# irc.colors.js Easily use colored output and formatting in your irc bots. [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/fent/irc-colors.js.svg)](http://travis-ci.org/fent/irc-colors.js) [![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/fent/irc-colors.js.svg)](https://david-dm.org/fent/irc-colors.js) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/fent/irc-colors.js/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/fent/irc-colors.js) # Usage ```javascript const c = require('irc-colors'); ... ircbot.say('#chan', c.blue('hello everyone')); // prints blue text ircbot.say('#chan', c.underline.red('WARNING')); // can be chained ircbot.say('#chan', c.white.bgblack('inverted')); // white text with black background warn = c.bold.red.bgyellow; ircbot.say('#chan', warn('BIGGER WARNING')); // bold red text with yellow background ircbot.say('#chan', c.rainbow('having fun!'); // prints rainbow colored text ``` ### But wait, there's more! If you don't mind changing the prototype of the String object, then use the global() function. ```javascript require('irc-colors').global() ... ircbot.say('#chan', 'say something'.irc.red()); // prints red text ircbot.say('#chan', 'hi everyone!'.irc.green.bold()); // prints green bold text ircbot.say('#chan', 'etc etc'.irc.underline.grey.bgblack()) // chains work too ``` Global syntax was inspired by [colors.js](https://github.com/marak/colors.js) and because of that, there's possibility that you might want to use that module along with this one. That's why the *irc* property of a String needs to be called first to use the formatting functions. ## Colors ![colors](img/colors.png) Original name or alternate can be used, without spaces bot.say('#chat', c.bluecyan('hi')); ## Styles ![styles](img/styles.png) ## Extras ![extras](img/extras.png) ## Strip You can also strip out any colors/style from IRC messages. * `stripColors` * `stripStyle` * `stripColorsAndStyle` ```js const c = require('irc-colors'); ircbot.on('message', (from, message) => { console.log(c.stripColorsAndStyle(message)); }); ``` # Install npm install irc-colors # Tests Tests are written with [vows](http://vowsjs.org/) ```bash npm test ```