Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
2) # Revision: $Revision: 22359 $
3) # Translation-Priority: 2-medium
5) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor: Documentation" CHARSET="UTF-8"
6) <div id="content" class="clearfix">
7)   <div id="breadcrumbs">
Andrew Lewman change all of the breadcrum...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

8)     <a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

9)     <a href="<page docs/documentation>">Documentation</a>
10)   </div>
11)   <div id="maincol"> 
12)     <a id="RunningTor"></a>
13)     <h1><a class="anchor" href="#RunningTor">Running Tor</a></h1>
14)     <ul>
15)     <li><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-windows>">Installing Tor
16)     on Win32</a></li>
17)     <li><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-osx>">Installing Tor on
18)     Mac OS X</a></li>
19)     <li><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Installing Tor on
20)     Linux/BSD/Unix</a></li>
Andrew Lewman get the website to build cl...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

21)     <li><a href="<page torbutton/index>">Installing
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

22)     Torbutton for Tor</a></li>
23)     <li><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-relay>">Configuring a
24)     Tor relay</a></li>
25)     <li><a href="<page docs/tor-hidden-service>">Configuring
26)     a Tor hidden service</a></li>
27)     </ul>
29)     <a id="Support"></a>
30)     <a id="UpToSpeed"></a>
31)     <h1><a class="anchor" href="#UpToSpeed">Getting up to speed on Tor's past,
32)     present, and future</a></h1>
34)     <ol>
35)     <li>
36)     First, read the <a href="<page about/overview>">overview page</a> to get a
37)     basic idea of how Tor works, what it's for, and who uses it.
38)     </li>
40)     <li>
41)     <a href="<page download/download>">Install the Tor bundle</a> and try it out.
42)     Make sure you've got Firefox installed first, and be sure to read the
43)     <a href="<page download/download>#Warning">list of warnings</a> about ways you
44)     can screw up your anonymity.
45)     </li>
47)     <li>
48)     Our <a
Roger Dingledine fix a bunch of broken links...

Roger Dingledine authored 13 years ago

49)     href="<wikifaq>">FAQ</a>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

50)     covers all sorts of topics, including questions about setting up a client
51)     or relay, concerns about anonymity attacks, why we didn't build Tor in
52)     other ways, etc.
53)     There's a separate <a href="<page docs/faq-abuse>">Abuse FAQ</a> to answer
54)     common questions from or for relay operators.
55)     The <a href="<page eff/tor-legal-faq>">Tor Legal FAQ</a> is written by
56)     EFF lawyers, and aims to give you an overview of some of the legal issues
57)     that arise from the Tor project in the US.
58)     </li>
60)     <li>The <a href="<page docs/tor-manual>">manual</a>
61)     lists all the possible entries you can put in your <a
Roger Dingledine fix a bunch of broken links...

Roger Dingledine authored 13 years ago

62)     href="<wikifaq>#Imsupposedtoeditmytorrc.Whatdoesthatmean">torrc
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

63)     file</a>. We also provide a <a href="<page docs/tor-manual-dev>">manual for
64)     the development version of Tor</a>.</li>
66)     <li>If you have questions, we have an IRC channel (for users, relay
67)     operators, and developers)
68)     at <a href="irc://irc.oftc.net/tor">#tor on irc.oftc.net</a>. If
69)     you have a bug, especially a crash bug, read <a
Roger Dingledine fix a bunch of broken links...

Roger Dingledine authored 13 years ago

70)     href="<wikifaq>#MyTorkeepscrashing.">how
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

71)     to report a Tor bug</a> first and then tell us as much information
72)     about it as you can in
73)     <a href="https://bugs.torproject.org/tor">our bugtracker</a>.
74)     (If your bug is
75)     with Polipo, your browser, or some other application, please don't put
76)     it in our bugtracker.) The
77)     <a href="#MailingLists">or-talk mailing list</a> can also be useful.
78)     </li>
80)     <li>
Roger Dingledine fix another 404 from the fr...

