Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

2) # Based-On-Revision: 15334
3) # Last-Translator: djhasis(at]gmail.com
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

Roger Dingledine Add the Finnish pages and l...

Roger Dingledine authored 17 years ago

5) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Lataa" CHARSET="UTF-8"
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

7) <div class="main-column">
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

9) <h2>Tor-paketit</h2>
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

11) <hr />
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

13) <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
14) <thead>
15) <tr bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
16) <th>Alusta</th>
17) <th>Lataa vakaa</th>
18) <th>Lataa epävakaa</th>
19) <th>Ohje</th>
20) </tr>
21) </thead>
23) <tr>
24)   <td>
25)     Windows<br />
26)     <small><em>Vista, XP, 2000, 2003 Server, Millenium, 98SE</em></small>
27)   </td>
28)   <td>
29)     <a href="<package-win32-bundle-stable>"><version-win32-bundle-stable></a> (<a href="<package-win32-bundle-stable-sig>">sig</a>)
30)   </td>
31)   <td>
32)     <a href="<package-win32-bundle-alpha>"><version-win32-bundle-alpha></a> (<a href="<package-win32-bundle-alpha-sig>">sig</a>) <br />
33)     <a href="<package-win32-bundle-021>"><version-win32-bundle-021></a> (<a href="<package-win32-bundle-021-sig>">sig</a>)
34)   </td>
35)   <td>
36)     <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-windows>">Asenna &amp; -asetuksetohje</a>
37)   </td>
38) </tr>
40) <tr bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
41)   <td>
42)     Mac<br />
43)     <small><em>Universal Binary (OSX 10.4 &amp; 10.5)</em></small>
44)   </td>
45)   <td>
46)     <a href="<package-osx-bundle-stable>"><version-osx-bundle-stable></a> (<a href="<package-osx-bundle-stable-sig>">sig</a>)
47)   </td>
48)   <td>
49)     <a href="<package-osx-bundle-alpha>"><version-osx-bundle-alpha></a> (<a href="<package-osx-bundle-alpha-sig>">sig</a>) <br />
50)     <a href="<package-osx-bundle-021>"><version-osx-bundle-021></a> (<a href="<package-osx-bundle-021-sig>">sig</a>)
51)   </td>
52)   <td>
53)     <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-osx>">Asenna &amp; -asetuksetohje</a>
54)   </td>
55) </tr>
57) <tr>
58)   <td>
59)     Mac<br />
60)     <small><em>Vain PowerPC (OSX 10.3)</em></small>
61)   </td>
62)   <td>
63)     <a href="<package-oldosx-bundle-stable>"><version-oldosx-bundle-stable></a> (<a href="<package-oldosx-bundle-stable-sig>">sig</a>)
64)   </td>
65)   <td>
66)     <a href="<package-oldosx-bundle-alpha>"><version-oldosx-bundle-alpha></a> (<a href="<package-oldosx-bundle-alpha-sig>">sig</a>) <br />
67)     <a href="<package-oldosx-bundle-021>"><version-oldosx-bundle-021></a> (<a href="<package-oldosx-bundle-021-sig>">sig</a>)
68)   </td>
69)   <td>
70)     <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-osx>">Asenna &amp; -asetuksetohje</a>
71)   </td>
72) </tr>
74) <tr bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
75)   <td>
76)     Linux/Unix -paketit<br />
77)     <small><em>Redhat/CentOS, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE</em></small>
78)   </td>
79)   <td colspan="2">
80)     <a href="<page download-unix>">Linux/Unix -lataussivu</a>
81)   </td>
82)   <td>
83)     <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Asenna &amp; -asetuksetohje</a>
84)   </td>
85) </tr>
86) </table>
88) <br />
90) <p>
91) Mitä <a href="#packagediff">eroja on vakaalla &amp; epävakaalla</a>?
92) </p>
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

94) <p>Toria levitetään <a href="http://www.fsf.org/">vapaana ohjelmistona</a>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

