Legal Notes

By submitting your entry to be considered in the Tor GUI competition, you hereby:

(A) represent and warrant that (1) the entry was created by you and that you own all rights to the entry or have the authorized rights to submit such entry and grant the licenses below; and (2) that the entry does not infringe on any third party copyright or other intellectual property rights; AND

(B) EITHER (1) grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual license to reproduce, edit, perform, display, publish, make derivative works, and otherwise use the entry as we see fit, including without limitation, incorporating (in whole or in part) into the Tor software, and to sublicense such rights; OR, (2) provide the entry pursuant to a license that complies with the Open Source Definition, such as the 3-clause BSD, MIT, or GPL licenses, or (where applicable) provide the entry licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution license. If you provide the entry pursuant to such a license, you must include the applicable information in your submission.
