Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

projects/en/torbutton-options.wml   1) ## translation metadata
Roger Dingledine looks like we never set the...

Roger Dingledine authored 13 years ago

torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml  2) # Revision: $Revision$
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

projects/en/torbutton-options.wml   3) # Translation-Priority: 3-low
projects/en/torbutton-options.wml   4) 
Sebastian Hahn Remove the ANNOUNCE_RSS hac...

Sebastian Hahn authored 12 years ago

torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml  5) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: Torbutton Options" CHARSET="UTF-8"
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

projects/en/torbutton-options.wml   6) <div id="content" class="clearfix">
projects/en/torbutton-options.wml   7) 	<div id="breadcrumbs">
Andrew Lewman change all of the breadcrum...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

projects/en/torbutton-options.wml   8)     <a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
Andrew Lewman torbutton section builds cl...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml  9)     <a href="<page torbutton/index>">Torbutton &raquo; </a>
Andrew Lewman fix links to torbutton sect...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 10)     <a href="<page torbutton/torbutton-options>">Torbutton Options</a>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

projects/en/torbutton-options.wml  11)   </div>
projects/en/torbutton-options.wml  12) 	<div id="maincol">  
projects/en/torbutton-options.wml  13)     <!-- PUT CONTENT AFTER THIS TAG -->
Moritz Bartl removed torbutton pages, mo...

Moritz Bartl authored 11 years ago

torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 14) 
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 15)     <h2>Torbutton</h2>
Sebastian Hahn We decided to go with HTML...

Sebastian Hahn authored 13 years ago

torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 16)     <hr>
Moritz Bartl removed torbutton pages, mo...

Moritz Bartl authored 11 years ago

torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 17) 
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 18)     <p>
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 19)     Torbutton is the component in <a href="<page projects/torbrowser>">Tor
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 20)     Browser Bundle</a> that takes care of application-level
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 21)     security and privacy concerns in Firefox.  To keep you safe,
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 22)     Torbutton disables many types of active content.
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 23)     </p>
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 24)   
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 25)     <p>
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 26)     Now that the <a href="<page projects/torbrowser>">Tor Browser
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 27)     Bundle</a> includes a patched version of Firefox, and because we don't
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 28)     have enough developer resources to keep up with the accelerated
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 29)     Firefox release schedule, the toggle model of Torbutton is <a
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 30)     href="https://blog.torproject.org/blog/toggle-or-not-toggle-end-torbutton">no
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 31)     longer supported</a>. <b>Users should be using Tor Browser Bundle,
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 32)     not installing Torbutton themselves.</b>
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 33)     </p>
torbutton/en/torbutton-options.wml 34)     </div>