Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
Roger Dingledine looks like we never set the...

Roger Dingledine authored 13 years ago

2) # Revision: $Revision$
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

3) # Translation-Priority: 3-low
5) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: Contact" CHARSET="UTF-8"
7) <div id="content" class="clearfix">
8) 	<div id="breadcrumbs">
Andrew Lewman change all of the breadcrum...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

9)     <a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
Andrew Lewman increase max img width, lin...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

10)     <a href="<page about/overview>">About &raquo; </a>
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

11)     <a href="<page about/contact>">Contact</a>
12)   </div>
13)   <div id="maincol">
14)     <h2>Tor: Contact</h2>
Andrew Lewman add a menu listing of conta...

Andrew Lewman authored 12 years ago

15)     <ul>
Andrew Lewman replace projects with conta...

Andrew Lewman authored 11 years ago

16)     <li><a href="#support">Support</a></li>
Roger Dingledine turn the anchors into links

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

17)     <li><a href="#irc">IRC</a></li>
Nima Fatemi Add twitter to contact page.

Nima Fatemi authored 9 years ago

18)     <li><a href="#twitter">Twitter</a></li>
Roger Dingledine move email farther down the...

Roger Dingledine authored 8 years ago

19)     <li><a href="#email">Email</a></li>
Andrew Lewman add mailing address.

Andrew Lewman authored 10 years ago

20)     <li><a href="#mail">Mailing Address</a></li>
Sebastian Hahn Add note about security issues

Sebastian Hahn authored 9 years ago

21)     <li><a href="#security">Security Issues</a></li>
Andrew Lewman add a menu listing of conta...

Andrew Lewman authored 12 years ago

22)     </ul>
Andrew Lewman get some work done on the n...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

Andrew Lewman replace projects with conta...

Andrew Lewman authored 11 years ago

24)     <a id="support"></a>
Andrew Lewman fix the h3 bracket.

Andrew Lewman authored 11 years ago

25)     <h3><a class="anchor" href="#support">Support</a></h3>
Andrew Lewman replace projects with conta...

Andrew Lewman authored 11 years ago

Roger Dingledine resurrect the support secti...

Roger Dingledine authored 8 years ago

27)     <!--
Runa A. Sandvik update contact info, list t...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 11 years ago

28)      <p><i>help@rt.torproject.org</i> is the address to use for
29)     questions about all things Tor, volunteering, and offering
30)     resources. This is best effort service with no guarantees. We
Runa A. Sandvik add non-english support add...

Runa A. Sandvik authored 11 years ago

31)     generally respond within 48 hours. For support in other languages,
32)     try:</p>
34)     <ul>
35)       <li><i>help-ar@rt.torproject.org</i> for Arabic</li>
36)       <li><i>help-es@rt.torproject.org</i> for Spanish</li>
37)       <li><i>help-fa@rt.torproject.org</i> for Farsi</li>
38)       <li><i>help-fr@rt.torproject.org</i> for French</li>
39)       <li><i>help-zh@rt.torproject.org</i> for Mandarin</li>
40)     </ul>
Sukhbir Singh Update Contact page

Sukhbir Singh authored 8 years ago

41)     -->
Andrew Lewman replace projects with conta...

Andrew Lewman authored 11 years ago

Roger Dingledine resurrect the support secti...

Roger Dingledine authored 8 years ago

43)     <p>If you have questions about using Tor:</p>
44)     <ol>
45)     <li>Read through the <a href="<page docs/faq>">FAQ</a> and the
46)     <a href="<page docs/documentation>">documentation</a>.</li>
47)     <li>See if your question is asked or answered on our
Roger Dingledine be more explicit that users...

Roger Dingledine authored 8 years ago

48)     <a href="https://tor.stackexchange.com/">StackExchange page</a>. If
49)     it isn't, please consider asking it there! Then everybody else can
50)     benefit from your question and the answer to it.</li>
Roger Dingledine resurrect the support secti...

Roger Dingledine authored 8 years ago

51)     <li>Join the <a href="#irc">#tor irc channel</a>, state the issue,
52)     and wait patiently for help.</li>
53)     <li>Read through the archives of the
54)     <a href="<page docs/documentation>#MailingLists">mailing lists</a>
55)     to see if anybody else has raised your issue recently. Note that
56)     you need to subscribe to the mailing lists before you can post.</li>
57)     </ol>
59)     <p>If you find your answer, please stick around to contribute back
60)     and help others who were once in your position.</p>
Damian Johnson Adding project summaries an...

Damian Johnson authored 13 years ago

62)     <a id="irc"></a>
Roger Dingledine turn the anchors into links

Roger Dingledine authored 12 years ago

63)     <h3><a class="anchor" href="#irc">IRC</a></h3>
Andrew Lewman wrap the text bodies in par...

Andrew Lewman authored 13 years ago

64)     <p>Tor users and developers can also be found in the following channels on <a
65)     href="http://www.oftc.net/oftc/">OFTC</a>:</p>
Andrew Lewman replace projects with conta...

