


define('ROLE_ANONYMOUS', 0);
define('ROLE_DOMAINADMIN', 1);
define('ROLE_SYSTEMUSER', 2);
define('ROLE_CUSTOMER', 4);
define('ROLE_SYSADMIN', 8);

// Gibt die Rolle aus, wenn das Passwort stimmt

function find_role($login, $password, $i_am_admin = False)
  $login = mysql_real_escape_string($login);
  // Domain-Admin?  <not implemented>
  // System-User?
  $uid = (int) $login;
  if ($uid == 0)
    $uid = 'NULL';
  $result = db_query("SELECT passwort AS password, kundenaccount AS `primary`, ((SELECT acc.uid FROM system.v_useraccounts AS acc LEFT JOIN system.gruppenzugehoerigkeit USING (uid) LEFT JOIN system.gruppen AS g ON (g.gid=gruppenzugehoerigkeit.gid) WHERE g.name='admin' AND acc.uid=u.uid) IS NOT NULL) AS admin FROM system.v_useraccounts AS u LEFT JOIN system.passwoerter USING(uid) WHERE u.uid={$uid} OR username='{$login}' LIMIT 1;");
  if (@mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
    $entry = mysql_fetch_object($result);
    $db_password = $entry->password;
    $hash = crypt($password, $db_password);
    if ($hash == $db_password || $i_am_admin)
      $role = ROLE_SYSTEMUSER;
      if ($entry->primary)
        $role = $role | ROLE_CUSTOMER;
      if ($entry->admin)
        $role = $role | ROLE_SYSADMIN;
      return $role;

  // Customer?
  $customerno = (int) $login;
  $pass = sha1($password);
  $result = db_query("SELECT passwort AS password FROM kundendaten.kunden WHERE status=0 AND id={$customerno} AND passwort='{$pass}';");
  if ($i_am_admin)
    $result = db_query("SELECT passwort AS password FROM kundendaten.kunden WHERE status=0 AND id={$customerno}");
  if (@mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
    return ROLE_CUSTOMER;

  // Nothing?
  return NULL;

function get_customer_info($customer)
  if (! $_SESSION['role'] & ROLE_CUSTOMER)
    return array();
  $ret = array();
  $customerno = (int) $customer;
  if ($customerno != 0)
    DEBUG('Looking up customerinfo for customer no. '.$customerno);
    $result = db_query("SELECT id, anrede, firma, CONCAT_WS(' ', vorname, nachname) AS name FROM kundendaten.kunden WHERE id={$customerno} LIMIT 1;");
    $username = mysql_real_escape_string($customer);
    DEBUG('looking up customer info for username '.$username);
    $result = db_query("SELECT id, anrede, firma, CONCAT_WS(' ', vorname, nachname) AS name FROM kundendaten.kunden AS k JOIN system.v_useraccounts AS u ON (u.kunde=k.id) WHERE u.username='{$username}'");
  if (@mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
    system_failure("Konnte Kundendaten nicht auslesen!");
  $data = mysql_fetch_object($result);

  $ret['customerno'] = $data->id;
  $ret['title'] = $data->anrede;
  $ret['company'] = $data->firma;
  $ret['name'] = $data->name;
  return $ret;

function get_customer_email($customerno)
  $customerno = (int) $customerno;
  $result = db_query("SELECT wert FROM kundendaten.kundenkontakt WHERE kundennr={$customerno} AND typ='email' LIMIT 1;");
  if (@mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
    system_failure("Konnte keine E-Mail-Adresse finden!");
  return mysql_fetch_object($result)->wert;

function get_user_info($username)
  $username = mysql_real_escape_string($username);
  $result = db_query("SELECT kunde AS customerno, username, uid, homedir, name
                      FROM system.v_useraccounts WHERE username='{$username}' OR uid='{$username}' LIMIT 1");
  if (mysql_num_rows($result) < 1)
    logger("session/checkuser.php", "login", "error reading user's data: »{$username}«");
    system_failure('Das Auslesen Ihrer Benutzerdaten ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte melden Sie dies einem Administrator');
  $val = @mysql_fetch_object($result);
  return array(
          'username'      => $val->username,
          'customerno'    => $val->customerno,
          'uid'           => $val->uid,
          'homedir'       => $val->homedir,
          'name'          => $val->name,

function set_customer_verified($customerno)
  $customerno = (int) $customerno;
  db_query("UPDATE kundendaten.kunden SET status=0 WHERE id={$customerno};");
  logger("session/checkuser.php", "register", "set customer's status to 0.");

function set_customer_lastlogin($customerno)
  $customerno = (int) $customerno;
  db_query("UPDATE kundendaten.kunden SET lastlogin=NOW() WHERE id={$customerno};");

function set_customer_password($customerno, $newpass)
  $customerno = (int) $customerno;
  $newpass = sha1($newpass);
  db_query("UPDATE kundendaten.kunden SET passwort='$newpass' WHERE id='".$customerno."' LIMIT 1");
  logger("session/checkuser.php", "pwchange", "changed customer's password.");

function set_systemuser_password($uid, $newpass)
  $uid = (int) $uid;
  $salt = random_string(8);
  $newpass = crypt($newpass, "\$1\${$salt}\$");
  db_query("UPDATE system.passwoerter SET passwort='$newpass' WHERE uid='".$uid."' LIMIT 1");
  logger("session/checkuser.php", "pwchange", "changed user's password.");

function setup_session($role, $useridentity)
  $_SESSION['role'] = $role;
  if ($role & ROLE_SYSTEMUSER)
    DEBUG("We are system user");
    $info = get_user_info($useridentity);
    $_SESSION['userinfo'] = $info;
    logger("session/start.php", "login", "logged in user »{$info['username']}«");
    $useridentity = $info['customerno'];
  if ($role & ROLE_CUSTOMER)
    $info = get_customer_info($useridentity);
    $_SESSION['customerinfo'] = $info;
    logger("session/start.php", "login", "logged in customer no »{$info['customerno']}«");
