Harmony Include updated manual text

Harmony authored 9 years ago

1) <page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/"
2)       xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its"
3)       xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
4)   type="topic"
5)   id="secure-connections">
7)   <info>
8)     <desc>Learn how to protect your data using Tor Browser and HTTPS</desc>
9)     <link type="guide" xref="index" />
10)   </info>
12)   <title>Secure Connections</title>
14)   <p>
15)   If personal information such as a login password travels
16)   unencrypted over the Internet, it can very easily be intercepted by an
17)   eavesdropper. If you are logging into any website, you should
18)   make sure that the site offers HTTPS encryption, which protects against
19)   this kind of eavesdropping. You can verify this in the URL bar: if your
20)   connection is encrypted, the address will begin with “https://”, rather
21)   than “http://”.
22)   </p>
Harmony Add screenshots/make change...

Harmony authored 9 years ago

23)   <p>
24)   <media type="image" width="700" src="media/secure-connections/https.png" />
25)   </p>