Bernd Wurst
Erste Version des SEPA-Mandat-Webinterface
Bernd Wurst commited 92f2aa6 at 2013-12-20 19:13:16
- Finnish record suggests position at which to pad domestic account
numbers in order to reach a BBAN / IBAN, this data could be of
some use for certain applications and would be nice to include
- Addition of information regarding preferred human-level formatting
for each country's BBAN - worthwhile?
- Addition of 'date effective' information for records such as BH
and the UAE that published data in advance of deployment
- Support for calculating or validating any known national (sub-
BBAN-level) checksum algorithms?
- URLs to national-level BBAN format specifications
- Consider adding a library of localised forms and abbreviations
for account number portions, for example Austria and Germany seem
to have 'Kontonummer' (KTO) for account number, and 'Bankleitzah'
(BLZ) for bank identifier. This could assist greatly with
deployments requiring international and/or constrained input.
- Consider building a library of national-level bank or payment
institution identifier codes. This would be rather large and an
optional extension.