Lars Strojny Lars Strojny M eclass/pytransport.eclass * Fixing runscript generation * Fixing a bug with the HOMEPAGE-var and subversion ebuilds 9bf51f9 @ 2007-01-01 14:27:21
pecl-crack A keks * initial commit 2006-12-17 11:28:02
pecl-runkit A keks * initial commit 2006-12-17 11:28:02
xcache A dev-php5/pecl-memcache A dev-php5/xcache A dev-php5/xcache/xcache-1.2.0_rc2.ebuild A dev-php5/xcache/files A dev-php5/xcache/files/digest-xcache-1.2.0_rc2 A dev-php5/xcache/Manifest 2006-12-18 21:02:24