Bernd Wurst Initial commit

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

step3.php      1) <?php
step3.php      2) session_start();
step3.php      3) 
step3.php      4) $headline = 'Ihr Obst';
step3.php      5) $content = '';
step3.php      6) if (isset($_REQUEST['error'])) {
Bernd Wurst Fehlermeldungen auf BS4 por...

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

gitterbox.php  7)     $content .= '<div class="card text-white bg-danger mb-3">
gitterbox.php  8)     <div class="card-header">Fehler</div>
gitterbox.php  9)     <div class="card-body">Bitte wählen Sie, wie Sie Ihr Obst angeliefert haben.</div>
Bernd Wurst Initial commit

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

step3.php     10)     </div>';
step3.php     11) }
step3.php     12) 
step3.php     13) 
step3.php     14) $content .= '
step3.php     15)     <form class="form" action="save.php" method="post">
Bernd Wurst Spätere Anlieferung eingebaut

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

gitterbox.php 16)     <input type="hidden" name="form" value="gitterbox">
Bernd Wurst Initial commit

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

step3.php     17)     <p>Wie haben Sie Ihr Obst bei uns angeliefert?</p>
step3.php     18) 
step3.php     19)     <div class="form-group form-group-lg row">
Bernd Wurst Migration to bootstrap-4.0.0

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

gitterbox.php 20)         <div class="col-sm-6"><a href="#" class="btn btn-block btn-lg btn-light" id="btn-gitterbox">In Gitterbox</a></div>
gitterbox.php 21)         <div class="col-sm-6"><a href="#" class="btn btn-block btn-lg btn-light" id="btn-anhaenger">Anhänger abgestellt</a></div>
Bernd Wurst Initial commit

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

step3.php     22)         <input type="hidden" name="lieferart" id="lieferart" value="">
step3.php     23)     </div>
step3.php     24)     <div class="modal fade" role="dialog" id="modal-gitterbox"><div class="modal-dialog">
step3.php     25)     <div class="form-group form-group-lg modal-content"><div class="modal-header">Wie viele Gitterboxen haben Sie gefüllt?</div>
Bernd Wurst Migration to bootstrap-4.0.0

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

gitterbox.php 26)         <div class="modal-body row justify-content-center">
gitterbox.php 27)         <div class="col-sm-2"><a href="#" class="btn btn-block btn-lg btn-outline-primary btn-gbcount" id="btn-gbcount-1">1</a></div>
gitterbox.php 28)         <div class="col-sm-2"><a href="#" class="btn btn-block btn-lg btn-outline-primary btn-gbcount" id="btn-gbcount-2">2</a></div>
gitterbox.php 29)         <div class="col-sm-2"><a href="#" class="btn btn-block btn-lg btn-outline-primary btn-gbcount" id="btn-gbcount-3">3</a></div>
gitterbox.php 30)         <div class="col-sm-2"><a href="#" class="btn btn-block btn-lg btn-outline-primary btn-gbcount" id="btn-gbcount-4">4</a></div>
gitterbox.php 31)         <div class="col-sm-2"><a href="#" class="btn btn-block btn-lg btn-outline-primary btn-gbcount" id="btn-gbcount-5">5</a></div>
Bernd Wurst Initial commit

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

step3.php     32)     </div>
step3.php     33)     </div>
step3.php     34)     </div></div>
step3.php     35) 
step3.php     36)     
step3.php     37) 
step3.php     38)     <div class="form-group form-group-lg" id="details-gitterbox">
step3.php     39)         <label for="kennz">Anzahl benutzter Gitterboxen:</label>
Bernd Wurst Migration to bootstrap-4.0.0

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

gitterbox.php 40)     <div class="row justify-content-center">
gitterbox.php 41)         <div class="col-sm-10"><input class="form-control" type="text" name="gbcount" id="gbcount"></div>
Bernd Wurst Initial commit

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

step3.php     42)     </div>
step3.php     43)     </div>
step3.php     44)      <div class="form-group form-group-lg" id="details-anhaenger">
step3.php     45)         <label for="kennz">Wie lautet das Kennzeichen Ihres Anhängers?</label>
Bernd Wurst Migration to bootstrap-4.0.0

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

gitterbox.php 46)     <div class="row justify-content-center">
gitterbox.php 47)         <div class="col-sm-10"><input class="form-control" type="text" name="kennz" id="kennz" placeholder="Kennzeichen des Anhängers"></div>
Bernd Wurst Initial commit

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

step3.php     48)     </div>
Bernd Wurst Migration to bootstrap-4.0.0

Bernd Wurst authored 6 years ago

gitterbox.php 49)         <small class="form-text text-muted">(Falls bekannt)</small>