Roger Dingledine prepare the tor vm website...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
2) # Revision: $Revision$
4) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor VM"
6) <div class="main-column">
10) <h2>Tor VM</h2>
11) <hr>
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

13) <h3>What Is It?</h3>
14) <p>Tor VM is a transparent Tor proxy for Windows that uses Qemu full
15) virtualization technology for more resilient Tor clients and relays.
Roger Dingledine prepare the tor vm website...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

16) </p>
Martin Peck Minor edits and add uninsta...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

17) <p><strong>The initial 0.0.1 release is a work in progress!</strong>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 15 years ago

18) See the
19) <a href="http://bugs.noreply.org/flyspray/index.php?tasks=all&amp;project=4&amp;cat=19"
20) >bug tracking database for known issues</a>. Remember to backup anything
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

21) important before using this software on your system.</p>
23) <a id="Download"></a>
24) <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Download">Download Tor VM Software</a></h3>
26) <ul>
28) <!-- XXX: need to replace harcoded version with var replace in include -->
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 15 years ago

29) <li><a href="dist/TorVM-0.0.1-NetInstaller.exe">Tor VM Network Installer</a>
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

30) (<a href="dist/TorVM-0.0.1-NetInstaller.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">sig</a>/
31) <a href="dist/TorVM-0.0.1-NetInstaller.exe.sha1.txt" style="font-size: 90%;">sha1</a>)</li>
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 15 years ago

33) <li><a href="dist/TorVM-0.0.1-Bundle.exe">Tor VM Bundle Installer</a>
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

34) (<a href="dist/TorVM-0.0.1-Bundle.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">sig</a>/
35) <a href="dist/TorVM-0.0.1-Bundle.exe.sha1.txt" style="font-size: 90%;">sha1</a>)</li>
Martin Peck Minor edits and add uninsta...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

37) <li><a href="dist/Tor_VM.exe">Tor VM Portable Self Extractor</a>
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

38) (<a href="dist/Tor_VM.exe.asc" style="font-size: 90%;">sig</a>/
39) <a href="dist/Tor_VM.exe.sha1.txt" style="font-size: 90%;">sha1</a>)</li>
41) </ul>
43) <a id="Setup"></a>
44) <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Setup">Configure Windows For Less Risk</a></h3>
46) <p>Running Firefox with Torbutton as a reduced privilege user provides
47) defense in depth against various risks Internet users face. These steps
48) explain how to create a restricted account for user name "anon".</p>
Martin Peck Clean up some empty tags, a...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

50) <p>Navigate to the control panel "User Accounts" option. You can also use
51) the menu navigation:<br />
52) <!-- should this be a sequence of <span> instead? -->
53) <strong>Start Menu -&gt; Settings -&gt; Control Panel -&gt; Add or Remove Programs</strong></p>
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

55) <p><img src="img/uc01.png" alt="Control panel view - Select User Accounts option" /></p>
57) <p>Select "Create a new account".</p>
59) <p><img src="img/uc02.png" alt="User Accounts Tool - Select Create a new account" /></p>
61) <p>Provide a nickname for the anonymous limited user account.</p>
63) <p><img src="img/uc03.png" alt="Provide a nickname for the restricted account" /></p>
65) <p>Choose the "Limited" account type for the reduced privilege user feature.</p>
67) <p><img src="img/uc04.png" alt="Choose the Limited account type" /></p>
69) <p>Select "Create Account".</p>
71) <p><img src="img/uc05.png" alt="Select Create Account" /></p>
73) <p>The new user is added to the list of accounts on the local system. This is
74) the account that Internet applications like Firefox will run as when using
75) Tor VM to route traffic through the Tor network.
76) </p>
78) <p><img src="img/uc06.png" alt="New user is available for login session" /></p>
80) <p>The Switch User feature is used to run critical Tor VM software as Admin
81) while Firefox and other Internet applications run with restricted rights.</p>
83) <p><img src="img/uc07.png" alt="Use switch user to log in as restricted user" /></p>
85) <p>The new limited user desktop has its own configuration and environment.</p>
87) <p><img src="img/uc09.png" alt="Both Tor VM admin and restricted user can be used concurrently" /></p>
89) <a id="Install"></a>
Martin Peck Add instruction for self ex...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

90) <h3><a class="anchor" href="#InstallExtractor">Tor VM Self-Extractor</a></h3>
92) <p>Save the installer executable to Desktop or portable storage.</p>
94) <p><img src="img/extr01.png" alt="Save installer exe to desktop or drive" /></p>
96) <p>Select the path or folder to extract into.</p>
98) <p><img src="img/extr02.png" alt="Select path for destination" /></p>
100) <p>Run the torvm.exe program in the extracted Tor_VM folder.</p>
102) <p><img src="img/extr03.png" alt="Run the torvm.exe program in the Tor_VM folder" /></p>
104) <h3><a class="anchor" href="#InstallBundle">Install Tor VM Bundle</a></h3>
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

Martin Peck Clean up some empty tags, a...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

106) <p>Double click on the Bundle or Network Installer EXE to begin installation.</p>
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

Martin Peck Clean up some empty tags, a...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

108) <p><img src="img/bundle01.png" alt="Click to Run Bundle Installer" /> &nbsp;
109) <img src="img/netinst01.png" alt="Click to Run Network Installer" /></p>
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

Martin Peck Add instruction for self ex...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

111) <p>The bundle package installs each of the applications included with Tor VM like 
112) Vidalia and Tor Button.</p>
114) <p><img src="img/bundle02.png" alt="Click to Run Bundle Installer" /></p>
Martin Peck Add network installer graph...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

116) <p>The network installer contains the secure Tor updater software that is used
117) to reliably download all of the latest bundle application packages on demand.</p>
119) <p><img src="img/netinst02.png" alt="Network Installer downloads bundle software on demand" /></p>
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

121) <a id="Run"></a>
122) <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Run">Run Tor VM and Vidalia</a></h3>
Martin Peck I can has grammar.

