Bernd Wurst
Lizenzinfos in eigenes Modul ausgelagert und Copyright auf 2014 angepasst
Bernd Wurst commited 5effc2b at 2014-02-08 05:45:07
This file belongs to the Webinterface of Hosting
Written 2008-2014 by Hosting, namely
Bernd Wurst <>
Hanno Böck <>
To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see
Nevertheless, in case you use a significant part of this code, we ask (but not require, see the license) that you keep the authors' names in place and return your changes to the public. We would be especially happy if you tell us what you're going to do with this code.
$mode = 'cert';
if ($_REQUEST['mode'] == 'csr')
$mode = 'csr';
$section = 'vhosts_certs';
if ($mode == 'csr')
$data = csr_details($_REQUEST['id']);
$cert = $data['csr'];
$key = $data['key'];
title('CSR anzeigen');
output("<p>Untenstehend sehen Sie Ihren automatisch erzeugten CSR (»certificate signing request«) und evtl.
den dazu gehörigen privaten Schlüssel. Sofern Sie den privaten Schlüssel auf Ihrer Festplatte
speichern, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass dieser vor unbefugtem Zugriff geschützt ist. Der
private Schlüssel ist selbst <strong>nicht verschlüsselt</strong> und nicht mit einem
Passwort geschützt.</p>");
<textarea cols=\"70\" rows=\"20\">
if (isset($_REQUEST['private']) && $_REQUEST['private'] == 'yes')
output("<h4>privater Schlüssel</h4>
<textarea cols=\"70\" rows=\"20\">