bfadmin-master authored 8 years ago
1) <section class="subsection" id="tempora_and_modi">
2) <header>Tempora and Modi</header>
3) <p>The following table lists the timeforms found in Folksprak and how they are built in the <span class="grammarterm">indicative</span> mode.</p>
4) <?php
5) $table = new class_table
6) (
7) [
8) new class_column
9) (
10) "Name",
11) function ($row)
12) {
13) return ["name" => $row["name"], "remark" => $row["remark"]];
14) },
15) function ($value)
16) {
17) $output = $value["name"];
18) if ($value["remark"] != null)
19) {
20) $output .= (" " . "(" . $value["remark"] . ")");
21) }
22) return $output;
23) }
24) ),
25) new class_column
26) (
27) "Description",
28) function ($row)
29) {
30) return $row["description"];
31) }
32) ),
33) new class_column
34) (
35) "Scheme",
36) function ($row)
37) {
38) return $row["scheme"];
39) },
40) function ($value)
41) {
42) return format($value, ["word", "lang_fs"]);
43) }
44) ),
45) new class_column
46) (
47) "Example",
48) function ($row)
49) {
50) global $configuration;
51) return ["original" => [$row["example"]["original"]], "translated" => $row["example"]["translations"][$configuration["target"]]];
52) },
53) _bar("sentence")
54) ),
55) ],
56) array_slice(read_json("source/data/timeforms.json"), 0, 3)
57) );
58) $table->generate();
59) ?>
minor linguistic adjustment...
Raymund Zacharias authored 8 years ago
60) <p>Since these forms are built with auxiliary verbs, they can be combined straightforward to form complex expressions. For example <span class="sentence lang_fs">ek skal hava skrivt.</span> means <span class="sentence lang_en">i will have written.</span> and <span class="sentence lang_fs">ek hav skalt skriva.</span> means sth. like <span class="sentence lang_en">i was going to write.</span>.</p>