'; $ret .= ' '; $ret .= ' '; foreach ($domainlist as $dom) { $s = ($selected == $dom->id) ? ' selected="selected" ': ''; $ret .= "\n"; } $ret .= ''; return $ret; } function get_vhost_details($id) { $id = (int) $id; $uid = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['uid']; $result = db_query("SELECT vh.*,IF(dav.id IS NULL OR dav.type='svn', 0, 1) AS is_dav,IF(dav.id IS NULL OR dav.type='dav', 0, 1) AS is_svn, IF(webapps.id IS NULL, 0, 1) AS is_webapp FROM vhosts.v_vhost AS vh LEFT JOIN vhosts.dav ON (dav.vhost=vh.id) LEFT JOIN vhosts.webapps ON (webapps.vhost = vh.id) WHERE uid={$uid} AND vh.id={$id}"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 1) system_failure('Interner Fehler beim Auslesen der Daten'); $ret = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); DEBUG($ret); return $ret; } function get_aliases($vhost) { $result = db_query("SELECT id,fqdn,options FROM vhosts.v_alias WHERE vhost={$vhost}"); $ret = array(); while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($ret, $item); } return $ret; } function get_all_aliases($vhost) { $vhost = get_vhost_details( (int) $vhost ); $aliases = get_aliases($vhost['id']); $ret = array(); if (strstr($vhost['options'], 'aliaswww')) { array_push($ret, array('id' => 'www', 'fqdn' => 'www.'.$vhost['fqdn'], 'options' => (strstr($vhost['options'], 'forwardwww') ? 'forward' : ''))); } foreach ($aliases as $item) { array_push($ret, $item); if (strstr($item['options'], 'aliaswww')) { array_push($ret, array('id' => 'www_'.$item['id'], 'fqdn' => 'www.'.$item['fqdn'], 'options' => (strstr($item['options'], 'forward') ? 'forward' : ''))); } } return $ret; } function list_available_webapps() { $result = db_query("SELECT id,displayname FROM vhosts.global_webapps"); $ret = array(); while ($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) array_push($ret, $item); return $ret; } function delete_vhost($id) { $id = (int) $id; if ($id == 0) system_failure("id == 0"); $vhost = get_vhost_details($id); logger(LOG_INFO, 'modules/vhosts/include/vhosts', 'vhosts', 'Removing vhost #'.$id.' ('.$vhost['hostname'].'.'.$vhost['domain'].')'); db_query("DELETE FROM vhosts.vhost WHERE id={$vhost['id']} LIMIT 1"); } function make_svn_vhost($id) { $id = (int) $id; if ($id == 0) system_failure("id == 0"); logger(LOG_INFO, 'modules/vhosts/include/vhosts', 'vhosts', 'Converting vhost #'.$id.' to SVN'); db_query("REPLACE INTO vhosts.dav (vhost, type) VALUES ({$id}, 'svn')"); db_query("DELETE FROM vhosts.webapps WHERE vhost={$id}"); } function make_dav_vhost($id) { $id = (int) $id; if ($id == 0) system_failure("id == 0"); logger(LOG_INFO, 'modules/vhosts/include/vhosts', 'vhosts', 'Converting vhost #'.$id.' to WebDAV'); db_query("REPLACE INTO vhosts.dav (vhost, type, options) VALUES ({$id}, 'dav', 'nouserfile')"); db_query("DELETE FROM vhosts.webapps WHERE vhost={$id}"); } function make_regular_vhost($id) { $id = (int) $id; if ($id == 0) system_failure("id == 0"); logger(LOG_INFO, 'modules/vhosts/include/vhosts', 'vhosts', 'Converting vhost #'.$id.' to regular'); db_query("DELETE FROM vhosts.dav WHERE vhost={$id}"); db_query("DELETE FROM vhosts.webapps WHERE vhost={$id}"); } function make_webapp_vhost($id, $webapp) { $id = (int) $id; $webapp = (int) $webapp; if ($id == 0) system_failure("id == 0"); $result = db_query("SELECT displayname FROM vhosts.global_webapps WHERE id={$webapp};"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) system_failure("webapp-id invalid"); $webapp_name = mysql_fetch_object($result)->displayname; logger(LOG_INFO, 'modules/vhosts/include/vhosts', 'vhosts', 'Setting up webapp '.$webapp_name.' on vhost #'.