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Easily use colored output and formatting in your irc bots.
const c = require('irc-colors');
ircbot.say('#chan', c.blue('hello everyone')); // prints blue text
ircbot.say('#chan', c.underline.red('WARNING')); // can be chained
ircbot.say('#chan', c.white.bgblack('inverted')); // white text with black background
warn = c.bold.red.bgyellow;
ircbot.say('#chan', warn('BIGGER WARNING')); // bold red text with yellow background
ircbot.say('#chan', c.rainbow('having fun!'); // prints rainbow colored text
If you don't mind changing the prototype of the String object, then use the global() function.
ircbot.say('#chan', 'say something'.irc.red()); // prints red text
ircbot.say('#chan', 'hi everyone!'.irc.green.bold()); // prints green bold text
ircbot.say('#chan', 'etc etc'.irc.underline.grey.bgblack()) // chains work too
Global syntax was inspired by colors.js and because of that, there's possibility that you might want to use that module along with this one. That's why the irc property of a String needs to be called first to use the formatting functions.
Original name or alternate can be used, without spaces
bot.say('#chat', c.bluecyan('hi'));
You can also strip out any colors/style from IRC messages.
const c = require('irc-colors');
ircbot.on('message', (from, message) => {
npm install irc-colors
Tests are written with vows
npm test