## Usage Simply file an HTTP request to the server with: - method: `POST` (or any other, that accepts a body) - body: JSON encoded data of type `record`, where: - `id` is the connection identifier - `action` is the name of the action to execute - `data` is the data for the action; its concrete structure is described as the input type of the action Example: `curl 'http://localhost:7979' -d '{"id":"foo1bar2",action":"send","data":{"channel":"#main","message":"hello"}}'` ## Actions ### `connect` - description: starts to establish a connection and returns the connection identifier - input type: `record>` - output type: `integer` ### `disconnect` - description: ends an established connection - input type: `void` - output type: `void` ### `check` - description: checks if the connection is established - input type: `void` - output type: `boolean` ### `send` - description: sends a message - input type: `record` - output type: `void` ### `fetch` - description: gets the current user list and all new (since the last call) events - input type: `void` - output type: `record>,events:list>>>`