This file belongs to the Webinterface of schokokeks.org Hosting

Written by schokokeks.org Hosting, namely
  Bernd Wurst <bernd@schokokeks.org>
  Hanno Böck <hanno@schokokeks.org>

This code is published under a 0BSD license.

Nevertheless, in case you use a significant part of this code, we ask (but not require, see the license) that you keep the authors' names in place and return your changes to the public. We would be especially happy if you tell us what you're going to do with this code.


function mailman_subdomains($domain)
    if (!in_array('mailman', config('modules'))) {
        return [];
    $domain = (int) $domain;
    $result = db_query("SELECT id, hostname FROM mail.mailman_domains WHERE domain=?", [$domain]);
    $ret = [];
    while ($line = $result->fetch()) {
        $ret[] = $line;
    return $ret;

function dns_in_use($domain)
    if (!in_array('dns', config('modules'))) {
        return false;
    $domain = (int) $domain;
    $result = db_query("SELECT id FROM dns.custom_records WHERE domain=?", [$domain]);
    return ($result->rowCount() > 0);

function mail_setting($domain)
    if (!in_array('email', config('modules'))) {
        return null;
    $domain = (int) $domain;
    $result = db_query("SELECT mail FROM kundendaten.domains WHERE id=?", [$domain]);
    if ($result->rowCount() < 1) {
        system_failure("Domain not found");
    $d = $result->fetch();
    if ($d['mail'] == 'nomail') {
        return 'nomail';
    } // domain shall not be used for mail
    if ($d['mail'] == 'none') {
        return 'none';
    } // manually disabled (possibly used with another operator)
    $result = db_query("SELECT id FROM mail.virtual_mail_domains WHERE domain=?", [$domain]);
    if ($result->rowCount() > 0) {
        return 'vmail';
    return 'manual';

function mail_in_use($domain)
    if (!in_array('email', config('modules'))) {
        return false;
    $domain = (int) $domain;
    $result = db_query("SELECT mail FROM kundendaten.domains WHERE id=?", [$domain]);
    if ($result->rowCount() < 1) {
        system_failure("Domain not found");
    $d = $result->fetch();
    if ($d['mail'] == 'none' || $d['mail'] == 'nomail') {
        return false;
    } // manually disabled
    $result = db_query("SELECT id FROM mail.virtual_mail_domains WHERE domain=?", [$domain]);
    if ($result->rowCount() < 1) {
        return true;
    } // .courier
    $result = db_query("SELECT acc.id FROM mail.vmail_accounts acc LEFT JOIN mail.virtual_mail_domains dom ON (acc.domain=dom.id) WHERE dom.domain=?", [$domain]);
    return ($result->rowCount() > 0);

function count_vmail($domain)
    $domain = (int) $domain;
    $result = db_query("SELECT acc.id FROM mail.vmail_accounts acc LEFT JOIN mail.virtual_mail_domains dom ON (acc.domain=dom.id) WHERE dom.domain=?", [$domain]);
    return $result->rowCount();

function web_in_use($domain)
    if (!in_array('vhosts', config('modules'))) {
        return false;

    $domain = (int) $domain;

    $result = db_query("SELECT id FROM kundendaten.domains WHERE id=? AND webserver=1", [$domain]);
    if ($result->rowCount() < 1) {
        return false;

    $result = db_query("SELECT id FROM vhosts.vhost WHERE domain=?", [$domain]);
    $result2 = db_query("SELECT id FROM vhosts.alias WHERE domain=?", [$domain]);
    return ($result->rowCount() > 0 || $result2->rowCount() > 0);

function domain_ownerchange($fqdn, $owner, $admin_c)
    $cid = (int) $_SESSION['customerinfo']['customerno'];
    $dom = new Domain($fqdn);
    db_query("UPDATE kundendaten.domains SET owner=?, admin_c=? WHERE id=? AND kunde=?", [$owner, $admin_c, $dom->id, $cid]);
    if (update_possible($dom->id)) {
        DEBUG("Rufe Domain-API auf!");

