Matt Pagan Added 6 pages with images.

Matt Pagan authored 10 years ago

en-US/troubleshooting.page  1) 
en-US/troubleshooting.page  2) <page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
en-US/troubleshooting.page  3)   type="topic"
en-US/troubleshooting.page  4)   id="troubleshooting">
en-US/troubleshooting.page  5) 
en-US/troubleshooting.page  6) <info>
en-US/troubleshooting.page  7)   <desc>What to do if Tor Browser doesn't work.</desc>
Lunar Stop abusing sort title and...

Lunar authored 10 years ago

C/troubleshooting.page      8)   <link type="guide" xref="index" group="#last" />
Matt Pagan Added 6 pages with images.

Matt Pagan authored 10 years ago

en-US/troubleshooting.page  9) </info>
en-US/troubleshooting.page 10) 
en-US/troubleshooting.page 11) <title>Troubleshooting</title>
en-US/troubleshooting.page 12) 
en-US/troubleshooting.page 13) <p>
en-US/troubleshooting.page 14) The Tor Browser should get you online automatically after clicking the 
en-US/troubleshooting.page 15) "Connect" button on the start up screen. 
en-US/troubleshooting.page 16) </p>
en-US/troubleshooting.page 17) 
Lunar Import build system from pr...

Lunar authored 10 years ago

C/troubleshooting.page     18) <media type="image" src="media/tor-launcher-connect_en-US.png" />