Andrew Lewman Updated it html docs.

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

1) <!-- revision 0.01 -->
Andrew Lewman Created the directory, forg...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

2) <!-- biofa@circolab.net -->
3) <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
4) "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
6) <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
7) <head>
8)   <title>Tor: Developers</title>
9)   <meta name="Author" content="Roger Dingledine" />
10)   <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
11)   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css" />
12)   <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
13) </head>
15) <body>
le@svn.torproject.org added banner HTML changes t...

le@svn.torproject.org authored 19 years ago

19) <div class="center">
Andrew Lewman Created the directory, forg...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

21) <table class="banner" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
22)     <tr>
23)         <td class="banner-left"></td>
24)         <td class="banner-middle">
25)             <a href="index.it.html">Home</a>
26)           | <a href="howitworks.it.html">Come Funziona</a>
27)           | <a href="download.it.html">Scarica</a>
28)           | <a href="documentation.it.html">Docs</a>
29)           | <a href="users.it.html">Utenti</a>
30)           | <a href="faq.it.html">Faq</a>
Andrew Lewman updated all pages to point...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

31)           | <a href="volunteer.it.html">Contribuire</a>
Andrew Lewman Updated it html docs.

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

32)           | <a class="current">Sviluppo</a>
Andrew Lewman Created the directory, forg...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

33)           | <a href="research.it.html">Ricerca</a>
34)           | <a href="people.it.html">Persone</a>
35)         </td>
Andrew Lewman Updated all /de/ and /it/ t...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

36) 	<td class="banner-right">
37) 		<a href="/"><img src="/images/en.png" border="0" alt="English"></a>
Roger Dingledine and the italian how are tho...

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

38) 		<a href="/index.it.html"><img src="/images/it.png" border="0" alt="Italiano"></a>
39) 		<a href="/index.de.html"><img src="/images/de.png" border="0" alt="Deutsch"></a> 
Andrew Lewman Updated all /de/ and /it/ t...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

40) 	</td>
Andrew Lewman Created the directory, forg...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

41)     </tr>
42) </table>
46) <div class="main-column">
Andrew Lewman Updated it html docs.

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

47) <p>Questa traduzione non &egrave; stata controllata dagli sviluppatori di Tor
Andrew Lewman Created the directory, forg...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

48) e da EFF. Pu&ograve; risultare non attuale o sbagliata. Il sito ufficiale di
49) Tor &egrave; in Inglese, all'indirizzo http://tor.eff.org/</p>
Andrew Lewman Updated it html docs.

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

51) <h2>Tor: Sviluppatori</h2>
52) <hr />
53) <p>Sfoglia il <b>reporitorio CVS</b> di Tor: (che non necessariamente
54) &egrave; funzionante)</p>
Andrew Lewman Created the directory, forg...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

55) <ul>
Andrew Lewman Updated it html docs.

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

56) <li><a href="cvs/">cvs sandbox regolarmente aggiornato</a></li>
57) <li><a href="http://cvs.seul.org/viewcvs/viewcvs.cgi/?root=tor">Vai al CVS</a></li>
58) <li>accesso anonimo al pserver (la password &egrave; guest):
Andrew Lewman Created the directory, forg...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

59) <ul>
Andrew Lewman Updated it html docs.

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

60) <li>Crea una cartella vuota ed entraci.</li>
Andrew Lewman Created the directory, forg...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

61) <li>cvs -d :pserver:guest@cvs.seul.org:/home/or/cvsroot login</li>
62) <li>cvs -d :pserver:guest@cvs.seul.org:/home/or/cvsroot co tor</li>
Andrew Lewman Updated it html docs.

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

63) <li>cd tor; ./autogen.sh; make; make install se ti va.</li>
Roger Dingledine fix the cvs tag thing better

Roger Dingledine authored 19 years ago

64) <li>(use "co -r tor-0_1_1_4_alpha tor" to fetch a particular version.)</li>
65) <li>(To check out the maintenance branch, use -r tor-0_1_0-patches)</li>
Andrew Lewman Created the directory, forg...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

66) </ul>
67) </li>
68) </ul>
70) <p>
Andrew Lewman Updated it html docs.

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

71) Leggi la <a href="cvs/tor/doc/HACKING">Guida del codice sorgente di Tor</a> per 
72) una panoramica su files e componenti del sistema.
Andrew Lewman Created the directory, forg...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

73) </p>
75) <p>
Andrew Lewman Updated it html docs.

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

76) <a href="cvs/tor/doc/TODO">La lista di cose di cui gli sviluppatori sanno di dover fare</a>.
Andrew Lewman Created the directory, forg...

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

77) </p>
79) <p>
Andrew Lewman Updated it html docs.

Andrew Lewman authored 19 years ago

80) Il progetto <a href="http://anon.inf.tu-dresden.de/index_en.html">Java Anon
81) Proxy (JAP)</a> ha implementato un protocollo Tor nel loro 
82) client. Presto ne saprete di pi&ugrave;.