Raymund Zacharias separated the descendants a...

Raymund Zacharias authored 6 years ago

1) # encoding: utf-8
3) import sys
4) from difflib import SequenceMatcher
5) import io
6) import re
7) import argparse
8) import urllib.request
9) import urllib.parse
10) import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
11) from descendants import get_PG_decendants, get_descendants
Raymund Zacharias implemented ancestor lookup

Raymund Zacharias authored 6 years ago

12) from ancestor import get_ancestor
Raymund Zacharias separated the descendants a...

Raymund Zacharias authored 6 years ago

14) globalvars = {
15)     "escape": False,
16)     "data": {
17)         "words": [
18)             {"id": 0, "language": "gem", "lemma": "bītaną"},
19)             {"id": 1, "language": "gem", "lemma": "hrītaną"},
20)             {"id": 2, "language": "deu", "lemma": "beißen"},
21)             {"id": 3, "language": "deu", "lemma": "reißen"},
22)             {"id": 4, "language": "nld", "lemma": "bijten"},
23)             {"id": 5, "language": "nld", "lemma": "rijten"},
24)             {"id": 6, "language": "deu", "lemma": "scheißen"},
25)             {"id": 7, "language": "gem", "lemma": "skītaną"},
26)             {"id": 8, "language": "nld", "lemma": "schijten"},
27)         ],
28)         "origins": [
29)             {"from": 0, "to": 2},
30)             {"from": 1, "to": 3},
31)             {"from": 0, "to": 4},
32)             {"from": 1, "to": 5},
33)             {"from": 7, "to": 6},
34)             {"from": 7, "to": 8},
35)         ]
36)     }
37) }
40) def myformat(string):
41)     global globalvars
42)     return (string.encode("unicode_escape") if globalvars["escape"] else string)
45) def compare(wordpair):
46)     """Compare two words of the same language and find the biggest matching block.
47)         e.g. PG bītaną and hrītaną share "ītaną"
48)     """
49)     analyzation = SequenceMatcher(None, wordpair[0]["lemma"], wordpair[1]["lemma"])
50)     print("\ncomparing '%s' and '%s' ..." % (myformat(wordpair[0]["lemma"]), myformat(wordpair[1]["lemma"])))
51)     blocks = analyzation.get_matching_blocks()
52)     for block in blocks:
53)         print("\tcurrent block: %s" % (str(block)))
54)         for index in range(len(wordpair)):
55)             word = wordpair[index]
56)             size = block[2]
57)             if (size > 0):
58)                 begin = block[index]
59)                 end = begin+size
60)                 print("\t\t'%s'[%u:%u] = %s" % (myformat(word["lemma"]), begin, end, myformat(word["lemma"][begin:end])))
63) def main(args):
64)     global globalvars
65)     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
66)     parser.add_argument("--escape", dest="escape", action="store_const", const=sum, default=False, help="enable escape")
67)     parameters = parser.parse_args(args)
68)     globalvars["escape"] = parameters.escape
69)     if (len(args) > 0):
70)         escape = False
71)     for i in range(0, len(globalvars["data"]["words"])):
72)         word1 = globalvars["data"]["words"][i]
73)         for j in range(i+1, len(globalvars["data"]["words"])):
74)             word2 = globalvars["data"]["words"][j]
75)             if (word1["language"] == word2["language"]): #if languages match
76)                 wordpair = (word1, word2)
Raymund Zacharias refactored lookup code to a...

Raymund Zacharias authored 6 years ago

77)                 #compare(wordpair) #compare the pair
Raymund Zacharias added support of another te...

Raymund Zacharias authored 6 years ago

78)     # result = list(map(lambda word: {"language": word["language"], "lemma": myformat(word["lemma"])}, get_PG_decendants("hrītaną")))
79)     # print(str(result))
Raymund Zacharias refactored lookup code to a...

Raymund Zacharias authored 6 years ago

80)     ancestor_word = get_ancestor("froh", "de", "gem-pro")[0]["lemma"]
81)     ancestor_word = ancestor_word.lstrip("*")
82)     print(get_PG_decendants(ancestor_word))
83)     # print(get_ancestor("allègre", "fr", "la"))
84)     # print(get_ancestor("allegro", "it", "la"))