$id); db_query("REPLACE INTO vhosts.webapps (vhost, webapp) VALUES ({$id}, {$webapp})"); mail('webapps-setup@schokokeks.org', 'setup', 'setup'); } function save_vhost($vhost) { if (! is_array($vhost)) system_failure('$vhost kein array!'); $id = (int) $vhost['id']; $hostname = maybe_null($vhost['hostname']); $domain = (int) $vhost['domainid']; if ($domain == 0) system_failure('$domain == 0'); if ($vhost['domainid'] == -1) $domain = 'NULL'; $docroot = maybe_null($vhost['docroot']); $php = maybe_null($vhost['php']); $ssl = maybe_null($vhost['ssl']); $logtype = maybe_null($vhost['logtype']); $errorlog = (int) $vhost['errorlog']; if ($vhost['is_svn']) { if (! $vhost['options']) $vhost['options']='nodocroot'; else $vhost['options']+=",nodocroot"; } $options = mysql_real_escape_string( $vhost['options'] ); $cert = 0; $certs = user_certs(); foreach ($certs as $c) if ($c['id'] == $vhost['cert']) $cert = $c['id']; if ($cert == 0) $cert = 'NULL'; $ipv4 = 'NULL'; $ipv4_avail = user_ipaddrs(); if (in_array($vhost['ipv4'], $ipv4_avail)) { $ipv4 = maybe_null($vhost['ipv4']); } if ($id != 0) { logger(LOG_INFO, 'modules/vhosts/include/vhosts', 'vhosts', 'Updating vhost #'.$id.' ('.$vhost['hostname'].'.'.$vhost['domain'].')'); db_query("UPDATE vhosts.vhost SET hostname={$hostname}, domain={$domain}, docroot={$docroot}, php={$php}, `ssl`={$ssl}, logtype={$logtype}, errorlog={$errorlog}, certid={$cert}, ipv4={$ipv4}, options='{$options}' WHERE id={$id} LIMIT 1"); } else { logger(LOG_INFO, 'modules/vhosts/include/vhosts', 'vhosts', 'Creating vhost '.$vhost['hostname'].'.'.$vhost['domain'].''); $result = db_query("INSERT INTO vhosts.vhost (user, hostname, domain, docroot, php, `ssl`, logtype, errorlog, certid, ipv4, options) VALUES ({$_SESSION['userinfo']['uid']}, {$hostname}, {$domain}, {$docroot}, {$php}, {$ssl}, {$logtype}, {$errorlog}, {$cert}, {$ipv4}, '{$options}')"); $id = mysql_insert_id(); } $oldvhost = get_vhost_details($id); /* these vars may be 0 or 1. So newval > oldval means that it has been switched on yet. */ if ($vhost['is_dav'] > $oldvhost['is_dav']) make_dav_vhost($id); elseif ($vhost['is_svn'] > $oldvhost['is_svn']) make_svn_vhost($id); elseif ($vhost['is_webapp'] > $oldvhost['is_webapp']) make_webapp_vhost($id, $vhost['webapp_id']); elseif ($vhost['is_dav'] == 0 && $vhost['is_svn'] == 0 && $vhost['is_webapp'] == 0) make_regular_vhost($id); } function get_alias_details($id) { $id = (int) $id; $uid = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['uid']; $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM vhosts.v_alias WHERE id={$id}"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 1) system_failure('Interner Fehler beim Auslesen der Alias-Daten'); $alias = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if ($alias['domain_id'] == NULL) { $alias['domain_id'] = -1; } /* Das bewirkt, dass nur die eigenen Aliase gesehen werden können */ get_vhost_details( (int) $alias['vhost'] ); return $alias; } function delete_alias($id) { $id = (int) $id; $alias = get_alias_details($id); logger(LOG_INFO, 'modules/vhosts/include/vhosts', 'aliases', 'Removing alias #'.$id.' ('.$alias['hostname'].'.'.$alias['domain'].')'); db_query("DELETE FROM vhosts.alias WHERE id={$id}"); } function save_alias($alias) { if (! is_array($alias)) system_failure('$alias kein array!'); $id = (isset($alias['id']) ? (int) $alias['id'] : 0); $hostname = maybe_null($alias['hostname']); $domain = (int) $alias['domainid']; if ($domain == 0) system_failure('$domain == 0'); if ($alias['domainid'] == -1) $domain = 'NULL'; $vhost = get_vhost_details( (int) $alias['vhost']); $options = mysql_real_escape_string( $alias['options'] ); if ($id == 0) { logger(LOG_INFO, 'modules/vhosts/include/vhosts', 'aliases', 'Creating alias '.$alias['hostname'].'.'.$alias['domain'].' for VHost '.$vhost['id']); db_query("INSERT INTO vhosts.alias (hostname, domain, vhost, options) VALUES ({$hostname}, {$domain}, {$vhost['id']}, '{$options}')"); } else { logger(LOG_INFO, 'modules/vhosts/include/vhosts', 'aliases', 'Updating alias #'.$id.' ('.$alias['hostname'].'.'.$alias['domain'].')'); db_query("UPDATE vhosts.alias SET hostname={$hostname}, domain={$domain}, options='{$options}' WHERE id={$id} LIMIT 1"); } } function user_ipaddrs() { $uid = (int) $_SESSION['userinfo']['uid']; $result = db_query("SELECT ipaddr FROM vhosts.ipaddr_available WHERE uid={$uid}"); $ret = array(); while ($i = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $ret[] = $i['ipaddr']; } DEBUG($ret); return $ret; } ?>