Mfr Add a French page

Mfr authored 15 years ago

1) ## translation metadata
Mfr Maintenance French Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

2) # Based-On-Revision: 15985
Mfr Add a French page

Mfr authored 15 years ago

3) # Last-Translator: mfr(ät]
5) #include "head.wmi" TITLE="Torbutton - Basculez rapidement sur le réseau Tor avec Firefox" CHARSET="UTF-8"
7) <div class="main-column">
11) <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Google Canada" href="search/google-ca.xml">
12) <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Google UK" href="search/google-uk.xml">
13) <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="Google USA" href="search/google-us.xml">
14) <script>
16) function addSearchProvider(prov) {
18) try {
19) window.external.AddSearchProvider(prov);
20) }
22) catch (e) {
23) alert("Search plugins require Firefox 2");
24) return;
25) }
26) }
28) function addEngine(name,ext,cat,pid)
29) {
30)   if ((typeof window.sidebar == "object") && (typeof window.sidebar.addSearchEngine == "function")) {
31)     window.sidebar.addSearchEngine(
32)       "" + pid + "/" + name + ".src",
33)       "" + pid + "/" + name + "."+ ext, name, cat );
34)   } else {
35)     alert("You will need a browser which supports Sherlock to install this plugin.");
36)   }
37) }
39) function addOpenSearch(name,ext,cat,pid,meth)
40) {
41)   if ((typeof window.external == "object") && ((typeof window.external.AddSearchProvider == "unknown") || (typeof window.external.AddSearchProvider == "function"))) {
42)     if ((typeof window.external.AddSearchProvider == "unknown") && meth == "p") {
43)       alert("This plugin uses POST which is not currently supported by Internet Explorer's implementation of OpenSearch.");
44)     } else {
45)       window.external.AddSearchProvider(
46)         "" + pid + "/" + name + ".xml");
47)     }
48)   } else {
49)     alert("You will need a browser which supports OpenSearch to install this plugin.");
50)   }
51) }
53) function addOpenSearch2(name,ext,cat,pid,meth)
54) {
55)   if ((typeof window.external == "object") && ((typeof window.external.AddSearchProvider == "unknown") || (typeof window.external.AddSearchProvider == "function"))) {
56)     if ((typeof window.external.AddSearchProvider == "unknown") && meth == "p") {
57)       alert("This plugin uses POST which is not currently supported by Internet Explorer's implementation of OpenSearch.");
58)     } else {
59)       window.external.AddSearchProvider(
60)         "" + name + ".xml");
61)     }
62)   } else {
63)     alert("You will need a browser which supports OpenSearch to install this plugin.");
64)   }
65) }
67) function install (aEvent)
68) {
69)   var params = {
70)     "Torbutton": { URL:,
71)              Hash:"hash"),
72)              toString: function () { return this.URL; }
73)     }
74)   };
75)   InstallTrigger.install(params);
77)   return false;
78) }
81) </script>
83) <h2>Torbutton</h2>
84) <hr>
86) <strong>Version Actuelle:</strong><version-torbutton><br/>
87) <br/>
88) <strong>Auteurs:</strong> Scott Squires &amp; Mike Perry<br>
89) <strong>Courriel:</strong> squires at freehaven dot net, mikeperry (o) fscked/org<br/>
90) <br/>
91) <strong>Installation:</strong> 
92) <a href=""
93)   hash="<version-hash-torbutton>"
94)   onclick="return install(event);">Local (Javascript verified)</a><br/>
95) <strong>Versions antérieures:</strong> <a href="releases/">Local</a><br/>
96) <strong>Documentation de Développement:</strong> <a href="design/">Torbutton Design Document</a> et <a href="design/MozillaBrownBag.pdf">Slides (Not actively updated)</a><br/>
97) <strong>Extras:</strong> 
99) Complément de recherche Google pour
101) <a href="/jsreq.html" title="Ref: 14938 (googleCA)"
102)  onClick="addOpenSearch('GoogleCanada','ico','General','14937','g');return false">Google CA</a>, et 
104) <a href="/jsreq.html" title="Ref: 14938 (googleCA)"
105)  onClick="addOpenSearch('googleuk_web','png','General','14445','g');return false">Google UK</a>.
106) <br/>
107) <!--
108) <strong>Install:</strong> <a href="torbutton-1.0.4.xpi">torbutton-1.0.4.xpi</a><br/>
109) -->
Mfr Maintenance French Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

110) <strong>Source:</strong> Vous pouvez <a href="">parcourir le référenciel</a> ou simplement dezipper le xpi.
Mfr Add a French page

Mfr authored 15 years ago

111) <br/>
112) <strong>Rapports de Bogues:</strong> <a href="">Torproject flyspray</a><br/>
Mfr Maintenance French Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

