Marco Ricci Import initial project files

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

1) site_name: derivepassphrase documentation
2) site_url: null
3) repo_url: https://github.com/the-13th-letter/derivepassphrase
4) site_description: An almost faithful Python reimplementation of James Coglan's vault.
5) site_author: Marco Ricci
6) copyright: Copyright 2024 Marco Ricci (the-13th-letter).  All rights reserved.
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9) site_dir: html
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Marco Ricci Add prototype implementation

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

59)             merge_init_into_class: true
60)             show_source: false
Marco Ricci Import initial project files

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

61)             heading_level: 2
62)             show_object_full_path: false
63)             show_root_members_full_path: false
64)             show_root_heading: true
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73)           paths:
74)             - src
76) nav:
77)   - derivepassphrase documentation: index.md
78)   #- tutorials.md
79)   #- How-Tos: how-tos.md
Marco Ricci Add prototype implementation

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

80)   - Reference:
81)     - API overview: reference.md
82)     - Module derivepassphrase: reference/derivepassphrase.md
83)     - Module sequin: reference/sequin.md
84)     - Module ssh_agent_client: reference/ssh_agent_client.md