Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
2) # Revision: $Revision: 0 $
3) # Translation-Priority: 3-low
5) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: Donate to Tor" CHARSET="UTF-8" ANNOUNCE_RSS="yes"
6) <div id="content" class="clearfix">
7) 	<div id="breadcrumbs">
Andrew Lewman change all of the breadcrum...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

8)     <a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

9)     <a href="<page donate/donate-service>">Donate Services</a>
10)   </div>
11) 	<div id="maincol"> 
12)     <h1>Service Donations</h1>
Andrew Lewman flesh out the donation bits...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

13)     The Tor Project is always looking for services relating to
14)     technical needs, like bandwidth, colocation, hosted services, legal
15)     representation, or consulting. By donating services, you join our many
16)     sponsors in providing online privacy and anonymity. We're currently
17)     looking for scalable hosting services for reporting needs from large
18)     data sets and reliable high-bandwidth hosting. We may have hardware
19)     we can provide you for your service donation.
21)     Can you write code? We're always looking for smart, motivated coders
22)     to either port Tor to new or old operating systems, or solve difficult
23)     online anonymity problems. Take a look at our coding projects.
25)     Are you a creative person? Do you have a fantastic idea for a
26)     campaign?  Are you someone who can come up with awesome artwork? We're
27)     always looking for new ways to promote Tor and get the word out that
28)     everyone needs their privacy and anonymity online.
30)     Is your legal firm willing to defend Tor and its volunteers? Are
31)     you waiting for an interesting case to defend online privacy and
32)     anonymity?
34)     If any of the service ideas struck a nerve, contact us at
35)     donations@torproject.org for more details.