function update_possible($domain)
    $dom = new Domain((int) $domain);
    if ($dom->provider != 'terions' || $dom->billing == 'external') {
        // Domain nicht über uns verwaltet
        DEBUG("Domain nicht über uns verwaltet!");
        return false;
    $result = db_query("SELECT aenderung_eigentuemer, ruecksprache FROM misc.domainpreise WHERE tld=?", [$dom->tld]);
    if ($result->rowCount() < 1) {
        // Endung nicht bei uns in der Liste erfasst
        DEBUG("Endung nicht in der Preisliste!");
        return false;
    $data = $result->fetch();
    if ($data['aenderung_eigentuemer'] != null || $data['ruecksprache'] == 'Y') {
        DEBUG("Endung hat Eigenheiten (ruecksprache=Y)");
        // Endung mit speziellen Eigenheiten
        return false;
    DEBUG("Änderungen sollten möglich sein: {$dom->fqdn}");
    return true;

function unset_mailserver_lock($dom)
    $id = $dom->id;
    db_query("UPDATE kundendaten.domains SET secret=NULL, mailserver_lock=0 WHERE id=?", [$id]);

function create_domain_secret($dom)
    $id = $dom->id;
    $secret = md5(random_string(20));
    db_query("UPDATE kundendaten.domains SET secret=? WHERE id=?", [$secret, $id]);
    $dom->secret = $secret;
    return $secret;

function get_auth_dns($domainname, $tld)
    $domain = idn_to_ascii($domainname . "." . $tld, 0, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46);

    $resp = shell_exec('dig @a.root-servers.net. +noall +authority -t ns ' . $tld . '.');
    $line = explode("\n", $resp, 2)[0];
    $NS = preg_replace("/^.*\\sIN\\s+NS\\s+(\\S+)$/", '\1', $line);

    $resp = shell_exec('dig @' . $NS . ' -t ns ' . $domain . '.');
    $lines = explode("\n", $resp);

    $NS = null;
    $NS_IP = null;
    $sec = null;
    foreach ($lines as $l) {
        if (preg_match("/;; AUTHORITY SECTION:.*/", $l)) {
            $sec = 'auth';
        } elseif (preg_match("/;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:.*/", $l)) {
            $sec = 'add';
        if ($sec == 'auth' && preg_match("/^.*\\sIN\\s+NS\\s+\\S+$/", $l)) {
            $NS = preg_replace("/^.*\\sIN\\s+NS\\s+(\\S+)\\.$/", '\1', $l);
        if ($sec == 'add' && $NS && preg_match("/^.*\\sIN\\s+A\\s+\\S+$/", $l)) {
            $NS_IP = preg_replace("/^.*\\sIN\\s+A\\s+(\\S+)$/", '\1', $l);
    return ["$NS" => $NS_IP];

function own_ns()
    $auth = dns_get_record(config('masterdomain'), DNS_NS);
    $own_ns = [];
    foreach ($auth as $ns) {
        $own_ns[] = $ns['target'];

    return $own_ns;

function has_own_ns($domainname, $tld)
    $nsdata = get_auth_dns($domainname, $tld);
    $NS = null;
    foreach ($nsdata as $host => $ip) {
        $NS = $host;
    if (in_array($NS, own_ns())) {
        DEBUG('Domain hat unsere DNS-Server!');
        return true;
    return false;

function get_txt_record($hostname, $domainname, $tld)
    $domain = idn_to_ascii($domainname . "." . $tld, 0, INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46);
    $nsdata = get_auth_dns($domainname, $tld);
    $NS = null;
    foreach ($nsdata as $host => $ip) {
        $NS = $host;
        if ($ip) {
            $NS = $ip;
    DEBUG('dig @' . $NS . ' +short -t txt ' . $hostname . '.' . $domain . '.');
    $resp = shell_exec('dig @' . $NS . ' +short -t txt ' . $hostname . '.' . $domain . '.');
    $TXT = trim($resp, "\n \"");
    return $TXT;

function list_useraccounts()
    $customerno = (int) $_SESSION['customerinfo']['customerno'];
    $result = db_query("SELECT uid,username,name FROM system.useraccounts WHERE kunde=?", [$customerno]);
    $ret = [];
    while ($item = $result->fetch()) {
        $ret[] = $item;
    return $ret;