Roger Dingledine authored 13 years ago

81)     <a href="<blog>">Tor has a blog now</a>.
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

82)     We try to keep it updated every week or two with the latest news.
83)     </li>
85)     <li>
86)     Download and watch Roger's overview talk from What The Hack (<a
87)     href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/wth-anonymous-communication-58.mp4">video</a>,
88)     <a href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/wth1.pdf">slides</a>, <a
89)     href="http://wiki.whatthehack.org/index.php/Anonymous_communication_for_the_United_States_Department_of_Defense...and_you">abstract</a>).
90)     This talk was given in July 2005, back when we were funded by EFF and back
91)     when the network was quite small, but it still provides good background
92)     on how Tor works and what it's for.
93)     </li>
95)     <li>
96)     Look through our <a href="#DesignDoc">Design
97)     Documents</a>. Notice that we have RFC-style specs to tell you exactly
98)     how Tor is built.
99)     </li>
101)     <li>
102)     There's a skeletal <a
103)     href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/roadmaps/2008-12-19-roadmap-full.pdf">list
104)     of items we'd like to tackle in the future</a>. Alas, many of those
105)     items need to be fleshed out more before they'll make sense to people
106)     who aren't Tor developers, but you can still get a general sense of
107)     what issues need to be resolved next.
108)     </li>
110)     <li>
111)     Download and watch Nick's "Technical changes since 2004" talk from
112)     Defcon in July 2007 (<a
113)     href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/Defcon15-Mathewson-Technical_Changes_since_you_Last_Heard_about_Tor.mp4">video</a>, <a
114)     href="http://freehaven.net/~nickm/slides/Defcon07/TorChanges.pdf">slides</a>),
115)     Roger's "blocking-resistance
116)     and circumvention" talk from 23C3 in December 2006 (<a
117)     href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/23C3-1444-en-tor_and_china.m4v">video</a>,
118)     <a href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/slides-23c3.pdf">slides</a>,
119)     <a href="http://events.ccc.de/congress/2006/Fahrplan/events/1444.en.html">abstract</a>,
120)     <a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/blocking.html">design paper</a>),
121)     and Roger's "Current events in 2007" talk from 24C3 in December
122)     2007 (<a
123)     href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/24c3-2325-en-current_events_in_tor_development.mp4">video</a>,
124)     <a href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/slides-24c3.pdf">slides</a>,
125)     <a href="http://events.ccc.de/congress/2007/Fahrplan/events/2325.en.html">abstract</a>).
126)     We also have the What The Hack tutorial on hidden services (<a
127)     href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/wth_tor_hidden_services.mp4">video</a>,
128)     <a href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/wth3.pdf">slides</a>).
129)     </li>
131)     <li>
132)     See Mike's "Securing the Tor network" talk from Defcon in July 2007
133)     (<a href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/Defcon15-Mike_Perry-Securing_the_Tor_Network.mp4">video</a>,
134)      <a href="http://freehaven.net/~arma/SecuringTheTorNetwork.pdf">slides</a>).
135)     It describes common ways to attack networks like Tor and how we try
136)     to defend against them, and it introduces the <a
137)     href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/torflow/trunk/README">Torflow</a>
138)     script collection.
139)     </li>
141)     <li>
142)     Learn about the <a
143)     href="<gitblob>doc/spec/proposals/001-process.txt">Tor
144)     proposal process for changing our design</a>, and look over the <a
145)     href="<gittree>doc/spec/proposals">existing proposals</a>.
146)     </li>
148)     <li>
149)     Our <a href="<gitblob>doc/TODO">developer TODO file</a> starts with a
150)     timeline for external promises &mdash; things <a href="<page about/sponsors>">our
151)     sponsors</a> have paid to see done. It also lists many other tasks
152)     and topics we'd like to tackle next.
153)     </li>
155)     <li>
156)     Once you're up to speed, things will continue to change surprisingly fast.
157)     The <a href="#MailingLists">or-dev mailing list</a> is where the complex
158)     discussion happens, and the #tor IRC channel
159)     is where the less complex discussion happens.
160)     </li>
162)     </ol>
164)     <a id="MailingLists"></a>
165)     <h1><a class="anchor" href="#MailingLists">Mailing List Information</a></h1>
166)     <ul>
167)     <li>The <a href="http://archives.seul.org/or/announce/">or-announce
168)     mailing list</a> is a low volume list for announcements of new releases
169)     and critical security updates. Everybody should be on this list.
170)     There is also an
