NULL OR IS NOT NULL) AND d.useraccount={$uid} OR m.uid={$uid};"); while ($mydom = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (! array_key_exists($mydom['id'], $subdomains)) $subdomains[$mydom['id']] = array(); $type = 'auto'; if ($mydom['v_id']) $type = 'virtual'; $subdomains[$mydom['id']][] = array( "name" => $mydom['hostname'], "type" => $type ); } return array("domains" => $domains, "subdomains" => $subdomains); } function domain_has_vmail_accounts($domid) { $domid = (int) $domid; $result = db_query("SELECT FROM mail.vmail_accounts AS acc LEFT JOIN mail.virtual_mail_domains AS dom ON ( WHERE dom.domain={$domid}"); return (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0); } function change_domain($id, $type) { $id = (int) $id; $type = mysql_real_escape_string($type); if (domain_has_vmail_accounts($id)) system_failure("Sie müssen zuerst alle E-Mail-Konten mit dieser Domain löschen, bevor Sie die Webinterface-Verwaltung für diese Domain abschalten können."); if (! in_array($type, array('none','auto','virtual'))) system_failure("Ungültige Aktion"); $old = domainsettings($id); if ($old['type'] == $type) system_failure('Domain ist bereits so konfiguriert'); if ($type == 'none') { db_query("DELETE FROM mail.virtual_mail_domains WHERE domain={$id} AND hostname IS NULL LIMIT 1;"); db_query("DELETE FROM mail.custom_mappings WHERE domain={$id} AND subdomain IS NULL LIMIT 1;"); db_query("UPDATE SET mail='none', lastchange=NOW() WHERE id={$id} LIMIT 1;"); } elseif ($type == 'virtual') { $vmailserver = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['server']; db_query("DELETE FROM mail.custom_mappings WHERE domain={$id} AND subdomain IS NULL LIMIT 1;"); db_query("UPDATE SET mail='auto', lastchange=NOW() WHERE id={$id} LIMIT 1;"); db_query("INSERT INTO mail.virtual_mail_domains (domain, server) VALUES ({$id}, {$vmailserver});"); } elseif ($type == 'auto') { db_query("DELETE FROM mail.virtual_mail_domains WHERE domain={$id} AND hostname IS NULL LIMIT 1;"); db_query("DELETE FROM mail.custom_mappings WHERE domain={$id} AND subdomain IS NULL LIMIT 1;"); db_query("UPDATE SET mail='auto', lastchange=NOW() WHERE id={$id} LIMIT 1;"); } } /* function maildomain_type($type) { switch ($type) { case 'none': $type = 'Diese Domain empfängt keine E-Mails'; break; case 'auto': $type = 'E-Mail-Adressen werden manuell über .courier-Dateien verwaltet'; break; case 'virtual': $type = 'E-Mail-Adressen werden über Webinterface verwaltet'; break; case 'manual': $type = 'Manuelle Konfiguration, kann nur von den Admins geändert werden'; break; } return $type; } */ function maildomain_type($type) { switch ($type) { case 'none': $type = 'Deaktiviert'; break; case 'auto': $type = '.courier-Dateien'; break; case 'virtual': $type = 'Webinterface'; break; case 'manual': $type = 'Manuell'; break; } return $type; }