function change_user($domain, $uid)
    $domain = new Domain($domain);
    $targetuser = null;
    $useraccounts = list_useraccounts();
    foreach ($useraccounts as $u) {
        if ($u['uid'] == $uid) {
            $targetuser = $u['uid'];
    if (!$targetuser) {
        system_failure("Ungültiger Useraccount!");
    db_query("UPDATE kundendaten.domains SET useraccount=? WHERE id=?", [$targetuser, $domain->id]);

function get_domain_offer($tld)
    $tld = filter_input_hostname($tld);
    $cid = (int) $_SESSION['customerinfo']['customerno'];

    $data = ["tld" => $tld];

    $result = db_query("SELECT tld, gebuehr, `interval`, setup FROM misc.domainpreise_kunde WHERE kunde=:cid AND tld=:tld AND ruecksprache='N'", [":cid" => $cid, ":tld" => $tld]);
    if ($result->rowCount() != 1) {
        $result = db_query("SELECT tld, gebuehr, `interval`, setup FROM misc.domainpreise WHERE tld=:tld AND ruecksprache='N'", [":tld" => $tld]);
    if ($result->rowCount() != 1) {
        return false;
    $temp = $result->fetch();
    $data["gebuehr"] = $temp["gebuehr"];
    $data["interval"] = $temp["interval"];
    $data["setup"] = ($temp["setup"] ? $temp["setup"] : 0.0);

    return $data;

function set_domain_pretransfer($domain)
    $cid = (int) $_SESSION['customerinfo']['customerno'];
    $uid = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['uid'];
    $domain = (int) $domain;
        "UPDATE kundendaten.domains SET status='pretransfer', dns=1 WHERE id=? AND kunde=?",
        [$domain, $cid]

function set_domain_prereg($domain)
    $cid = (int) $_SESSION['customerinfo']['customerno'];
    $uid = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['uid'];
    $domain = (int) $domain;
        "UPDATE kundendaten.domains SET status='prereg', dns=1 WHERE id=? AND kunde=?",
        [$domain, $cid]

function insert_domain_external($domain, $dns = false, $mail = true)
    $cid = (int) $_SESSION['customerinfo']['customerno'];
    $uid = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['uid'];
    $info = api_domain_available($domain);
    if (in_array($info['status'], ['nameContainsForbiddenCharacter', 'suffixDoesNotExist'])) {
        system_failure("Diese Domain scheint ungültig zu sein!");
    $tld = $info['domainSuffix'];
    $domainname = str_replace(".$tld", "", $info['domainNameUnicode']);
    logger(LOG_WARNING, 'modules/domains/include/domains', 'domains', 'Inserting external domain ' . $info['domainNameUnicode'] . " DNS:{$dns} / Mail:{$mail}");

    db_query("INSERT INTO kundendaten.domains (status, kunde, useraccount, domainname, tld, billing, provider, dns, mail, mailserver_lock) VALUES 
        ('external', ?, ?, ?, ?, 'external', 'other', 0, ?, 1)", [$cid, $uid, $domainname, $tld, ($mail ? 'auto' : 'none')]);
    $id = db_insert_id();
    if ($dns) {
        db_query("UPDATE kundendaten.domains SET dns=1 WHERE id=?", [$id]);
    if ($mail) {
        $vmailserver = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['server'];
        db_query("INSERT INTO mail.virtual_mail_domains (domain, server) VALUES (?, ?)", [$id, $vmailserver]);
    return $id;

function convert_domain_to_external($domain)
        "UPDATE kundendaten.domains SET status='external', billing='external', provider='other', kuendigungsdatum=NULL, registrierungsdatum=NULL, betrag=NULL WHERE id=? AND status='transferout' AND abgerechnet_bis >= kuendigungsdatum",

function delete_domain($id)
    $cid = (int) $_SESSION['customerinfo']['customerno'];
    logger(LOG_WARNING, 'modules/domains/include/domains', 'domains', 'Deleting domain ' . $id);
    db_query("DELETE FROM kundendaten.domains WHERE id=? AND kunde=?", [$id, $cid]);