Marco Ricci Import initial project files

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

1) [build-system]
2) requires = ["hatchling"]
3) build-backend = "hatchling.build"
5) [project]
6) name = "derivepassphrase"
7) dynamic = ["version"]
8) description = "An almost faithful Python reimplementation of James Coglan's vault."
9) readme = "README.md"
10) requires-python = ">=3.11"
11) license = "MIT"
12) keywords = []
13) authors = [
14)   { name = "Marco Ricci", email = "m@the13thletter.info" },
15) ]
16) classifiers = [
17)   "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
18)   "Environment :: Console",
Marco Ricci Overhaul dependency and env...

Marco Ricci authored 3 months ago

19)   "License :: OSI-Approved :: MIT License",
Marco Ricci Import initial project files

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

20)   "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
21)   "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
22)   "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12",
23)   "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython",
24)   "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy",
25) ]
26) dependencies = [
Marco Ricci Overhaul dependency and env...

Marco Ricci authored 3 months ago

27)   "click>=8.1",
28) ]
30) [project.optional-dependencies]
31) dev = [
32)   "mkdocs",
33)   "mkdocstrings[python]",
34)   "pytest",
Marco Ricci Import initial project files

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

35) ]
37) [project.urls]
38) Documentation = "https://github.com/the-13th-letter/derivepassphrase#readme"
39) Issues = "https://github.com/the-13th-letter/derivepassphrase/issues"
40) Source = "https://github.com/the-13th-letter/derivepassphrase"
42) [project.scripts]
43) derivepassphrase = "derivepassphrase.cli:derivepassphrase"
45) [tool.mypy]
46) mypy_path = '$MYPY_CONFIG_FILE_DIR/src'
47) explicit_package_bases = true
48) implicit_reexport = false
49) sqlite_cache = true
51) [tool.pytest.ini_options]
52) addopts = '--doctest-modules'
53) pythonpath = ['src']
Marco Ricci Add unit tests, both new an...

Marco Ricci authored 3 months ago

54) testpaths = ['src', 'tests']
Marco Ricci Import initial project files

Marco Ricci authored 4 months ago

55) xfail_strict = true
57) [tool.hatch.version]
58) path = "src/derivepassphrase/__about__.py"
Marco Ricci Overhaul dependency and env...

Marco Ricci authored 3 months ago

60) [tool.hatch.env]
61) requires = [
62)   "hatch-mkdocs",
63) ]
65) [tool.hatch.env.collectors.mkdocs.docs]
66) path = "mkdocs.yml"