Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
2) # Revision: $Revision: 22359 $
3) # Translation-Priority: 2-medium
5) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor: Documentation" CHARSET="UTF-8"
6) <div id="content" class="clearfix">
7)   <div id="breadcrumbs">
Andrew Lewman change all of the breadcrum...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

8)     <a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

9)     <a href="<page docs/documentation>">Documentation</a>
10)   </div>
11)   <div id="maincol"> 
12)     <a id="RunningTor"></a>
13)     <h1><a class="anchor" href="#RunningTor">Running Tor</a></h1>
14)     <ul>
15)     <li><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-windows>">Installing Tor
16)     on Win32</a></li>
17)     <li><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-osx>">Installing Tor on
18)     Mac OS X</a></li>
19)     <li><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Installing Tor on
20)     Linux/BSD/Unix</a></li>
Andrew Lewman get the website to build cl...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

21)     <li><a href="<page torbutton/index>">Installing