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

124) <p>After installing the bundle packages a Tor VM controller is started in
125) the background. The installer program has finished and can be closed.</p>
Martin Peck And shots for Tor VM start...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 15 years ago

127) <p><img src="img/run01.png" alt="Tor VM controller will start at end of install" /></p>
Martin Peck And shots for Tor VM start...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

129) <p>After preparing network devices a Qemu virtual machine running the
130) Tor VM kernel is launched. A status screen will be shown detailing progress
131) bootstrapping the Tor software into the network.</p>
133) <p><img src="img/run02.png" alt="Qemu launched with Tor VM kernel" /></p>
135) <p>The bootstrap is 100% complete when Tor is able to create a circuit
136) through the network.</p>
138) <p><img src="img/run03.png" alt="Bootstrap not complete until circuit created" /></p>
140) <p>After successful start a list of transparent proxy connection counts are
141) shown. This indicates that Tor VM is up and ready to start transparently
142) routing traffic through the Tor network. The socks port is also available to
143) the host for use with Polipo or Privoxy http proxies.</p>
145) <p><img src="img/run04.png" alt="Proxy traffic connection counts show Tor VM status" /></p>
147) <!-- no marble for first release
Martin Peck Add paragraph and screensho...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

148) <p>The first time Vidalia is run the image tiles needed for the Marble Map
149) plugin will be generated at start. If you do not have sufficient memory or
150) CPU to generate these tiles you can install the full Vidalia Marble package
151) with the generated image tiles already included.</p>
Martin Peck Remove a spurious comment w...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

Martin Peck Add paragraph and screensho...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

153) <p><img src="img/vidalia-genmap.png" alt="It may take a minute to generate the Marble Map image tiles" /></p>
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

Martin Peck Add paragraph and screensho...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

155) <p>If any of the bundle applications stop working a repair can be requested
156) which may resolve the problem.</p>
Martin Peck And shots for Tor VM start...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

157) -->
Martin Peck Add paragraph and screensho...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

159) <a id="Repair"></a>
160) <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Repair">Repair Installed Applications</a></h3>
162) <p><img src="img/vidalia-support.png" alt="In Add or Remove Programs - Select support option for package" /></p>
164) <p>Choose the repair option and all of the package files and registry will be
165) restored.</p>
167) <p><img src="img/vidalia-repair.png" alt="Choose Repair option" /></p>
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

Martin Peck Minor edits and add uninsta...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

169) <a id="Remove"></a>
170) <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Remove">Uninstall Tor Bundle Software</a></h3>
172) <p>A script to uninstall all of the Tor bundle applications at once is placed
173) on the desktop. Run this utility to remove all of the Tor packages and files.</p>
175) <p><img src="img/uninstall.png" alt="The Uninstall_Tor script will remove all Tor packages and files" /></p>
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

177) <a id="Debug"></a>
178) <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Debug">Troubleshoot Problems and Report Bugs</a></h3>
180) <p>The Tor VM category in the Tor flyspray bug tracker is used to manage
181) defects and features. See the
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 15 years ago

182) <a href="http://bugs.noreply.org/flyspray/index.php?tasks=all&amp;project=4"
183) >Tor flyspray bug tracker</a> for known issues and pending changes.</p>
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

Martin Peck Add paragraph and screensho...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

185) <!-- localized installers and full Marble data bundle?
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

186) <a id="Advanced"></a>
187) <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Advanced">Experimental Packages and Usage</a></h3>
188) -->
190) <a id="More"></a>
191) <h3><a class="anchor" href="#More">Additional Resources</a></h3>
193) <p>The latest design document for Tor VM is available in revision control:
Bogdan Drozdowski Mainetance/polish translati...

Bogdan Drozdowski authored 15 years ago

194) <a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/torvm/trunk/doc/design.html"
195) >https://svn.torproject.org/svn/torvm/trunk/doc/design.html</a>.
Martin Peck Initial page content for im...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

196) </p>
198) <p>Features and fixes planned for the Tor VM software are documented in the
199) <a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/torvm/trunk/TODO">Tor VM TODO</a>.</p>
201) <p><a href="https://data.peertech.org/torbld/info/Tor_VM-svn">Automated package
202) builds are available</a> for verifying fixes in subversion and testing work in
203) progress.</p>
Roger Dingledine prepare the tor vm website...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

Martin Peck Clean up some empty tags, a...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

205) <p>Be sure to build against a known working tag in the torvm repo. For
206) example,<br />
Martin Peck Minor edits and add uninsta...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

207) svn export https://svn.torproject.org/svn/torvm/tags/torvm-0_0_1 torvm-0.0.1-src
Martin Peck Clean up some empty tags, a...

Martin Peck authored 15 years ago

208) </p>