95) <a href="<svnsandbox>LICENSE">kolmiehtoisen BSD-lisenssin</a> alaisena.The
96) bundles also include <a href="http://vidalia-project.net/">Vidalia</a>
97) and <a href="http://www.privoxy.org/">Privoxy</a>, which are supporting
98) applications distributed under the GNU GPL.
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

99) </p>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

101) <p>
102) Tor-ohjelman asentaminen on ilmaista ja Tor-verkon käyttö, mutta jos haluat Tor-ohjelman ja verkon kehittyvän nopeammaksi ja paremmin käytettäväksi, ole hyvä ja harkitse
103) <a href="<page donate>">tekemällä verovähennyskelpoisen lahjoituksen Tor-projektille</a>.
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

104) </p>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

106) <p>
107) Pysyäkseen ajan tasalla turvallisuusriskeistä ja uusista vakaista julkaisuista, voit ilmoittautua <a href="http://archives.seul.org/or/announce/">or-announce
108) -postituslistaan</a> (sähköpostilla saa varmistusviestin). You can also
109) <a href="http://rss.gmane.org/gmane.network.onion-routing.announce">watch
110) the list's RSS feed</a>.
111) </p>
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

113) <link rel="alternate" title="Tor Project OR-announce" href="http://rss.gmane.org/gmane.network.onion-routing.announce" type="application/rss+xml" />
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

115) <form action="http://freehaven.net/cgi-bin/majordomo.cgi">
116) <input type="hidden" name="mlist" value="or-announce">
117) <input type="hidden" name="subscribe" value="1">
118) <input type="hidden" name="host" value="freehaven.net">
119) <input name="email" size="15">
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

120) <input type="submit" value="ilmoittaudu or-announce -postituslistalle">
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

121) </form>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

123) <br />
125) <a id="Warning"></a>
126) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#Warning">Varoitus: Haluat Tor-ohjelman tosiaan toimimaan?</a></h2>
128) <p>
129) ...then please don't just install it and go on.  You need to change
130) some of your habits, and reconfigure your software!
131) Tor by itself is <em>NOT</em> all you need to maintain your anonymity.
132) There are several major pitfalls to watch out for:
133) </p>
135) <ol>
136) <li>
137) Tor only protects Internet applications that are configured to
138) send their traffic through Tor &mdash; it doesn't magically anonymize
139) all your traffic just because you install it.  We recommend you
140) use <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/firefox">Firefox</a> with the <a
141) href="https://torbutton.torproject.org/dev/">Torbutton</a> extension.
142) </li>
144) <li>
145) Browser plugins such as Java, Flash, ActiveX, RealPlayer,
146) Quicktime, Adobe's PDF plugin, and others can be manipulated
147) into revealing your IP address. You should probably
148) <a href="http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/faqs/uninstall.html">uninstall your
149) plugins</a>
150) (go to "about:plugins" to see what is installed), or investigate <a
151) href="https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1237/">QuickJava</a>, <a
152) href="https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/433/">FlashBlock</a>, and
153) <a href="http://noscript.net/">NoScript</a>
154) if you really need them. Consider removing extensions that look up
155) more information about the websites you type in (like Google toolbar),
156) as they may bypass Tor and/or broadcast sensitive information. Some
157) people prefer using two browsers (one for Tor, one for unsafe browsing).
158) </li>
160) <li>
161) Beware of cookies: if you ever browse without Tor and Privoxy
162) and a site gives you a cookie, that cookie could identify you even when
163) you start using Tor again. You should clear your cookies frequently. <a
164) href="https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/82/">CookieCuller</a> can help
165) protect any cookies you do not want to lose.
166) </li>
168) <li>
169) Tor anonymizes the origin of your traffic,
170) and it encrypts everything inside the Tor network, but <a
171) href="https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/TorFAQ#ExitEavesdroppers">it
172) can't encrypt your traffic between the Tor network and its final
173) destination.</a>
174) If you are communicating sensitive information, you should use as much
175) care as you would on the normal scary Internet &mdash; use HTTPS or other
176) end-to-end encryption and authentication.
177) </li>
179) <li>
180) While Tor blocks attackers
181) on your local network from discovering or influencing your destination,
182) it opens new risks: malicious or misconfigured Tor exit nodes can send
183) you the wrong page, or even send you embedded Java applets disguised as
184) domains you trust.
185) </li>
186) </ol>
188) <br />
189) <p>
190) Be smart and learn more. Understand what Tor does and does not offer.
191) This list of pitfalls isn't complete, and we need your
192) help <a href="<page volunteer>#Documentation">identifying and documenting
193) all the issues</a>.
194) </p>
196) <hr />
197) <br />
199) <a id="packagediff"></a>
200) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#packagediff">Mitä eroja on vakaalla &amp; epävakaalla</a></h2>
202) <p>
203) Stable packages are released when we believe the features and code will
204) not change for many months. These typically include a stable version of Vidalia, Privoxy, and Torbutton.
205) </p>
206) <p>
207) Unstable/Alpha packages are released so you can help us test new features and bugfixes. Even though they have a higher version number
208) than the stable versions listed above, there is a much higher chance of
209) serious reliability and security bugs in these downloads. Newer,
210) untested versions of Vidalia, Privoxy, and Torbutton are included in
211) these unstable package. Please be prepared to <a href="https://bugs.torproject.org/">report bugs</a>.
212) </p>
214) <a id="Dev"></a>
215) <h2><a class="anchor" href="#Dev">Expert Packages &amp; Source Code</a></h2>
217) <p>
218) Expert packages do not contain Vidalia.  Windows expert packages only
219) contain Tor.  In OSX, Privoxy and Torbutton are installed pre-configured
220) for you.  In all cases, you must configure Tor itself through your own editor.
221) </p>
223) <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