113) <strong>Documents:</strong> <b>[</b> <a href="#FAQ">FAQ</a> <b>|</b> <a href="">changelog</a> <b>|</b> <a href="">licence</a> <b>|</b> <a href="">crédits</a> <b>]</b><br/>
Mfr Add a French page

Mfr authored 15 years ago

114) <h2>Présentation</h2>
115) <p>
Mfr Maintenance French Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

116) Torbutton est un moyen en 1-click pour les utilisateurs de Firefox d'activer
117)  ou de désactiver l'utilisation de <a href="<page index>">Tor</a> dans le 
118) 	navigateur. Il ajoute un panneau à la barre d'état qui dit "Tor Enabled" 
119) 	(en vert) or "Tor Désactivé" (en rouge). L'utilisateur peut cliquer sur le
120)  panneau pour changer de statut. Si l'utilisateur (ou une autre extension)
121)  modifie les paramètres de proxy, le changement est automatiquement pris en
122)  compte dans la barre d'état.
123) 	</p>
124) <p>
125) Certains utilisateurs peuvent préfèrer un bouton dans la barre d'outils au 
126) lieu d'un panneau d'état. Ce bouton est inclus, et l'on ajoute à la barre
127)  d'outils en cliquant avec le bouton droit sur la barre d'outils souhaitée, 
128) 	en sélectionnant "Personnaliser ...", puis en faisant glisser l'icône 
129) 	Torbutton sur la barre d'outils. Il y a une option dans les préférences 
130) 	pour cacher le panneau d'état (Outils-&gt; Modules complémentaires, 
131) 	sélectionnez Torbutton, et cliquez sur Préférences).
132) 	</p>
Mfr Add a French page

Mfr authored 15 years ago

133) <p>
Mfr Maintenance French Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

134) Les nouveaux Firefoxs ont la capacité d'envoyer les requêtes DNS à travers le proxy SOCKS, et Torbutton fera usage de cette fonctionnalité si elle est disponible dans votre version de Firefox.
Mfr Add a French page