Andrew Lewman authored 11 years ago

Damian Johnson Adding IRC channels to the...

Damian Johnson authored 13 years ago

67)     <ul>
Roger Dingledine make clear that #tor is for...

Roger Dingledine authored 8 years ago

68)       <li><i>#tor</i> - For questions about using Tor (as a client, as
69)       a relay, as an onion service). Having trouble running Tor or have
70)       a question for other Tor users? Then this is the spot for you.</li>
Damian Johnson Adding IRC channels to the...

Damian Johnson authored 13 years ago

71)       <li><i>#tor-dev</i> - Channel for people who want to do development.
Robert Ransom Fix minor typos

Robert Ransom authored 13 years ago

72)       Discussions about Tor-related coding, protocols, and <a href="<page
Damian Johnson Adding IRC channels to the...

Damian Johnson authored 13 years ago

73)       getinvolved/volunteer>">project ideas</a> are all welcome.</li>
Roger Dingledine make clear that #tor is for...

Roger Dingledine authored 8 years ago

74)       <li><i>#tor-project</i> - Organization discussions unrelated to
75)       software development. A great place to discuss Tor community events,
Matt Pagan Introducing the tor-project...

Matt Pagan authored 10 years ago

76)       outreach, translation, or website improvements.</li>
Damian Johnson Adding IRC channels to the...

Damian Johnson authored 13 years ago

77)     </ul>
Andrew Lewman replace projects with conta...

Andrew Lewman authored 11 years ago

Nima Fatemi Add twitter to contact page.

Nima Fatemi authored 9 years ago

79)     <a id="twitter"></a>
80)     <h3><a class="anchor" href="#twitter">Twitter</a></h3>
Nima Fatemi adding @torproject_fa to th...

Nima Fatemi authored 9 years ago

81)     <p>Follow us on Twitter:
82) 	<ul>
83) 	  <li>English account: <a href="https://twitter.com/TorProject">@TorProject</a></li>
84)     	  <li>Farsi (Persian) account: <a href="https://twitter.com/torproject_fa">@TorProject_fa</a></li>
85) 	</ul>
86)     </p>
Nima Fatemi Add twitter to contact page.

Nima Fatemi authored 9 years ago

Roger Dingledine move email farther down the...

Roger Dingledine authored 8 years ago

88)     <a id="email"></a>
89)     <h3><a class="anchor" href="#email">Email</a></h3>
90)     <p>If you have Tor questions, please try to help yourself via the
91)     above support venues. Please don't use these contact addresses
92)     for helpdesk or user requests &mdash; we all get too much mail and
93)     we won't be able to help you there.</p>
95)     <ul>
96)       <li><i>donations@torproject.org</i> is for questions and comments about <a
97)       href="<page donate/donate>">getting money to the developers</a>. More
98)       donations means <a href="<page docs/faq>#Funding">more
99)       Tor</a>. We're happy to help think about creative ways for you
100)       to contribute.</li>
101)       <li><i>execdir@torproject.org</i> is for questions and comments about
102)       Tor the non-profit corporation: trademark questions, affiliation
103)       and coordination, major gifts, contract inquiries, licensing and
104)       certification, etc.</li>
105)     </ul>
Andrew Lewman add mailing address.

Andrew Lewman authored 10 years ago

107)     <a id="mail"></a>
108)     <h3><a class="anchor" href="#mail">Mailing Address</a></h3>
Roger Dingledine change our postal address i...

Roger Dingledine authored 8 years ago

109)     <p>Should you need to reach us via old-fashioned mail, our mailing
110)     address is:</p>
111) <address>The Tor Project<br>
112) 217 1st Ave South #4903<br>
Roger Dingledine make the address more readable

Roger Dingledine authored 8 years ago

113) Seattle, WA 98194 USA<br><br>
Roger Dingledine change our postal address i...

Roger Dingledine authored 8 years ago

114) </address>
Andrew Lewman add mailing address.

Andrew Lewman authored 10 years ago

Sebastian Hahn Add note about security issues

Sebastian Hahn authored 9 years ago

116)     <a id="security"></a>
117)     <h3><a class="anchor" href="#security">Security Issues</a></h3>
118)     <p>If you found a security issue in one of our projects or our
119)     infrastructure, please email the respective maintainer. You can find
120)     their GPG fingerprint/key on our <a
121)     href="https://db.torproject.org">developer ldap search page</a>. Due
122)     to the many different projects we have, we do not offer a single
123)     list for security issues.
Andrew Lewman first cut of the new, shiny...

Andrew Lewman authored 14 years ago

125)   </div>
126)   <!-- END MAINCOL -->
127)   <div id = "sidecol">
128) #include "side.wmi"
129) #include "info.wmi"
130)   </div>
131)   <!-- END SIDECOL -->
132) </div>
133) <!-- END CONTENT -->