224) <thead>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

225) <tr bgcolor="e5e5e5">
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

226) <th>Alusta</th>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

227) <th>Lataa vakaa</th>
228) <th>Lataa epävakaa</th>
229) <th>Ohje</th>
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

230) </tr>
231) </thead>
233) <tr>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

234)   <td>
235)     Windows Browser Bundle (Contains Tor, Torbutton, Polipo, and Firefox)<br />
236)   </td>
237)   <td>
238)   </td>
239)   <td>
240) # Translators should link to the Browser Bundle for their language,
241) # e.g. Russian, Deutsch, etc.
242)     <a href="torbrowser/dist/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_en-US.exe">englanninkielinen</a> (<a href="torbrowser/dist/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundle>_en-US.exe.asc">sig</a>)
243)   </td>  
244)   <td>
245)     <a href="<page torbrowser/index>">Asenna &amp; -asetuksetohje</a>
246)   </td>
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

247) </tr>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

249) <tr bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
250)   <td>
251)     Windows (Sisältää vain Tor-ohjelman)<br />
252)     <small><em>Vista, XP, 2000, 2003 Server, Millenium, 98SE</em></small>
253)   </td>
254)   <td>
255)     <a href="<package-win32-stable>"><version-win32-stable></a> (<a href="<package-win32-stable-sig>">sig</a>)
256)   </td>
257)   <td>
258)     <a href="<package-win32-alpha>"><version-win32-alpha></a> (<a href="<package-win32-alpha-sig>">sig</a>) <br />
259)     <a href="<package-win32-021>"><version-win32-021></a> (<a href="<package-win32-021-sig>">sig</a>)
260)   </td>
261)   <td>
262)     <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-windows>">Asenna &amp; -asetuksetohje</a>
263)   </td>
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

264) </tr>
266) <tr>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

267)   <td>
268)     Mac (Sisältää Tor-ohjelman, Torbutton, ja Privoxy)<br />
269)     <small><em>Universal Binary (OSX 10.4 &amp; 10.5)</em></small>
270)   </td>
271)   <td>
272)     <a href="<package-osx-stable>"><version-osx-stable></a> (<a href="<package-osx-stable-sig>">sig</a>)
273)   </td>
274)   <td>
275)     <a href="<package-osx-alpha>"><version-osx-alpha></a> (<a href="<package-osx-alpha-sig>">sig</a>) <br />
276)     <a href="<package-osx-021>"><version-osx-021></a> (<a href="<package-osx-021-sig>">sig</a>)
277)   </td>
278)   <td>
279)     <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-osx>">Asenna &amp; -asetuksetohje</a>
280)   </td>
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