Mfr authored 15 years ago

135) </p>
137) <a id="FAQ"></a><h2>FAQ</h2>
139) <strong>I can't click on links or hit reload after I toggle Tor! Why?</strong>
140) <p>
142) Due to <a href="">Firefox
143) Bug 409737</a>, pages can still open popups and perform Javascript redirects
144) and history access after Tor has been toggled. These popups and redirects can
145) be blocked, but unfortunately they are indistinguishable from normal user
146) interactions with the page (such as clicking on links, opening them in new
147) tabs/windows, or using the history buttons), and so those are blocked as a
148) side effect. Once that Firefox bug is fixed, this degree of isolation will
149) become optional (for people who do not want to accidentally click on links and
150) give away information via referrers). A workaround is to right click on the
151) link, and open it in a new tab or window. The tab or window won't load
152) automatically, but you can hit enter in the URL bar, and it will begin
153) loading. Hitting enter in the URL bar will also reload the page without
154) clicking the reload button.
156) </p>
158) <strong>My browser is in some weird state where nothing works right!</strong>
159) <p>
161) Try to disable Tor by clicking on the button, and then open a new window. If
162) that doesn't fix the issue, go to the preferences page and hit 'Restore
163) Defaults'. This should reset the extension and Firefox to a known good
164) configuration.  If you can manage to reproduce whatever issue gets your
165) Firefox wedged, please file details at <a
166) href="">the
167) bug tracker</a>.
169) </p>
171) <strong>When I toggle Tor, my sites that use javascript stop working. Why?</strong>
172) <p>
173) Javascript can do things like wait until you have disabled Tor before trying
174) to contact its source site, thus revealing your IP address. As such, Torbutton
175) must disable Javascript, Meta-Refresh tags, and certain CSS behavior when Tor
176) state changes from the state that was used to load a given page. These features 
177) are re-enabled when Torbutton goes back into the state that was used to load
178) the page, but in some cases (particularly with Javascript and CSS) it is
179) sometimes not possible to fully recover from the resulting errors, and the
180) page is broken. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do (and still remain
181) safe from having your IP address leak) is to reload the page when you toggle
182) Tor, or just ensure you do all your work in a page before switching tor state.
183) </p>
186) <strong>When I use Tor, Firefox is no longer filling in logins/search boxes
187) for me. Why?</strong>
188) <p>
189) Currently, this is tied to the "<b>Block history writes during Tor</b>"
190) setting. If you have enabled that setting, all formfill functionality (both
191) saving and reading) is disabled. If this bothers you, you can uncheck that
192) option, but both history and forms will be saved. To prevent history
193) disclosure attacks via Non-Tor usage, it is recommended you disable Non-Tor
194) history reads if you allow history writing during Tor.
195) </p>
198) <strong>Which Firefox extensions should I avoid using?</strong>
199) <p>
201) This is a tough one. There are thousands of Firefox extensions: making a
202) complete list of ones that are bad for anonymity is near impossible. However,
203) here are a few examples that should get you started as to what sorts of
204) behavior are dangerous.
206) <ol>
207)  <li>StumbleUpon, et al</li>
208)  These extensions will send all sorts of information about the websites you
209)  visit to the stumbleupon servers, and correlate this information with a
210)  unique identifier. This is obviously terrible for your anonymity.
211)  More generally, any sort of extension that requires registration, or even
212)  extensions that provide information about websites you visit should be
213)  suspect.
215)  <li>FoxyProxy</li>
217) While FoxyProxy is a nice idea in theory, in practice it is impossible to
218) configure securely for Tor usage without Torbutton. Like all vanilla third
219) party proxy plugins, the main risks are <a
220) href="">plugin leakage</a>
221) and <a href="">history
222) disclosure</a>, followed closely by cookie theft by exit nodes and tracking by
223) adservers (see the <a href="design/index.html#adversary">Torbutton Adversary
224) Model</a> for more information). However, even with Torbutton installed in
225) tandem and always enabled, it is still very difficult (though not impossible)
226) to configure FoxyProxy securely. Since FoxyProxy's 'Patterns' mode only
227) applies to specific urls, and not to an entire tab, setting FoxyProxy to only
228) send specific sites through Tor will still allow adservers to still learn your
229) real IP. Worse, if those sites use offsite logging services such as Google
230) Analytics, you may still end up in their logs with your real IP. Malicious
231) exit nodes can also cooperate with sites to inject images into pages that
232) bypass your filters. Setting FoxyProxy to only send certain URLs via Non-Tor
233) is much more viable, but be very careful with the filters you allow. For
234) example, something as simple as allowing *google* to go via Non-Tor will still
235) cause you to end up in all the logs of all websites that use Google Analytics!
236) See <a href="">this
237) question</a> on the FoxyProxy FAQ for more information.
239)  <li>NoScript</li>
240)  Torbutton currently mitigates all known anonymity issues with Javascript.
241)  While it may be tempting to get better security by disabling Javascript for
242)  certain sites, you are far better off with an all-or-nothing approach.
243)  NoScript is exceedingly complicated, and has many subtleties that can surprise
244)  even advanced users. For example, verifies extension
245)  integrity via Javascript over https, but downloads them in the clear. Not 
246)  adding it to your whitelist effectively
247)  means you are pulling down unverified extensions. Worse still, using NoScript
248)  can actually disable protections that Torbutton itself provides via
249)  Javascript, yet still allow malicious exit nodes to compromise your
250)  anonymity via the default whitelist (which they can spoof to inject any script  they want). 
252) </ol>
254) </p>
256) <strong>Which Firefox extensions do you recommend?</strong>
257) <p>
258) <ol>
259)  <li><a href="">RefControl</a></li>
260)  Mentioned above, this extension allows more fine-grained referrer spoofing
261) than Torbutton currently provides. It should break less sites than Torbutton's
262) referrer spoofing option.
263)  <li><a href="">SafeCache</a></li>
264)  If you use Tor excessively, and rarely disable it, you probably want to
265) install this extension to minimize the ability of sites to store long term
266) identifiers in your cache. This extension applies same origin policy to the
267) cache, so that elements are retrieved from the cache only if they are fetched
268) from a document in the same origin domain as the cached element. 
269) </ol>
271) </p>
273) <strong>Are there any other issues I should be concerned about?</strong>
274) <p>
276) There is currently one known unfixed security issue with Torbutton: it is
277) possible to unmask the javascript hooks that wrap the Date object to conceal
278) your timezone in Firefox 2, and the timezone masking code does not work at all
279) on Firefox 3. We are working with the Firefox team to fix one of <a
280) href="">Bug 399274</a> or
281) <a href="">Bug 419598</a>
282) to address this. In the meantime, it is possible to set the <b>TZ</b>
283) environment variable to <b>UTC</b> to cause the browser to use UTC as your
284) timezone. Under Linux, you can add an <b>export TZ=UTC</b> to the
285) /usr/bin/firefox script, or edit your system bashrc to do the same. Under
286) Windows, you can set either a <a
287) href="">User or System Environment
288) Variable</a> for TZ via My Computer's properties. In MacOS, the situation is
289) <a
290) href="">a
291) lot more complicated</a>, unfortunately.
293) </p>
295) <p>
297) In addition, RSS readers such as Firefox Livemarks can perform
298) periodic fetches. Due to <a
299) href="">Firefox Bug
300) 436250</a>, there is no way to disable Livemark fetches during Tor. This can
301) be a problem if you have a lot of custom Livemark urls that can give away
302) information about your identity.
304) </p>
Mfr Maintenance French Translation

Mfr authored 15 years ago

306) <h2>Description des Options</h2>