171)     <a href="http://rss.gmane.org/gmane.network.onion-routing.announce">RSS
172)     feed</a> of or-announce at <a href="http://gmane.org">gmane.org</a>.</li>
173)     <li>The <a href="http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/">or-talk list</a>
174)     is where a lot of discussion happens, and is where we send notifications
175)     of prerelease versions and release candidates.</li>
176)     <li>The <a href="http://archives.seul.org/tor/relays/">tor-relays list</a>
177)     is where discussions about running, configuring, and handling your tor
178)     relay happen.  If you currently run a relay, or are thinking about doing
179)     so, this is the list for you.</li>
180)     <li>The <a href="http://archives.seul.org/or/dev/">or-dev list</a>
181)     is for posting by developers only, and is very low traffic.</li>
182)     <li>A list for <a href="http://archives.seul.org/tor/mirrors/">mirror
183)     operators</a> for new website mirrors, and supporting <a href="<page
184)     getinvolved/mirrors>">current website mirrors</a>.</li>
185)     <li>A list for <a href="http://archives.seul.org/or/cvs/">svn and git
186)     commits</a> may be interesting for developers.</li>
187)     <li>An automated list for <a href="http://archives.seul.org/tor/bugs/">bug
188)     reports from trac</a> may be interesting for users and developers.</li>
189)     </ul>
191)     <a id="DesignDoc"></a>
192)     <h1><a class="anchor" href="#DesignDoc">Design Documents</a></h1>
193)     <ul>
194)     <li>The <b>design document</b> (published at Usenix Security 2004)
195)     gives our justifications and security analysis for the Tor design:
196)     <a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/tor-design.pdf">PDF</a> and
197)     <a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/tor-design.html">HTML</a>
198)     versions available.</li>
199)     <li>Our follow-up paper on <b>challenges in low-latency anonymity</b>
200)     (still in draft form) details more recent experiences and directions:
201)     <a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/challenges.pdf">PDF
202)     draft</a>.</li>
203)     <li>Our paper at WEIS 2006 &mdash; <b>Anonymity Loves Company:
204)     Usability and the Network Effect</b> &mdash; explains why usability in
205)     anonymity systems matters for their security: <a
206)     href="http://freehaven.net/anonbib/cache/usability:weis2006.pdf">PDF</a>.</li>
207)     <li>Our preliminary design to make it harder for large firewalls to
208)     prevent access to the Tor network is described in
209)     <b>design of a blocking-resistant anonymity system</b>:
210)     <a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/blocking.pdf">PDF draft</a> and
211)     <a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/projects/design-paper/blocking.html">HTML draft</a>.
212)     Want to <a href="<page getinvolved/volunteer>#Coding">help us build it</a>?</li>
213)     <li>The <b>specifications</b> aim to give
214)     developers enough information to build a compatible version of Tor:
215)     <ul>
216)     <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/tor-spec.txt">Main Tor specification</a></li>
217)     <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/dir-spec.txt">Tor
218)     version 3 directory server specification</a> (and older <a
219)     href="<gitblob>doc/spec/dir-spec-v1.txt">version 1</a> and <a
220)     href="<gitblob>doc/spec/dir-spec-v2.txt">version 2</a> directory
221)     specifications)</li>
222)     <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/control-spec.txt">Tor control protocol
223)     specification</a></li>
224)     <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/rend-spec.txt">Tor rendezvous
225)     specification</a></li>
226)     <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/path-spec.txt">Tor path selection
227)     specification</a></li>
228)     <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/address-spec.txt">Special hostnames in
229)     Tor</a></li>
230)     <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/socks-extensions.txt">Tor's SOCKS support
231)     and extensions</a></li>
232)     <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/version-spec.txt">How Tor version numbers
233)     work</a></li>
234)     <li><a href="<gitblob>doc/spec/proposals">In-progress drafts of
235)     new specifications and proposed changes</a></li>
236)     </ul></li>
238)     </ul>
240)     <a id="NeatLinks"></a>
241)     <h1><a class="anchor" href="#NeatLinks">Neat Links</a></h1>
242)     <ul>
Roger Dingledine fix a bunch of broken links...

Roger Dingledine authored 13 years ago

243)     <li>The <a href="<wiki>">Tor
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

244)     wiki</a> provides a plethora of helpful contributions from Tor
245)     users. Check it out!</li>
246)     <li><a
Roger Dingledine fix a bunch of broken links...

Roger Dingledine authored 13 years ago

247)     href="<wiki>TheOnionRouter/SupportPrograms">A