Roger Dingledine the 'who uses tor' draft th...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
2) # Revision: $Revision$
4) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Who uses Tor?"
6) <div class="main-column">
8) <h1>Who uses Tor?</h1>
9) <hr />
11) <h2>People like you use Tor every day to...</h2>
13) <ul>
14) <li>...protect their privacy from marketers </li>
16) <p>Anonymity helps defeat marketing that doesn't have your permissions.
17) There are all kinds of unscrupulous marketing techniques that track your
18) activity through cookies, web bugs, and malware by using your IP address
19) to build marketing databases, often selling your private information
20) without your permission.  Tor helps defeat a number of these violations
21) of your privacy.</p>
23) <li>...preserve their kids' safety online</li>
25) <p>&ldquo;I'm proud my mom and dad let me stay alone at home now.&rdquo;
26) You've told your kids they shouldn't share personally identifying
27) information online, but they may be sharing their location simply
28) by not concealing their IP address from predators.  Increasingly, IP
29) numbers can be literally mapped to street locations, and in the US the
30) government is pushing to get this mapping closer and closer to your
31) street address.  What if a predator heard your child was alone, and
32) called up the satellite view of your address to find the best approach
33) from the back of the property?</p>
35) <li>...research sensitive topics</li>
37) <p>There's a wealth of information available online.   Perhaps, in your
38) country, access to information on AIDS, birth control, Tibetan culture,
39) or world religions may be restricted inside a national firewall.
40) Or perhaps are you afraid that if you research a particular set of
41) symptoms, at some later date an insurance company could establish that
42) you had suspicions of a pre-existing condition?  Want to research airline
43) security statistics or animal rights without the risk that your national
44) security authorities are going to think you are a terrorist? </p>
46) <li>...find out how other folks live</li>
48) <p>Tor, in combination with Blossom, allows you to see the World Wide
49) Web from a specific perspective.  Want to see Google come up in Polish?
Roger Dingledine continue the great relay te...

Roger Dingledine authored 16 years ago

50) If you ask to leave the Tor cloud at a Polish Tor relay, you'll see what