281) </tr>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

283) <tr bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
284)   <td>
285)     Mac (Sisältää Tor-ohjelman, Torbutton, ja Privoxy)<br />
286)     <small><em>Vain PowerPC (OSX 10.3)</em></small>
287)   </td>
288)   <td>
289)     <a href="<package-oldosx-stable>"><version-oldosx-stable></a> (<a href="<package-oldosx-stable-sig>">sig</a>)
290)   </td>
291)   <td>
292)     <a href="<package-oldosx-alpha>"><version-oldosx-alpha></a> (<a href="<package-oldosx-alpha-sig>">sig</a>) <br />
293)     <a href="<package-oldosx-021>"><version-oldosx-021></a> (<a href="<package-oldosx-021-sig>">sig</a>)
294)   </td>
295)   <td>
296)     <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-osx>">Asenna &amp; -asetuksetohje</a>
297)   </td>
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

298) </tr>
300) <tr>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

301)   <td>
302)     Linux/Unix -paketit (Sisältää vain Tor-ohjelman)<br />
303)     <small><em>Redhat/CentOS, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, SUSE</em></small>
304)   </td>
305)   <td colspan="2">
306)     <a href="<page download-unix>">Linux/Unix -lataussivu</a>
307)   </td>
308)   <td>
309)     <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-unix>">Asenna &amp; -asetuksetohje</a>
310)   </td>
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

311) </tr>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

313) <tr bgcolor="#e5e5e5">
314)   <td>
315)     Source tarballs<br />
316)     <kbd>./configure &amp;&amp; make &amp;&amp; src/or/tor</kbd>
317)   </td>
318)   <td>
319)     <a href="<package-source-stable>"><version-stable></a> (<a href="<package-source-stable-sig>">sig</a>)
320)   </td>
321)   <td>
322)     <a href="<package-source-alpha>"><version-alpha></a> (<a href="<package-source-alpha-sig>">sig</a>) <br />
323)     <a href="<package-source-021>"><version-021></a> (<a href="<package-source-021-sig>">sig</a>)
324)   </td>
325)   <td>
326)   </td>
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

328) </tr>
329) </table>
331) <br />
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

333) <p>
334) See our <a href="https://wiki.torproject.org/noreply/TheOnionRouter/VerifyingSignatures">FAQ
335) entry on verifying package signatures</a>, which allows
336) you to make sure you've downloaded the file we intended you to get.
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

337) </p>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

339) <p>
340) Katso ohjeet <a href="<page documentation>#Developers">kehittäjien ohjeesta</a> saadakseen ohjeita lataakseen uusimman kehitysversion Tor-ohjelman SVN-tietokannasta.
341) Voit myös lataa <a href="dist/">Privoxyn lähdekoodin</a> tai <a
342) href="dist/vidalia-bundles/?C=M;O=D">Vidalian lähdekoodin</a>.
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

343) </p>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

345) <p>
346) If you have trouble downloading Tor from this site, here is a <a
347) href="<page mirrors>">list of sites mirroring the Tor site</a>.
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

348) </p>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

350) <a id="ChangeLog"></a>
351) <a id="Stable"></a>
352) <a id="Testing"></a>
353) <p>
354) For a list of what has changed in each stable Tor release, see the
355) <a href="<svnsandbox>ReleaseNotes">ReleaseNotes</a>. For a list of
356) changes in both stable and development versions, see the
357) <a href="<svnsandbox>ChangeLog">ChangeLog</a>.
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

358) </p>
Mfr Maintenance Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

360) </div><!-- #main -->
Andrew Lewman Add Finnish translation of...

Andrew Lewman authored 17 years ago

362) #include <foot.wmi>