Peter Palfrader Move website to wml

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml  1) ## translation metadata
Peter Palfrader In CVS the magic keyword is...

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml  2) # Revision: $Revision$
Roger Dingledine first cut of moving to ren'...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html    3) 
Peter Palfrader Move website to wml

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml  4) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="An anonymous Internet communication system"
Thomas Sjögren Missed a line when updating...

Thomas Sjögren authored 19 years ago

index.html    5) 
Roger Dingledine first cut of moving to ren'...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html    6) <!-- SIDEBAR (OPTIONAL) -->
index.html    7) <div class="sidebar">
Peter Palfrader Make local links point to t...

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml  8) <a href="<page download>"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/download_tor.png" alt="Download Tor" /></a>
Roger Dingledine first cut of moving to ren'...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html    9) 
index.html   10) <br />
index.html   11) 
Peter Palfrader Make local links point to t...

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 12) <a href="<page overview>"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/how_tor_works_thumb.png" alt="How Tor Works" /></a>
Roger Dingledine cut out much of the front p...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 13) <!--
Roger Dingledine add the eff donate button

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   14) <div class="donatebutton">
index.html   15) <a href="http://secure.eff.org/tor">Support Tor by giving to EFF</a>
index.html   16) </div>
Roger Dingledine cut out much of the front p...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 17) -->
Roger Dingledine link to the gui competition...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

index.html   18) <div class="donatebutton">
Peter Palfrader Move website to wml

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 19) <a href="gui/">Want a better Tor GUI?</a>
Roger Dingledine link to the gui competition...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

index.html   20) </div>
Roger Dingledine add the eff donate button

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   21) 
Roger Dingledine first cut of moving to ren'...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   22) </div>
index.html   23) <!-- END SIDEBAR -->
index.html   24) 
index.html   25) <div class="main-column">
index.html   26) 
index.html   27) <!-- PUT CONTENT AFTER THIS TAG -->
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   28) 
Roger Dingledine website fixes suggested by...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   29) <h2>Tor: An anonymous Internet communication system</h2>
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   30) 
index.html   31) <p>
Nick Mathewson Incorporate changes from Sh...

Nick Mathewson authored 19 years ago

index.html   32) Tor is a toolset for a wide range of organizations and people that want
Roger Dingledine try out some new frontpage...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   33) to improve their safety and security on the Internet. Using Tor can help
index.html   34) you anonymize web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, SSH,
Roger Dingledine link to the new docs, move...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

index.html   35) and other applications that use the TCP protocol. Tor also provides a
index.html   36) platform on which software developers can build new applications with
index.html   37) built-in anonymity, safety, and privacy features.
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   38) </p>
index.html   39) 
Roger Dingledine website patches from annalee

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   40) <p>
Andrew Lewman Removed TCP/IP statements b...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

index.html   41) Your traffic is safer when you use Tor, because communications
Peter Palfrader Make local links point to t...

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 42) are bounced around a distributed network of servers, called
Roger Dingledine cut out much of the front p...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 43) <a href="<page overview>">onion routers</a>.
en/index.wml 44) Tor's technology aims to provide Internet users with protection against
en/index.wml 45) "traffic analysis," a form of network surveillance that threatens personal
en/index.wml 46) anonymity and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships,
en/index.wml 47) and state security.
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   48) </p>
index.html   49) 
index.html   50) <p>
Roger Dingledine cut out much of the front p...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 51) Instead of looking at the content of your communications, traffic analysis
en/index.wml 52) tracks where your data goes and when, as well as how much is sent.
en/index.wml 53) <!--
en/index.wml 54) For example, online advertising companies like Doubleclick use traffic
en/index.wml 55) analysis to record what web pages you've visited, and can build a
en/index.wml 56) profile of your interests from that. A pharmaceutical company could
en/index.wml 57) use traffic analysis to monitor when the research wing of a competitor
en/index.wml 58) visits its website, and track what pages or products that interest the
en/index.wml 59) competitor. IBM hosts a searchable patent index, and it could keep a list
en/index.wml 60) of every query your company makes. A stalker could use traffic analysis
en/index.wml 61) to learn whether you're in a certain Internet cafe.
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   62) </p>
index.html   63) 
Roger Dingledine website patches from annalee

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   64) <p>
Roger Dingledine cut out much of the front p...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 65) -->
en/index.wml 66) Tor aims to make traffic analysis more difficult by preventing websites,
en/index.wml 67) eavesdroppers, and even the onion routers themselves from tracing your
en/index.wml 68) communications online. This means Tor lets you decide whether to identify
en/index.wml 69) yourself when you communicate.
Roger Dingledine try out some new frontpage...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   70) </p>
index.html   71) 
index.html   72) <p>
index.html   73) Tor's security is improved as its user base grows and as
Peter Palfrader Make local links point to t...

Peter Palfrader authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 74) more people volunteer to run servers.  Please consider
Roger Dingledine cut out much of the front p...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 75) <a href="<page volunteer>">volunteering your time</a> or
en/index.wml 76) <a href="<cvssandbox>tor/doc/tor-doc-server.html">volunteering your bandwidth</a>.
Nick Mathewson Apply strunk&white, clarify...

Nick Mathewson authored 19 years ago

index.html   77) And remember that this is development code&mdash;it's not a good idea to rely
Roger Dingledine website patches from annalee

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   78) on the current Tor network if you really need strong anonymity.
Roger Dingledine cut out much of the front p...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 79) </p>
en/index.wml 80) 
en/index.wml 81) <p><b>We are now actively looking for new sponsors and funders.</b>
en/index.wml 82) The Tor project was launched by <a href="http://freehaven.net/">The Free
en/index.wml 83) Haven Project</a> in 2002. In the past, Tor development was funded
en/index.wml 84) by contracts with the <a href="http://www.nrl.navy.mil/">Naval
en/index.wml 85) Research Lab</a> (inventor of onion routing) and the <a
en/index.wml 86) href="http://www.eff.org/">Electronic Frontier Foundation</a> (who still
en/index.wml 87) kindly hosts our website). Sponsors of Tor get personal attention,
en/index.wml 88) better support, publicity (if they want it), and get to influence the
en/index.wml 89) direction of our research and development!
Roger Dingledine website patches from annalee

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   90) </p>
Roger Dingledine first cut of new website

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   91) 
index.html   92)   </div><!-- #main -->
Roger Dingledine first cut of moving to ren'...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

index.html   93) 
Roger Dingledine cut out much of the front p...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

en/index.wml 94) <!--
en/index.wml 95) <a href="http://www.eff.org/"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/eff_badge.png" alt="Tor development has been supported by EFF" /></a>
en/index.wml 96) <a href="http://www.onion-router.net/"><img src="$(IMGROOT)/onr-logo.jpg" alt="Tor development has been supported by ONR" /></a>
en/index.wml 97) -->
Roger Dingledine link to the new docs, move...

Roger Dingledine authored 18 years ago

index.html   98)