
Mfr commited on 2008-07-03 10:55:08
Zeige 1 geänderte Dateien mit 1 Einfügungen und 1 Löschungen.

... ...
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ implementation and testing work on February 15, 2009.
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     far as I can see at the moment: move load balancing info into the
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     consensus (should not be hard), implement something so that Tor
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     clients can fetch SDs on demand from routers along their circuit
-    while they are buliding it (described in the draft), and deal with
+    while they are building it (described in the draft), and deal with
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     exit selection. We're still developing ideas for the last part;
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     some possibilities are mentioned in the draft.</small></em>
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