
Due to volume of interest, we've decided to push back the deadlines for the GUI competition by 4 weeks: so the first deadline is Nov 30 2005, and the second deadline is Feb 28 2006.

We're excited to have just added Edward Tufte and Bruce Schneier to our already impressive list of judges. And don't forget the free T-shirt for every submission!

Tor: GUI Competition Overview

Tor is a decentralized network of computers on the Internet that increases privacy in Web browsing, instant messaging, and other applications. We estimate there are some 50,000 Tor users currently, routing their traffic through about 250 volunteer Tor servers on six continents. However, Tor's current user interface approach — running as a service in the background — does a poor job of communicating network status and security levels to the user.

The Tor project, affiliated with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, is running a GUI competition to develop a vision of how Tor can work in a user's everyday anonymous browsing experience. Some of the challenges include how to make alerts and error conditions visible on screen; how to let the user configure Tor to use or avoid certain routes or nodes; how to learn about the current state of a Tor connection, including which servers it uses; and how to find out whether (and which) applications are using Tor safely.


Submitters will produce either sketches for a suggested user interface, or a work of Open Source Software that will provide a user interface to the Tor system by way of the Tor Controller Protocol.

We are looking for a vision of how Tor can work in a user's everyday anonymous browsing experience.

Entries will:

In addition, they may:

Some examples of useful features include:

We're interested to see submissions that don't achieve all of the above goals -- if it's useful to Tor or Tor users in any way, please submit it!
